Do you ever ask God for a sign.....
My sign is my my life, I am breathing..VickiSam said:Great advise .. Miss Balentine .. I think like many others
I want a sign .. a very big, bold sign ..
Vicki SAm
I am still here. It's been two years since dx and over a year since my last chemo, I am NED. I am blessed and hope the lord continues to hear my prayers and those of my circle, for I have lived a life of giving, laughter and humanity, and wish to continue to do so. I have a lot left to do in this world and now is not the time to bow out!
Yes...I have....but you have to be open to see....look at the details, the answers are powerful, and only you know its directed towards you.0 -
I think I just had a, sorry, just my hungry stomach growling! ;-)
**sidles away under a Cloak of Invisibility, +1 Stealth**0 -
"Sign, sign, everywhere a sign"stayingcalm said:Hey
I think I just had a, sorry, just my hungry stomach growling! ;-)
**sidles away under a Cloak of Invisibility, +1 Stealth**
From the beginning of man's recorded history on this planet he has been seeking divinement and hope through that which he cannot understand, from the making of gods of clusters of stars to finding omens portentous and ominous in meteorites, comets, and both solar and lunar eclipses. Perhaps the most egregious sin of those charlatans who profess to be religious leaders is their willingness to invent 'signs' to promote their agendas...the taking of folks' money.
Not to disparage people of faith, but it is oh so easy to create 'signs' out of thin air when one is striving to find hope in the midst of fear and despair. And that is what a lot of us do.
Whatever works.
Take care,
Joe0 -
Do this don't do that can't you read the sign...soccerfreaks said:"Sign, sign, everywhere a sign"
From the beginning of man's recorded history on this planet he has been seeking divinement and hope through that which he cannot understand, from the making of gods of clusters of stars to finding omens portentous and ominous in meteorites, comets, and both solar and lunar eclipses. Perhaps the most egregious sin of those charlatans who profess to be religious leaders is their willingness to invent 'signs' to promote their agendas...the taking of folks' money.
Not to disparage people of faith, but it is oh so easy to create 'signs' out of thin air when one is striving to find hope in the midst of fear and despair. And that is what a lot of us do.
Whatever works.
Take care,
You DO remember the 60's Joe. Are you sure you were there ;-)
I think there can be signs in everyday life that may or may not come from divine places. I was just telling one of my sons how one day at work, about 4 years ago, a coworker asked me what my phone extension was like 2-3 times throughout the day. That was strange because his office was almost right across from mine. Anyway, he kept getting it wrong so on a whim I played the number he kept thinking it was for the pick-4 lottery. I usually do not play the lottery in general (unless it's $75 million or more - what good is ONLY $50 million anyway...) and it's even rarer for me to play a pick-4. So I played it straight and boxed and it came out boxed and I won about $275. While it was divine I don't think it was in the biblical sense. Although the state begat me $275.
Sometimes for fun I will stop at a TV evangelist station and listen until I can't stand it any more. It is amazing how often God speaks to these guys (and some gals) and tells them to tell the viewing audience to send money. And they do say that God spoke to me or God told me.
You should see what I do for a bad time...
-phil0 -
hi friendunknown said:This comment has been removed by the Moderator
i was diagonse in sept 11 2009 of having arae lung cancer from the skin basal cell carcinomafrom skin i had a few burned and frozen of through the years.their has only bee three hundre case in the world iam the frist for it to mestatised to the came from a skin cancer on the back of my leg.they sayed they got it all the fristntime.then it came back two more times.and yes god has been go to me there is know treatment for mime they have a clinic trail for every where else excetthis fink my cancer cancer doctorsaid it brother was like this in youre system for 18 ten dear friend .i feel like gos answed my prays along time ago.he is my creatorand as sucks,he knows when he will come and get us with out a doutb.i beleive with all my heart my work isnt done.either,but yes i ask and their is mircals everyday knowing he lets u live onw more day on heart.but i see it as asurvial that god hase let me have.i would enjoy takeing to u he loves us all and if i where to die to night i would be in heaven with him.happy singing and know he is my god forevere. cool490 -
hi friendNana b said:Thumbs Up, it's me............
When I go, I am coming back to give you all a sign that there is life after death. If I am allowed :-)I am going to post a "thumps ups."
