What were the first words out of your mouth after getting diagnosed?



  • Katz77
    Katz77 Member Posts: 598
    My cancer was very high on
    My cancer was very high on my chest at the 12 o'clock position. Very lumpy and irregular, growing as I watched tv. So I kind of figured "cancer". When confirmed, offically, said "sucks being me". Then started to cry. My aunt was diagnosised at she same age as I was (48) with lymphoma. Died at 50, same age as I am now. Was thinking how sad. Life was just starting for us. Kids grown, making plans for little adventures, grandkids just coming into the picture. It still makes me so sad that cancer can do that to anyone at anytime. Have 3 friends in the last yr to be diagnosised. Its like reliving the first time again. Cancer sucks. Katz
    Bless us all.
  • Katz77
    Katz77 Member Posts: 598
    My cancer was very high on
    My cancer was very high on my chest at the 12 o'clock position. Very lumpy and irregular, growing as I watched tv. So I kind of figured "cancer". When confirmed, offically, said "sucks being me". Then started to cry. My aunt was diagnosised at she same age as I was (48) with lymphoma. Died at 50, same age as I am now. Was thinking how sad. Life was just starting for us. Kids grown, making plans for little adventures, grandkids just coming into the picture. It still makes me so sad that cancer can do that to anyone at anytime. Have 3 friends in the last yr to be diagnosised. Its like reliving the first time again. Cancer sucks. Katz
    Bless us all.
  • Katz77
    Katz77 Member Posts: 598
    My cancer was very high on
    My cancer was very high on my chest at the 12 o'clock position. Very lumpy and irregular, growing as I watched tv. So I kind of figured "cancer". When confirmed, offically, said "sucks being me". Then started to cry. My aunt was diagnosised at she same age as I was (48) with lymphoma. Died at 50, same age as I am now. Was thinking how sad. Life was just starting for us. Kids grown, making plans for little adventures, grandkids just coming into the picture. It still makes me so sad that cancer can do that to anyone at anytime. Have 3 friends in the last yr to be diagnosised. Its like reliving the first time again. Cancer sucks. Katz
    Bless us all.
  • Katz77
    Katz77 Member Posts: 598
    My cancer was very high on
    My cancer was very high on my chest at the 12 o'clock position. Very lumpy and irregular, growing as I watched tv. So I kind of figured "cancer". When confirmed, offically, said "sucks being me". Then started to cry. My aunt was diagnosised at she same age as I was (48) with lymphoma. Died at 50, same age as I am now. Was thinking how sad. Life was just starting for us. Kids grown, making plans for little adventures, grandkids just coming into the picture. It still makes me so sad that cancer can do that to anyone at anytime. Have 3 friends in the last yr to be diagnosised. Its like reliving the first time again. Cancer sucks. Katz
    Bless us all.
  • anniem123
    anniem123 Member Posts: 19
    I was home and my Dr called
    I was home and my Dr called and said "You have cancer". I went numb and I hung the phone up on him. I was alone and all I could think about was what was going to happen to me. I preceded to cry for the rest of the day and night. I was 44 yrs old, alone and unemployed. Thank God for my mom. She went to all the dr appointments with me and asked all the right questions. I couldn't or wouldn't listen to any of it. It has been 1 year and I still remember the day like it was yesterday
  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member
    anniem123 said:

    I was home and my Dr called
    I was home and my Dr called and said "You have cancer". I went numb and I hung the phone up on him. I was alone and all I could think about was what was going to happen to me. I preceded to cry for the rest of the day and night. I was 44 yrs old, alone and unemployed. Thank God for my mom. She went to all the dr appointments with me and asked all the right questions. I couldn't or wouldn't listen to any of it. It has been 1 year and I still remember the day like it was yesterday

    Reading these it seems like so many have been called with the DX.What I don't understand is most of you would probably want someone with you but most of you didn't have anyone. I did make the decision to go alone but it was my choice.I could have asked my husband sister or a friend but I knew the doctor would be there and I wanted to be strong. Since I had a 6 week wait i guess I was prepared but really upset it was ignored.That is why I was happy with non invasive. That helped me alot.

