What were the first words out of your mouth after getting diagnosed?

aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
Just curious! Mine were;

But I am not done!



  • BlownAway60
    BlownAway60 Member Posts: 851
    What now?

    What now?


  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    I was home alone-I was told not bad but not good....DCIS

    so i went on my daughters computer to look it up...saw survial rate and cancer and went from there!
  • skipper54
    skipper54 Member Posts: 936 Member
    First words? "Okay, I'm going to beat this." Then I emailed a bunch of people and asked for prayer support and started a list of those we knew or discovered had breast cancer and were survivors.
  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    I found a lump and my gp
    I found a lump and my gp sent me for a mamo. It was snowing and the gal who did the mamo said I needed an ultrasound. Then I laid on the bed for like a half hour while they called a radiologist from the University Hospital in and it was snowing outside. He came in with freezing hands, did the ultrasound and said: I'm 99.9% sure. I said: sure of what? He said: this is malignant and looks like it is in your chest wall. I looked at him and said: Holy ****, this doesn't sound very good. He said: you need to call a surgeon!

    But his hands were like having ice cubes on my chest and I was so cold that what he said didn't even sink in until I got to my car and called my sister!
  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member
    camul said:

    I found a lump and my gp
    I found a lump and my gp sent me for a mamo. It was snowing and the gal who did the mamo said I needed an ultrasound. Then I laid on the bed for like a half hour while they called a radiologist from the University Hospital in and it was snowing outside. He came in with freezing hands, did the ultrasound and said: I'm 99.9% sure. I said: sure of what? He said: this is malignant and looks like it is in your chest wall. I looked at him and said: Holy ****, this doesn't sound very good. He said: you need to call a surgeon!

    But his hands were like having ice cubes on my chest and I was so cold that what he said didn't even sink in until I got to my car and called my sister!

    I had a needle biopsy one day. Second day was called to make a appt for the 3rd day. I went alone.I was keeping alot to myself but told my friends who are survivors and my sister. Went to my appt.When the doctor came in he brought another doctor(a female) in the room.He told me it was malignant.Tears started streaming.I was speechlss so the doctor kept talking about it being DCIS, non invasive and will not spread to other organs or rhe other breast.BUT I can get new cancers other places.I just let him explain and I listened,tears flowing.He asked me if I was going to be alright and I said YES.I got my composure and walked out of the office with a better feeling.I had a 45 minute drive so I had to quit crying.

    On the way home I thought about chemo and radiation I would need to have but turned out it wasn't needed. When I got home I got online and read about DCIS.

    I didn't have alot to say then but I sure ask questions now and speak more about it.

    Needle biospy did the dx but the other 2 surgeries(2 benign and 1 malignant tumors)my surgeon was able to tell what treatment I would need to combat bc. I just take tamox.

    Lynn Smith
  • joannstar
    joannstar Member Posts: 403 Member
    Am I the only one
    who doesn't have a clear memory of what was said?? My surgeon who performed the biopsy called and said that it was early stage cancer and to come in to discuss it. I know that I told my husband immediately, but do not remember anything precise--perhaps I'm blocking it. I'm not sure I want to remember. I'd like to put as much of this journey behind me as possible.
    Hugs and smiles,
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    joannstar said:

    Am I the only one
    who doesn't have a clear memory of what was said?? My surgeon who performed the biopsy called and said that it was early stage cancer and to come in to discuss it. I know that I told my husband immediately, but do not remember anything precise--perhaps I'm blocking it. I'm not sure I want to remember. I'd like to put as much of this journey behind me as possible.
    Hugs and smiles,

    No, JoAnn, you're not the only one!
    My husband was with me when my surgeon came into the office. He just looked at us and made a real sad, frowning face. I started to cry, my husband came and held me and I remember my surgeon just saying, "I know you're not hearing anything right now--please come back tomorrow and we'll talk." He was absolutely right--for me, the curtain came down, I became deaf, blind and was unable to speak. We got in the car, drove home in complete silence, sat in the backyard and my son and daughter-in-law came over. I think the first thing I actually said was "Look how beautiful and blue the sky is!"

    Wow--I have not thought about this Ayse--very interesting.

    Hugs and hugs, Renee
  • pinkflutterby
    pinkflutterby Member Posts: 615 Member
    missrenee said:

    No, JoAnn, you're not the only one!
    My husband was with me when my surgeon came into the office. He just looked at us and made a real sad, frowning face. I started to cry, my husband came and held me and I remember my surgeon just saying, "I know you're not hearing anything right now--please come back tomorrow and we'll talk." He was absolutely right--for me, the curtain came down, I became deaf, blind and was unable to speak. We got in the car, drove home in complete silence, sat in the backyard and my son and daughter-in-law came over. I think the first thing I actually said was "Look how beautiful and blue the sky is!"

    Wow--I have not thought about this Ayse--very interesting.

    Hugs and hugs, Renee

    I was crying out of control
    I was crying out of control saying I didnt want to DIE!!!!! I still get a lump in my throat thinking about it!!!
  • Bella Luna
    Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
    I was in shock and
    I was in shock and speechless. I couldn't believe the news. I wasn't expecting to hear, "You have cancer." I was so positive the doctor was going to say it was a false alarm. I didn't view myself as a potential cancer candidate. I was young( 44), strong, healthy, albeit a little chubby. I quickly learned cancer gives no rhyme or reason for why it strikes, it just does.

    I remember crying and thinking what this would mean for me and my family. My husband was there with me and I remember the doctor explaining what my journey was going to look like, it was devastating. I was horrified when he said I'd have to be induced for menopause. It seemed so surreal and unnatural.