Thumps Up, it's me.............
i like that ideal all my parents are died and my baby brother and norma my sister law all of them died of lung cancerecept tone and she died of colam my baby brother died at 40 of melemoyon skin mom died in 1998 brother 2000 dad 2004 and norma 2007.i was diasonges in 2009 of a rare skin cancer to lungs that came from my right leg basal cell carcinma went to my legs.but i love my god and there is know cure are clinic trails for it .i use to worry and i made up my mine god is the almight.he is my creator, we have a season to be born and a season that we died and i love my love and with all my heart and soul.i have a great family that takes care of me and have a great friend base that helps me out i have a son and a geratson that take care of me and friends and most of all god.and yes if i where to die tonight iam ready to go home withngod.i andi want u to let me know but after mon allen and dad died,i was so lost cryed all the time and i rember me asking god how my family was and i was sleepling on right side.and tears comimg dow my face and their they all three where togetherand they all smiled and mom said we are all toghther so dont work there is a place that god said they wold be and i haved dreamed know more about them.u keep the good fight up and send me a thumbs up.cool490 -
Hi there,
I would like to tell you a quick story of a sign that jesus is watching over my daugher. My 13yr old daughter was diagnosed with a golfball size tumor in her cerrebellum. Just before her surgery I had a priest come give her the "anointing of the sick" blessing. That is where the lords hands are working with the surgeons hands throughout the surgery. The surgery took 9 hours and then she was brought back to her PICU room. After about 2 hours when all the pain med wore off from surgery, she asked me why I was touching her head?, I told her that i wasn't touching her head. She then asked me who it was touching her head and again I told her there wasn't anyone touching her head. I truely believe that Jesus was still touching her head.
One more quick story. The day my daughter had come home from her 2nd surgery it was raining like cats and dogs outside. I went out on my deck, lifted my hands in the air and said" God if you are really real I need you to show me that you are. I need something to keep me going. Well low and behold for just 1 second, the sky opened up enough for the sun to shine rays of light on me. I smiled and the sky closed and continued to rain. Thats all I needed and now My faith in God is even stronger. I believe that if you have real faith in him and that you ask him to heal you, he will hear. Evil tries very hard to get us, but the word of the lord has the greatest power0 -
Your Daughtermomsworld said:Hi there,
I would like to tell you a quick story of a sign that jesus is watching over my daugher. My 13yr old daughter was diagnosed with a golfball size tumor in her cerrebellum. Just before her surgery I had a priest come give her the "anointing of the sick" blessing. That is where the lords hands are working with the surgeons hands throughout the surgery. The surgery took 9 hours and then she was brought back to her PICU room. After about 2 hours when all the pain med wore off from surgery, she asked me why I was touching her head?, I told her that i wasn't touching her head. She then asked me who it was touching her head and again I told her there wasn't anyone touching her head. I truely believe that Jesus was still touching her head.
One more quick story. The day my daughter had come home from her 2nd surgery it was raining like cats and dogs outside. I went out on my deck, lifted my hands in the air and said" God if you are really real I need you to show me that you are. I need something to keep me going. Well low and behold for just 1 second, the sky opened up enough for the sun to shine rays of light on me. I smiled and the sky closed and continued to rain. Thats all I needed and now My faith in God is even stronger. I believe that if you have real faith in him and that you ask him to heal you, he will hear. Evil tries very hard to get us, but the word of the lord has the greatest power
Thanks be to God! His grace is amazing, I rely on it every day and He never lets me down. God's peace to you and your child. Beverly0 -
hmmmmm.stayingcalm said:Hey
I think I just had a, sorry, just my hungry stomach growling! ;-)
**sidles away under a Cloak of Invisibility, +1 Stealth**
hmmmmm.0 -
My favourite definition of the word 'coincidence'Hondo said:Nana
That is a very powerful testimony, it could be just nothing more then a coincident or maybe God showing you the way, I prefer the later of them both being I don’t believe in coincident. God knows his children and leads there path in life.
I don't know where I read this but it sure works for me. The definition of coincidence is "God's way of remaining anonymous'. lol. I love that. Just thought I would share that.
