Your port - general, sedation or just local?

BioAdoptMom Member Posts: 358
What did you have if you have a port, when you got it placed? I do not do well with general anesthesia (severe nausea, takes a long time to wake up, etc.) so if I don't have to have it, I don't want it. Twilight sleep would be OK because I had that when I had my re-excision and it seemed to wear off pretty fast with no nausea. I have heard others have done this with a local and been fine and being able to get in and out so much quicker, with no grogginess does appeal to me. I don't do well with needles and procedures, but only on the inside (blood pressure, shaking, etc., but no outward signs of being upset or in pain). So, is that doable or do you recommend more than that? Please tell me what method of pain relief you had and if you had to do it over, would you do it that way again?




  • Hippiechick58
    Hippiechick58 Member Posts: 320
    I had mine placed when I had
    I had mine placed when I had my surgery (DMX) My surgeon told me that I have to have it taken out in the O.R. Don't know why, but that is what she said. Good luck with your placement!

  • Cinkal
    Cinkal Member Posts: 161
    I was given a light twilight
    I was given a light twilight anesthesia. I was aware what was going on , but groggy and in and out of sleep. I had to be awake, because several times during the procedure he had me hold my breath. I was also given a twilight anesthesia for my lumpectomy, but it put me all the way out. There must be different levels or doses of twilight. I had no problem coming out of the port surgery, it took longer with the lumpectomy. I walked out of the room, went down to the cafeteria and ate lunch before my first chemo infusion.

    Good luck to you
  • tgf
    tgf Member Posts: 950 Member
    Cinkal said:

    I was given a light twilight
    I was given a light twilight anesthesia. I was aware what was going on , but groggy and in and out of sleep. I had to be awake, because several times during the procedure he had me hold my breath. I was also given a twilight anesthesia for my lumpectomy, but it put me all the way out. There must be different levels or doses of twilight. I had no problem coming out of the port surgery, it took longer with the lumpectomy. I walked out of the room, went down to the cafeteria and ate lunch before my first chemo infusion.

    Good luck to you

    out like a light
    I was out like a light when I had my port inserted. I'm such a big weenie! General anesthesia for me!

  • skipper54
    skipper54 Member Posts: 936 Member
    no general
    I just had sedation and local and talked to them the whole time. They said I did so well I didn't even have to spend time in recovery. I should clarify that it was the 2nd attempt. I have wierd blood vessels and it wouldn't go in right when the surgeon tried it. (That was local and sedation too but I slept through that one only to wake up hearing that my blood pressure had spiked and he was done.) The intervention radiologist put was the one who ultimately put it in using his special scanner. He's the one I tlaked to the whole time.
  • jamiegww
    jamiegww Member Posts: 384
    I used to get severe nausea.....
    from anesthesia but the last few times I have been "put under" they used a small patch which I don't remember what it's called but it took care of the problem. I didn't have any nausea at all with the patch on. When the anethesiologist comes to see you before your procedure, make sure you tell them about the nausea. They don't want you getting sick either because it complicates things for them. Good luck and keep us posted.
  • pinkflutterby
    pinkflutterby Member Posts: 615 Member
    jamiegww said:

    I used to get severe nausea.....
    from anesthesia but the last few times I have been "put under" they used a small patch which I don't remember what it's called but it took care of the problem. I didn't have any nausea at all with the patch on. When the anethesiologist comes to see you before your procedure, make sure you tell them about the nausea. They don't want you getting sick either because it complicates things for them. Good luck and keep us posted.

    twilight here too, I
    twilight here too, I remember being in the room and them talking but could of cared less!
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    I probably had a mild twilight when it was placed but I was totally awake when it was removed. They asked me what I preferred.
    {{hugs}} Char
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    "Knocked out'
    I am very hard to keep 'knocked out' but I was during implantation. I did wake up in OR in time to see surgeon's back walk out the door and got sent to "Dress, Eat, Out of Here" - no 'Recovery'.

    We are all so unique. Talk to your Drs about your concerns and get input abut how they feel.

  • BioAdoptMom
    BioAdoptMom Member Posts: 358
    Rague said:

    "Knocked out'
    I am very hard to keep 'knocked out' but I was during implantation. I did wake up in OR in time to see surgeon's back walk out the door and got sent to "Dress, Eat, Out of Here" - no 'Recovery'.

    We are all so unique. Talk to your Drs about your concerns and get input abut how they feel.


    It doesn't sound like using
    It doesn't sound like using a local only is very common, so I guess I ask about them doing the twilight or sedation with me, though I really would prefer twilight. Sedation makes me feel more out of control because I can see and hear what is going on, but have no control over things.