    Come June 1st, it will be 2 years. I have come a long ways. I Survived and am Stronger than I thought I was. No looking back for me.
  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    I was at work and had been anxiously awaiting the call
    My Dr said, 'my dear, I am so sorry...' I hung up, turned to my co-workers and said 'I have breast cancer'. I remember the sound of my voice, it was a matter of fact statement, but time stood still and my mind started racing. Some of those days are a blurr and some moments are frozen in my memory like snapshots.

    Strange, huh?

  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    sbmly53 said:

    I was at work and had been anxiously awaiting the call
    My Dr said, 'my dear, I am so sorry...' I hung up, turned to my co-workers and said 'I have breast cancer'. I remember the sound of my voice, it was a matter of fact statement, but time stood still and my mind started racing. Some of those days are a blurr and some moments are frozen in my memory like snapshots.

    Strange, huh?


    funny I dont remember any of
    funny I dont remember any of the times, it was probably a swear!
  • BioAdoptMom
    BioAdoptMom Member Posts: 358
    I do? Really? Don't know
    I do? Really? Don't know why I said that because it's not as if the surgeon was going to say, "No, I'm just kidding!"

  • Ticky
    Ticky Member Posts: 117

    I do? Really? Don't know
    I do? Really? Don't know why I said that because it's not as if the surgeon was going to say, "No, I'm just kidding!"


    The first thing I said was
    Am I going to die? The surgeon said no you are not going to die.

  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    Ticky said:

    The first thing I said was
    Am I going to die? The surgeon said no you are not going to die.


    "How bad is it"?
    was my response once he told me "You have a mass and it doesn't look good".

    Then I felt every emotion known to man and cried until I didn't have any more tears all in a 24 hour span.

    I think the days following that 24 hours was mainly feelings of numbness and denial and a sense of surreal...wierd...dazed...up & down feelings.

    Wish no one had to go through that.
  • LoveBabyJesus
    LoveBabyJesus Member Posts: 1,679 Member
    mine was "reaaally?" - but
    mine was "reaaally?" - but was not surprised. I felt I had it before my dignosis. Then after it sank in, I thought my days were over...
  • LoveBabyJesus
    LoveBabyJesus Member Posts: 1,679 Member
    You know reading all of your
    You know reading all of your words make me want to cry. It was VERY HARD to deal with it emotionally,especially when you dont know much about the illness. I thought once you had it, life was over. For me was very rough the days that followed..weeks..I cried all night too. And when I read all of your experiences, it makes me sad too. I wish none of you had to go through this. I am so sorry you have. It was very tough, but you all stood up and had the fight. That makes me smile and know there is hope. Thank you all for sharing...
  • pinkapples
    pinkapples Member Posts: 54 Member
    Such a journey we have all had > that day seems so long ago!
    I am a woman of many words (are'nt we all!) yet I uttered one simple one: Huh.....
    not "huh?" as a question just more like "huh, imagine that" I was silent for about 5 minutes, then asked what I needed to do to get rid of it...
    thanks for sharing yur stories everyone, I get to know you better all the time!
  • CandaceMM
    CandaceMM Member Posts: 68

    Such a journey we have all had > that day seems so long ago!
    I am a woman of many words (are'nt we all!) yet I uttered one simple one: Huh.....
    not "huh?" as a question just more like "huh, imagine that" I was silent for about 5 minutes, then asked what I needed to do to get rid of it...
    thanks for sharing yur stories everyone, I get to know you better all the time!

    To my ob/gyn then surgeon
    " If I was your wife, what treatment would you prescribe?"

    Dmx, from both.
  • Texasgirl10
    Texasgirl10 Member Posts: 668

    Such a journey we have all had > that day seems so long ago!
    I am a woman of many words (are'nt we all!) yet I uttered one simple one: Huh.....
    not "huh?" as a question just more like "huh, imagine that" I was silent for about 5 minutes, then asked what I needed to do to get rid of it...
    thanks for sharing yur stories everyone, I get to know you better all the time!

    Oh God
    I was at work. I got tired of waiting for the nurse to call me, so at 9:30 in the mornng I called her. she was happy and said " I don't have any results yet, it'll be around 4:30 this afternoon". One hour later, I had just set a lady up for a pap smear and told her that the doctor and I would be right in. My cell phone started ringing and I knew without ever looking at it that it was the nurse. I'll never forget the silence on the line then she said " Dawne, this is Melissa. I am so sorry but all 30 samples are cancerous". I remember screaming " Oh God". Then I cried and cried. I remember I kept saying over and over " how am I going to tell my Mom, she's so little, how am I going to tell her. How am I going to tell my kids". The doctor that I work with called my husband and my Mom after speaking to the nurse.

    It's strange, but I still cry and my heart pounds very fast when I think about that day. It's only been 4 months, but it seems like it's been a lifetime ago.
  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    I was in the surgeons office
    I was in the surgeons office for follow up 1 week after lumpectomy when he said, " I'm so sorry , we will need to do more surgery the cells are not the kind we wanted to find. If this were a year from now, you'd be in big trouble". I dont remember what I said, but that is when I became proactive and took the bull by the horns so to speak. Got a 2nd and 3rd opinion and moved my treatment to Moffitt Cancer Center rather than the local cancer center. I was dx with Stage 2 IDC.

    To add: when the oncologist looked at all the results and told me I needed chemo, I said "you cant be serious, I cant believe I need chemo, I thought radiation would be sufficient". He said this is a very aggressive cancer and we need to treat it aggressively. He also said that it would be a strong chemo but many women before me had experienced it and survived and so would I.