Bluerose0 -
Me too LorrieBalentine said:So amazing at the ways God answers our prayers
I usually don't ask God for 'signs'....I may sometimes ask Him to close a door and open another and to direct my steps. Yet God in His mercy has over the years done both. He always gives us more than what we ask for and answers our prayers in ways we could never have imagined only to let us know that it is Him. In one situation, after years of praying about it, God showed me one confirmation after another to prove to me that He was working this thing out from the very beginning but I never saw it until about 6 years later. He is so awesome and His ways are truly higher than ours and past finding out! Praise God and be blessed.
I don't really ask for 'signs' perse but rather I ask to be able to recognize doors that I need to see as opened and the right path. Right now for instance I am trying to find another apartment as my managers here are just awful to tenants and have made it more difficult for me as a disabled woman rather than easier.
I have a hard time getting around to see apartments so I have asked for doors to open as to which way to go and which ones to see. I think that being opened to hearing and seeing clues that lead you down the right path is crutial and in our busy life there is too much noise and distraction to sometimes be able to recognize the 'signs' when they occur. That's why meditation is so good, it requires that you take time to be at rest, quiet, and more easily able to hear the signs or recognize when it's time to turn left or right or just stay still for a bit. Going with the flow I feel is part of all of that tuning in and if you force any issues or struggle to hard to find an answer it's probably the wrong direction. The right directions always seem to come so easily.
I wish I were far more tuned in because I know I miss alot and have gotten away from meditation and this topic is a reminder to me to get back there and quiet my mind so I can recognize the 'signs' when they occur.
Thanks for the great topic.
Bluerose0 -
That's so trueA simply man said:hello
Yes...I have....but you have to be open to see....look at the details, the answers are powerful, and only you know its directed towards you.
When you get an answer to your requests for a sign or help the answers are always powerful and you feel that big time. I know that many times when I ask for help or am just struggling with something I very often turn on the tv and boom, there is something on that answers my question - no doubt about it. It has happened over and over again and it's obvious that it's the answers. That powerful feeling is there each time. Amazing stuff.
All the best
Bluerose0 -
I think that....bluerose said:Me too Lorrie
I don't really ask for 'signs' perse but rather I ask to be able to recognize doors that I need to see as opened and the right path. Right now for instance I am trying to find another apartment as my managers here are just awful to tenants and have made it more difficult for me as a disabled woman rather than easier.
I have a hard time getting around to see apartments so I have asked for doors to open as to which way to go and which ones to see. I think that being opened to hearing and seeing clues that lead you down the right path is crutial and in our busy life there is too much noise and distraction to sometimes be able to recognize the 'signs' when they occur. That's why meditation is so good, it requires that you take time to be at rest, quiet, and more easily able to hear the signs or recognize when it's time to turn left or right or just stay still for a bit. Going with the flow I feel is part of all of that tuning in and if you force any issues or struggle to hard to find an answer it's probably the wrong direction. The right directions always seem to come so easily.
I wish I were far more tuned in because I know I miss alot and have gotten away from meditation and this topic is a reminder to me to get back there and quiet my mind so I can recognize the 'signs' when they occur.
Thanks for the great topic.
You will find a great place, with a nice little patio for that great blue rose!0 -
I think that....bluerose said:Me too Lorrie
I don't really ask for 'signs' perse but rather I ask to be able to recognize doors that I need to see as opened and the right path. Right now for instance I am trying to find another apartment as my managers here are just awful to tenants and have made it more difficult for me as a disabled woman rather than easier.
I have a hard time getting around to see apartments so I have asked for doors to open as to which way to go and which ones to see. I think that being opened to hearing and seeing clues that lead you down the right path is crutial and in our busy life there is too much noise and distraction to sometimes be able to recognize the 'signs' when they occur. That's why meditation is so good, it requires that you take time to be at rest, quiet, and more easily able to hear the signs or recognize when it's time to turn left or right or just stay still for a bit. Going with the flow I feel is part of all of that tuning in and if you force any issues or struggle to hard to find an answer it's probably the wrong direction. The right directions always seem to come so easily.
I wish I were far more tuned in because I know I miss alot and have gotten away from meditation and this topic is a reminder to me to get back there and quiet my mind so I can recognize the 'signs' when they occur.