    IMO I think a phone call is kinda a put off thing.Sorta tacky when it is such a serious horrible and scary disease.I guess I kinda feel it was a non chalant sorta thing to do to a patient.

    Lynn Smith
  • ms.sunshine
    ms.sunshine Member Posts: 707 Member

    Reading these it seems like so many have been called with the DX.What I don't understand is most of you would probably want someone with you but most of you didn't have anyone. I did make the decision to go alone but it was my choice.I could have asked my husband sister or a friend but I knew the doctor would be there and I wanted to be strong. Since I had a 6 week wait i guess I was prepared but really upset it was ignored.That is why I was happy with non invasive. That helped me alot.

    IMO I think a phone call is kinda a put off thing.Sorta tacky when it is such a serious horrible and scary disease.I guess I kinda feel it was a non chalant sorta thing to do to a patient.

    Lynn Smith

    I found the lump went to my gyn who sent me for a mammo, and ultrasound. He called, I was home by myself.

    Dr: Sorry to tell you the lump is malignant.
    me: What the hell does that mean, malignant? Does that mean cancer?
    dr: yes you have cancer.
    me: no the hell I don't, you are wrong, you have my tests mixed up with someone elses. You
    are a good dr., but this time you are wrong. I can't have cancer, I did everything
    right not to get cancer. No way.
    dr: I'm sending you to a surgeon. Who do you prefer?
    me: I don't know, who keeps a list of surgeons lying around just in case you may need one.
    I don't get sick, I don't know any surgeons. You pick for me.

    When all the tests were run, and the drs. convinced me I must have cancer, I told my oncologist well lets get on with it. The faster I begin the faster I can finish.
  • em h
    em h Member Posts: 23

    I do? Really? Don't know
    I do? Really? Don't know why I said that because it's not as if the surgeon was going to say, "No, I'm just kidding!"


    Oops. Please excuse me while I figure out how to post.
  • em h
    em h Member Posts: 23
    kit kat said:

    I cried and cried in my lap, in Doc's office, and drove home with cloudy vision and I thought to myself ,this is the end of my life, and I wanted to steer my wheel over the bridge. I am a chicken. To this day I go to bed thinking please don't let me wake up.Bc chemo ended sept 29 10 Part of my life now at 50 years old. I see 95 year old people that look better than me Depressing.

    hey kit kat
    I am new here and having trouble posting correctly. I want to reply to kit kat to say I know how you feel. I feel exactly that way which is why I ended up at this forum tonight. I turned 50 years old a few days after my fourth chemo round. It's hard not to feel that life is over or that you skipped from young straight to old with no middle age. I'm so sorry, kit kat.

    I knew I had cancer the second I touched the lump in my breast. It felt like nothing I'd ever touched before. I didn't call my doctor right away. First I cleaned my apartment. I didn't just straighten up, I cleaned that sucker raw, I cleaned stuff that was in boxes, then re-boxed it, then threw the boxes away.

    The radiologist looked at the scan and said, "I'll be damned if that's not cancer". I said, "Now what?"
  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member

    I found the lump went to my gyn who sent me for a mammo, and ultrasound. He called, I was home by myself.

    Dr: Sorry to tell you the lump is malignant.
    me: What the hell does that mean, malignant? Does that mean cancer?
    dr: yes you have cancer.
    me: no the hell I don't, you are wrong, you have my tests mixed up with someone elses. You
    are a good dr., but this time you are wrong. I can't have cancer, I did everything
    right not to get cancer. No way.
    dr: I'm sending you to a surgeon. Who do you prefer?
    me: I don't know, who keeps a list of surgeons lying around just in case you may need one.
    I don't get sick, I don't know any surgeons. You pick for me.

