Bone/Joint Pain with Taxatere/Cytoxin

LRN715 Member Posts: 34
Hi Everyone----Had my first chemo this past MOnday and woke up today with the worst body pain.....feels like arthritis magnified by 20! Does anyone know how long this feeling lasts, and what can I do in the meantime to help the pain? I was told not to take Ibuprofen or Advil, only Tylenol, which does not cut the pain. What about 1/2 Vicodin, is that doable? I have THREE more chemos to go, then radiation.

Thanks for your help....hurting in Minnesota!


  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    So sorry to hear about your pain
    Actually, I think my bone/joint pain was from the Neulasta shot given the day after chemo. It is a pretty intense bone pain. My onc. recommended Ibuprophen or, if I really needed it, the high power prescription pain meds I had just in case (Oxycontin/Vicodin). I hate those narcotics, so I just used the Ibuprophen. Some people here have talked about Claritin--maybe they'll chime in as well.

    I would definitely talk to the onc. about the pain--you should be able to manage it so that it is tolerable for you.

    Hoping your hurting stops soon.

    Hugs, Renee
  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175
    Hi LRN i had the same chemo
    Hi LRN i had the same chemo cocktail and i also think my bone pain was from the neulasta shot and i dont like to take any kind of drugs if i can help it but i tried walking when i had so much bone pain and it really helped as long as i didnt over do it...cuz if i over did it it would make it worse. hope you get some relief soon.
  • joannstar
    joannstar Member Posts: 403 Member
    Same thing
    After chemo T/C I had the neulasta shot and the next day I could barely lift my feet enough to walk the pain was so intense. I took tylenol and oxycotin. Time was the only thing that really helped--it went away after about 4 days.
    Good luck,
  • Katmy
    Katmy Member Posts: 93
    My first Taxotere/ Cytoxin
    My first Taxotere/ Cytoxin infusion gave no bone pain. The second infusion, I received the Neulasta shot. I experienced bone pain from that. Did you get the Neulasta shot?
  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    I tried the claritin for the
    I tried the claritin for the bone pain that came with my neupogin shots (a cousin to neulasta). It worked wonders, the bone pain was entirely gone. I took one a day, starting the day before the first neupogin and continued for two days after the last neupogin. (I had an injection for seven consecutive days after each chemo.)

    I tried the vicodin for the bone pain, and it didn't work. In addition, I felt like the claratin had fewer risks than the vicodin.

    I hope you get some relief soon.


  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    I had the same chemo
    I had the same chemo cocktail, followed by neulasta after every infusion. I had severe bone pain from it. Initially my onc put me on vicodin but that didn't even help. I took percocets and ibuprofen almost entirely through chemo. Don't feel bad about needing to take pain meds - that's what they're there for. Chemo affects us all differently. I never got sick, hardly got nauseous even, but the pain and fatigue were excruciating for me. The bone pain started subsiding once I was finished with chemo, and is pretty much gone. I'm just left with terrible joint pain in my hips & hands that I'm using Aleve for right now.
  • phoenixrising
    phoenixrising Member Posts: 1,508
    They said the SE for
    They said the SE for taxotere start in 72hrs and that's exactly what happened to me. I was in so much pain I was going to go the ER. From my waist down, every bone! I eventually had to take morphine for it. It will lessen each day but it really through me for a loop!
    I also have osteo and a pharmacist friend wondered if that might have played a part. Best to ask your onc what would be effective for it.
  • LRN715
    LRN715 Member Posts: 34

    They said the SE for
    They said the SE for taxotere start in 72hrs and that's exactly what happened to me. I was in so much pain I was going to go the ER. From my waist down, every bone! I eventually had to take morphine for it. It will lessen each day but it really through me for a loop!
    I also have osteo and a pharmacist friend wondered if that might have played a part. Best to ask your onc what would be effective for it.