Thanks for the great topic.
You will find a great place, with a nice little patio for that great blue rose!0 -
Our eyes are open yet we fail to seebluerose said:Me too Lorrie
I don't really ask for 'signs' perse but rather I ask to be able to recognize doors that I need to see as opened and the right path. Right now for instance I am trying to find another apartment as my managers here are just awful to tenants and have made it more difficult for me as a disabled woman rather than easier.
I have a hard time getting around to see apartments so I have asked for doors to open as to which way to go and which ones to see. I think that being opened to hearing and seeing clues that lead you down the right path is crutial and in our busy life there is too much noise and distraction to sometimes be able to recognize the 'signs' when they occur. That's why meditation is so good, it requires that you take time to be at rest, quiet, and more easily able to hear the signs or recognize when it's time to turn left or right or just stay still for a bit. Going with the flow I feel is part of all of that tuning in and if you force any issues or struggle to hard to find an answer it's probably the wrong direction. The right directions always seem to come so easily.
I wish I were far more tuned in because I know I miss alot and have gotten away from meditation and this topic is a reminder to me to get back there and quiet my mind so I can recognize the 'signs' when they occur.
Thanks for the great topic.
Great Post. I agree with many here that "signs" are everywhere and our everyday, distracted, mental state keeps us from noticing them. Only when we ask do we start to "look" for them and eventualy see them. Sometimes under duress, things become clearer and we notice things other people look right past. Here is an example.
My Father passed away in 1965 at the age of 41. He and my mother were high school sweethearts and eventually married. After my father came home from the Korean war (disabled) he and my mom raised six kids (not really raised since four of us were under 10 years old when he died). My parents only dated each other before marriage and my mom never dated after he passed away. She continued her motherly duties working and raising six kids on her own, never losing her faith or hope that they would be reunited some day. Thirty years later she was diagnosed with brain cancer and was ill for only six months before succumbing to it. Her last few days were spent at hospice and we, her family, had a difficult time accepting her fate. I, in particular, was having a hard time being the baby of the family, and she being the only parent I had ever known. My own wife was very sick with a difficult pregnancy and I was splitting time between work, going to hospice and caring for my wife. The second day of driving to hospice I was distraught and trying to make sense of everything I popped a tape in my car stereo and this song played. It was an "unpopular" song on a mix tape my brother had made many years earlier and when I heard it that day it forever changed my outlook on my mother's situation. I no longer saw my mother as only leaving us and dying but in moving on in existence. I had a feeling of peace and acceptance that I still feel today sixteen years later. I was still sad at my loss but felt contentment at the same time. When my mom died it was beutifully peacefull and she actually smiled. This song still brings tears to my eyes but they are not sad tears just mixed emotions and memories. The lyrics are below but the song has to be heard to get the feeling of it. When I had heard this song before, it had no meaning and made no sense but put into the context that my distraught mind interpreted it I now understood it.
I have no idea what the song is really about but I saw this as a song from my father to my mother that finally after thirty years they would be together again and while life may end, Love goes on....
James Taylor, Believe it or Not
Believe it or not, I've been waiting for you to come through, love of my life.
Believe it or not, I've been waiting for you to come through, love of my life.
And though the hour grew later and later, I would hold on for one more heartbeat.
While my friends around me were calling, "today, today, today, today."
As strange as it seems, I remember your face from before, believe it or not.
Before you and I were washed up on this alien shore, as strange as that seems
Though the hour grew later and later, still I'd hold on for one more heartbeat.
While my friends around me were calling, "today, today, today, today."
Today the world seems brighter. Light and bright and right somehow.
I could not have held on tighter, waiting for the past to come to pass, no.
Once in a dream I've seen myself through your eyes, this you should know.
Wading the stream that flows in between you and I, once in a dream.
And though the hour grew later and later, I would hold on for one more heartbeat.
While my friends around me were calling, "today, today, today, today
Here is the link....
Sorry for the long post but maybe someone else will get comfort from this too.
CJ0 -
I've never asked for a sign . . .
but I always expect big things from my bigger God. This is an account of my most recent unsolicited 'sign' from God regarding my first follow-up PET scan post treatment in early March . . .
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