    When all the tests were run, and the drs. convinced me I must have cancer, I told my oncologist well lets get on with it. The faster I begin the faster I can finish.

    WOW pink sisters
    we have all come such a long way, this thread made me cry,smile and
    realize how lucky I am to have you. Often times you are like a mirror
    to me. I know something is bothering me, and I can't put my finger on
    it then I come here and someone put in the most eloquent words and
    I realize that is exactly how I have been feeling.

    Sending you my love, always
  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    aysemari said:

    WOW pink sisters
    we have all come such a long way, this thread made me cry,smile and
    realize how lucky I am to have you. Often times you are like a mirror
    to me. I know something is bothering me, and I can't put my finger on
    it then I come here and someone put in the most eloquent words and
    I realize that is exactly how I have been feeling.

    Sending you my love, always

    Though many of us
    Though many of us had a rough beginning with this diagnosis, we found our way here where we can get so much understanding. I was awake last night because I was switching from my work schedule back to my day schedule for the weekend. It always is an adjustment for me. I was laying in the bed praying this. "God, even though I have cancer, I am extremely blessed. I know now what aspects of life are important and can focus on them. I have a good group of individuals I have not met yet through the CSN discussion board. For this I am greatful."

    It has been said before in another post that this group is powerful. Indeed it is. Probably more powerful than we realize. With God's power and the power of this group of wonderful people, I am going to kick cancer's A$$. We shall march on to victory together!
  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member

    Though many of us
    Though many of us had a rough beginning with this diagnosis, we found our way here where we can get so much understanding. I was awake last night because I was switching from my work schedule back to my day schedule for the weekend. It always is an adjustment for me. I was laying in the bed praying this. "God, even though I have cancer, I am extremely blessed. I know now what aspects of life are important and can focus on them. I have a good group of individuals I have not met yet through the CSN discussion board. For this I am greatful."

    It has been said before in another post that this group is powerful. Indeed it is. Probably more powerful than we realize. With God's power and the power of this group of wonderful people, I am going to kick cancer's A$$. We shall march on to victory together!

    "I knew it"
    Those were my words. Got the call at home. All of this breast stuff was going on at the same time as my uterine stuff. The serious, yet warm looks and empathy of the radiologist (woman) doing my breast biopsy caused me to believe she thought it was breast cancer even though she assured me it could be a number of non-cancerous things. Two days prior I had received the endometrial cancer diagnosis and the radiologist seemed pretty interested in that. The breast mass (not palpable but visible on mammogram) had been there for a couple of years unchanged, but was now almost twice as big (altho only 9 mm). I just wasn't surprised with the news, but it still hit me like a ton of bricks.

    My primary care physician called me two days after the biopsy. She said it looked very early and I would likely need "only" a lumpectomy and radiation and she was referring me to a breast surgeon. We had a long conversation about who first, what first, why both at the same time, etc. I did not fall apart. My husband did.

    And here I am almost one year later with the surgeries, chemo and radiation behind me. It seems like a very bad dream because I can honestly say I feel better than I did a year ago, and I didn't feel bad then.

  • 24242
    24242 Member Posts: 1,398
    I knew it
    The surgeon asked me if I was sitting and I said I didn't need to and just asked him if it was cancer and he said yes and to meet with him the Monday after the weekend to discuss surgery and book it for there was no time to waste. I had surgery in less than two weeks. I was angry it had taken more than 7 months since I knew in my soul something was terribly wrong. I was mad that I had believed the doctor when he said my first lump was a fibrous cyst and didn't listen to my gut feeling.
    After that it is hard to find comfort and trust in them when they didn't want to hear me and just believed it wasn't cancer without any diagnostic tests at all. That unfortunately still goes on today and I find myself wondering what has changed after all these years?