    No, the Neolasta has not
    No, the Neolasta has not been prescibed, as of yet. I am on a three week chemo program, so they are thinking I might not need it. But you are right Phoenixrising, the pain is from my waist down..........ankles, knees, bones. I have take a small amount of vicodin, and seems to take off the edge. i was told not to take the Ibuprofen, so that leaves Vicodin right now, and I do not want to become hooked on that. Sounds like the pain will lessen in time soon, right?
  • phoenixrising
    phoenixrising Member Posts: 1,508
    LRN715 said:

    No, the Neolasta has not
    No, the Neolasta has not been prescibed, as of yet. I am on a three week chemo program, so they are thinking I might not need it. But you are right Phoenixrising, the pain is from my waist down..........ankles, knees, bones. I have take a small amount of vicodin, and seems to take off the edge. i was told not to take the Ibuprofen, so that leaves Vicodin right now, and I do not want to become hooked on that. Sounds like the pain will lessen in time soon, right?

    It should, but call your
    It should, but call your people, that's what they get the big bucks for. There is a pain med that is right for you without worry of addiction. Hon, you don't need to suffer :)
  • 1acme
    1acme Member Posts: 77

    I tried the claritin for the
    I tried the claritin for the bone pain that came with my neupogin shots (a cousin to neulasta). It worked wonders, the bone pain was entirely gone. I took one a day, starting the day before the first neupogin and continued for two days after the last neupogin. (I had an injection for seven consecutive days after each chemo.)

    I tried the vicodin for the bone pain, and it didn't work. In addition, I felt like the claratin had fewer risks than the vicodin.

    I hope you get some relief soon.



    Today is my 2nd chemo and first round of Neupogin were not so bad, oly day 5,6,7 I had very high temperatures 99.8F and I got no sleep. I was up all night sweating severly so I had to change a few times a night anfter I got terrible shivers/cold like fever symptoms. Mu Onco set that Neupogien gave me a bad cases of hot flashes.

    I am taking REACTINE for a day, so it tone down koins/bone pain to at least tolerable level so I can get around and for a night I am taking a BENADRYL ALLERGY so I can sleep a bit. My onco also recomended for days 5,6,7 to take also Tylenol 3 to get me some sleep.

    Will see how I will be this week, but certainly thanks doe CLARITIN advise as I do not think that I would manage without it.

    I live in Canada and I asked my onco why they do not recement Claritin/Reactine to be taken with Neupogen and he told me that it has not been approved in Canada yet, but USA already have a great sucess with it. So unless you find info on your own they can "officially" recoment only Tylenol 3.

    Thank you one more time for your advise.
    Have a nice day
  • zoey72
    zoey72 Member Posts: 9
    bone pain
    My oncologist said the shot neulasta causes bone pain. I experienced mid spinal to lower spinal pain starting around day 6 after my first chemo treatment. Tylenol helped, but motrin was the best. The bone pain was on and off for about 4 days. Hope you feel better.
  • FL Mom
    FL Mom Member Posts: 1
    Severe Joint Pain after chem & radiation
    I am a triple-negative BC survivor. After 3 lumpectomies, I completed my last chemo on 9/20/10, and my last radiation in mid-Dec'10. It's amazing to read that so many ladies have had joint pain after chemo & radiation! I, too, was told just to deal with it, and it would get better with time...Unfortunately, it had gotten worse in the months after treatment. Every joint hurts except my neck. Much to my disappointment, the joint swelling/stiffness/pain increased as the months past. Like many of you, I did not want to cover-up the problem by hiding the pain under pain meds. I would very much like to understand the cause, and hopefully the cure. My primary physician prescribed occupational therapy and I have been going to occupational therapy for about 2 months. I also try to walk every day. I do believe this helps, as the pain is not quite as bad but it's still always there. I must take Ambien every night or the pain keeps me awake all night. With the Ambien, I feel fortunate to sleep 3 hours straight. I am always tired.

    In addition to the joint pain, I continue to struggle with cognitive issues. I forget where I'm going, why I'm going somewhere, I start one task (like cooking) and walk away from it before it's completed, I forget what day/month/year it is, I struggle to follow converstations, I misplace so many things (I found my drivers license under the bed, and my tennis shoes in my with my medicial records). I'm not always confused, but the cognitive issues are very frustrating.

    Does anyone else struggle with joint pain and cognitive issues this long after treatment? If so, have you found that this condition is not openly discussed after treatment?
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    I had no
    bone pain from chemo but 2 days following Neulasta shot I did. It lasted for 2 days and I slept a lot. I have had arthritis for more than 10 years and the Neulasta shot made it worse but more an overall flu like feeling. I didn't take anything but my arthritis meds.
    {{hugs}} Char
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    1acme said:

    Today is my 2nd chemo and first round of Neupogin were not so bad, oly day 5,6,7 I had very high temperatures 99.8F and I got no sleep. I was up all night sweating severly so I had to change a few times a night anfter I got terrible shivers/cold like fever symptoms. Mu Onco set that Neupogien gave me a bad cases of hot flashes.

