How many of you have been stuck in bed during treatment or recovery and have watched shows that u wo



  • sweetblood22
    sweetblood22 Member Posts: 3,228
    staceya said:

    I did the exact same thing
    I did the exact same thing with the lists..I still have to conquer hamburgers and steak!
    Coscto's veggie burgers are eating one right now, covered in mustard for slide..

    Veggie burger
    I tried a veggie burger the other day. It was ok and I got about 3/4 of it down and I gave up trying to eat the rest after an hour and a half.
  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member
    TV and reading...
    I did watch all the ER re-runs. I had a lot of trouble with commercials when I was on the anti-nausea meds. Emend, Zofran and compazine made me kind of crazy, and the flashing lights and rapid images in commercials made me dizzy.

    I recall this one trip into town for treatment, with my mother-in-law driving... She seemed to be speaking so very loudly and quickly, and she was not paying attention to our curvy mountain roads. We were all over the road and she was gesturing wildly with one ancient arthritic hand that kept flashing back and forth in front of my face... I had to cover my eyes. I thought I was going to die for sure.

    Other than that, I re-read the entire Harry Potter sequence in order, and came to the realization that the author was a really uneven and inconsistent writer. Easier to see the flaws and gaps in logic when you read them together.
