ovarian cancer

23april Member Posts: 1
G'Day http://csn.cancer.org/node/add/forum/0#everyone, my name's April this time last year I was told I had ovarian cancer, in one month my tummy grow so much it looked like that I was having twins.
So scary at the time, i had cancer on one of my ovaries and a tumor which weighed 13kgs.
They took both my ovaries, a month later I had 4 cycles of chemo which wasn't nice but you do anything when you want to be well.
In a few days I will be celebrating my 66 birthday, I am now cancer free but still have my 3 monthly blood test, when I had the tumor my blood marker was 3465, it is now 9, they tell me anything under 35 is normal.
Only joined today.
Cheers all.


  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    That's a great number, AND a wonderful milestone!

    Just curious why they didn't do a complete hysterectomy. Did you have a gynecologic/oncologist? And the 4 cycles - carbo and taxol?

    By the way, my daughter's name is April. We love that name! Means NEW LIFE and BREATH OF SPRING! Have a wonderful NED day

    Hugs & Prayers,
  • Mwee
    Mwee Member Posts: 1,338 Member
    Welcome, April
    Happy 1st anniversary after diagnosis and Happy B-day as well. We often say around here that birthdays take on a new meaning after such life altering events like cancer. I'm glad you found your way to our "group".
    (((HUGS))) Maria
  • LaundryQueen
    LaundryQueen Member Posts: 676
    Mwee said:

    Welcome, April
    Happy 1st anniversary after diagnosis and Happy B-day as well. We often say around here that birthdays take on a new meaning after such life altering events like cancer. I'm glad you found your way to our "group".
    (((HUGS))) Maria

    Welcome to the discussion board and thank you for being an inspiration to us all.