    I am taking REACTINE for a day, so it tone down koins/bone pain to at least tolerable level so I can get around and for a night I am taking a BENADRYL ALLERGY so I can sleep a bit. My onco also recomended for days 5,6,7 to take also Tylenol 3 to get me some sleep.

    Will see how I will be this week, but certainly thanks doe CLARITIN advise as I do not think that I would manage without it.

    I live in Canada and I asked my onco why they do not recement Claritin/Reactine to be taken with Neupogen and he told me that it has not been approved in Canada yet, but USA already have a great sucess with it. So unless you find info on your own they can "officially" recoment only Tylenol 3.

    Thank you one more time for your advise.
    Have a nice day

    But the last time I was in
    But the last time I was in Canada (years ago) you could buy Tylenol3 OTC - can't in the States. It's script here.
  • 1acme
    1acme Member Posts: 77
    Rague said:

    But the last time I was in
    But the last time I was in Canada (years ago) you could buy Tylenol3 OTC - can't in the States. It's script here.

    Tylenol 3
    Tylenol 3 in Canada required prescription (actually it is Codeine, that's need prescription), but most of the doctors at chemo ward will give to you.

    However if you crosing border to/from USA you better have prescription with you as without it it is automatic Forfeiture and record stays in system for 7 years for narcotics, so everytime you travel you will be inspected.

    I am in USA quite offten as we have a lots of friends there, so I travel with a bunch of Doctor's notes these days :o)
  • Bella Luna
    Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
    I didn't have Nuelesta
    I didn't have Nuelesta shots, but I did have intense joint pain in my knees and hips while on chemo( Taxotere, Carboplatin, and Herceptin). I put a homeopathic over the counter topical ointment( Arnica) to help with the knee pain.

    I found that if I stayed seated for periods of time, the pain was worse. I exercised during chemo to help with each recovery period and also because I was on Herceptin. I didn't want to risk heart issues and, so,... I moved even though it hurt like heck. I was diagnosed at 44.

    Best of luck to you.
  • floridlady
    floridlady Member Posts: 1
    FL Mom said:

    Severe Joint Pain after chem & radiation
    I am a triple-negative BC survivor. After 3 lumpectomies, I completed my last chemo on 9/20/10, and my last radiation in mid-Dec'10. It's amazing to read that so many ladies have had joint pain after chemo & radiation! I, too, was told just to deal with it, and it would get better with time...Unfortunately, it had gotten worse in the months after treatment. Every joint hurts except my neck. Much to my disappointment, the joint swelling/stiffness/pain increased as the months past. Like many of you, I did not want to cover-up the problem by hiding the pain under pain meds. I would very much like to understand the cause, and hopefully the cure. My primary physician prescribed occupational therapy and I have been going to occupational therapy for about 2 months. I also try to walk every day. I do believe this helps, as the pain is not quite as bad but it's still always there. I must take Ambien every night or the pain keeps me awake all night. With the Ambien, I feel fortunate to sleep 3 hours straight. I am always tired.

    In addition to the joint pain, I continue to struggle with cognitive issues. I forget where I'm going, why I'm going somewhere, I start one task (like cooking) and walk away from it before it's completed, I forget what day/month/year it is, I struggle to follow converstations, I misplace so many things (I found my drivers license under the bed, and my tennis shoes in my with my medicial records). I'm not always confused, but the cognitive issues are very frustrating.

    Does anyone else struggle with joint pain and cognitive issues this long after treatment? If so, have you found that this condition is not openly discussed after treatment?

    bone and joint pain
    I had breast cancer 6 years ago and I started having bone and joint pain while on chemo. The problem is that it never did go away and it is getting worse sometimes my right hip hurst to walk amd my fingers and joints hurt in the mornings. I too do not like to take pain medication and want to find the cause and cure but the doctors just give pain pills. The chemo took my bone dinsity to 75 percent. I have tried good minerals, Glucosimene and Condroiton, and Osterflex. Nothing seems to work. Does anyone out there have a real cure?