    Oh by the way I reacted to biopsy and seeing all the slides by going out and getting drunk since I had read that if they got allot out of the tumor it was likely cancer. No one had to tell me I just knew.
  • mrs gadget
    mrs gadget Member Posts: 118
    Here we go again!! What do I have to do???
    My diagnosis came 4 months after my husband had a bone marrow transplant for leukemia!! We were there together when I got the news. The doctor expected me to be very emotional and I just kind of calmly asked her what the plan is. She looked me straight in the eye and said "April, I know you are going to be just fine.". That was all I needed to hear and carried on from there...
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000

    You know reading all of your
    You know reading all of your words make me want to cry. It was VERY HARD to deal with it emotionally,especially when you dont know much about the illness. I thought once you had it, life was over. For me was very rough the days that followed..weeks..I cried all night too. And when I read all of your experiences, it makes me sad too. I wish none of you had to go through this. I am so sorry you have. It was very tough, but you all stood up and had the fight. That makes me smile and know there is hope. Thank you all for sharing...

    I don't remember exactly,
    I don't remember exactly, but, I think it was something like Oh my God NO!
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    Mitzi333 said:

    Are you kidding... I received the shocking call at the end of the work day. After that call, I immediately called my significant other to share the news. I was in total disbelief...I had to teach a cycling class that evening...I did so, but was still in Shock. Needless to say, I had a sleepless night. I did NOT know how to share the news with my daughter and sisters. The next few days was a whirlwind of doctor appointments and test. Now that it's shunk in, and I have the support of family and moreover my belief in God... I took off work for an extended period of time to care for me and relieve the Stress of work...

    Now... I'm ready to rock and roll and give this "Thing" a Battle.

    Thank God for the support of Family and Close Friends!!!

    This site is Also a GREAT source of Support and Information. Thanks to All of you for sharing your journey.

    Big Hugs~
    Mitzi ;0)

    Just starting crying :(

    Just starting crying :(
  • Reikigemgirl
    Reikigemgirl Member Posts: 278
    first words after DX:
    I knew it was cancer. I did. I knew from the minute I found the growth and a mammogram 2 days later confirmed it.

    Love and Light,
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member

    first words after DX:
    I knew it was cancer. I did. I knew from the minute I found the growth and a mammogram 2 days later confirmed it.

    Love and Light,

    Vicki, I knew it too. I
    Vicki, I knew it too. I have no idea how since I was just 33. I was doing my Jane Fonda exercises when I heard my OBGYN's voice on my machine telling me to call her asap. When I called her, she was crying and she said she was surprised I wasn't more upset. Of course I was, but was in shock. But I do remember telling her that I suspected it--maybe because my docs never phone with good news ;-) But my lump had a lot of red flags: a thickening, no borders, painless, slowly getting bigger.
  • RozHopkins
    RozHopkins Member Posts: 578 Member
    First Words
    When I found the sphere shape whilst in the bathroom I said to myself (excuse me) holy **** what is this, it's huge.

    Had mamo within days and specialist there and then said he'd seen hundreds of these types of mamos and its definitely cancer. I had been expecting it for years. Mum had it three times and two of her sisters. Sounds pesamistic but to me was just a matter of time. Thought, OK lets get on with it. What did surprise me was how suddenly it appeared to the touch and appeared big to me and last years mamo didn't catch it. Of course they dont all show up.
  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member

    First Words
    When I found the sphere shape whilst in the bathroom I said to myself (excuse me) holy **** what is this, it's huge.

    Had mamo within days and specialist there and then said he'd seen hundreds of these types of mamos and its definitely cancer. I had been expecting it for years. Mum had it three times and two of her sisters. Sounds pesamistic but to me was just a matter of time. Thought, OK lets get on with it. What did surprise me was how suddenly it appeared to the touch and appeared big to me and last years mamo didn't catch it. Of course they dont all show up.

    I Knew It
    were really my first words.
    I wonder how many of us did know it.
    I guess it's woman's intuition.