My first chemo treatment is behind me couldn't have done it with out you

ElizabethB Member Posts: 89
Wow whaT A DAY FIRST THING THEY couldn't GET MY PORT TO WORK THEY COULD FLUSH BUT NO BLOOD WOULD COME BACK THRU SO AFTER A HOUR OF FLUSHING THEY FINAL USED SOME KIND OF CHEMICAL TO PUT IN THE PORT TO DESOLVE WHAT A CLOT OR WHAT EVER IT WAS... yAHOOO IT WORKED.WELL DAY TWO GOT MY SHOT FOR THE WHITE COUNT BOOSTER.fEELING REALLY TIRED THO. aND THEN DAY 3 TODAY mY FACE IS ALL RED And my chest it looks like i been in the sun to long I hope that two weeks gives me enpught time to get strong for the next treatment Lol sorry about the caps to tired to re type lol.... MY TREATMENT ONLY TOOK 1 HOUR BUT ALL THE FUSS WITH MY PORT i WAS THER FROM 930 to 230 long day....has antone else had to go every two weeks and did you have time to heal and feel better at first they said every three then they changed it ...oh well ..Hust taking it one day at a first four treatments are..cycloposphamide and doxorubicin the nurse said i would not loose my hair with this one but i will with taxil?? but paper work says I will start loosing my hair in about 3 weeks i am all set up for the wigs and scarfs so I am prepared....what a rollar coaster ride .... glad when i get off the thing. Still a little sacred but all your help has made it so much easier for me.the unkown is pritty scary.But I know that I have lot of lovly ladies holding my hand....thank you from the bottom of my heart


  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    wow long day is right
    Sorry you went through all this...I did not have chemo so no help..just wanted to say I hope it gets better...

  • skipper54
    skipper54 Member Posts: 936 Member
    roller coaster is on track
    YOur chemo is different than mine but it sounds like you're on track. I started losing my hair 2 weeks from first treatment but it started growing back while on the Taxetere. I didn't have problems with my port while on chemo but 2 or 3 times since when I went for blood work or a flush have had to sit with TPA. Sessions for chemo were also longer - minimum 3 hours. My husband always went along and went and got lunch for us while I napped. The tiredness will last a while. On the other hand, if you're getting steroids first before the other drugs you'll be on a high for a while with lots of energy. I couldn't sleep many night while on chemo. Just hang in there and know that the stuff is doing it's job and it will be over soon.
  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    I did six rounds of TAC, so
    I did six rounds of TAC, so my treatments were 3 weeks apart. Just want to say I'm proud of you. That first treatment is hard, but now you're done!

    Be sure to stay in touch with your doc/nurse about any side effects. They should know about everything, especially if it bothers you. And keep coming here, let us know how you're doing.


  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    skipper54 said:

    roller coaster is on track
    YOur chemo is different than mine but it sounds like you're on track. I started losing my hair 2 weeks from first treatment but it started growing back while on the Taxetere. I didn't have problems with my port while on chemo but 2 or 3 times since when I went for blood work or a flush have had to sit with TPA. Sessions for chemo were also longer - minimum 3 hours. My husband always went along and went and got lunch for us while I napped. The tiredness will last a while. On the other hand, if you're getting steroids first before the other drugs you'll be on a high for a while with lots of energy. I couldn't sleep many night while on chemo. Just hang in there and know that the stuff is doing it's job and it will be over soon.

    Chemo infusion, is so subjective .. some WARRIORS, seems
    to endure it very well, while others .. suffer. We suffer from side efforts like rashes, fatigue, vomiting - even while taking emend. One of my favorite .. was fainting, and losing my hair, toe nails and hair. Blisters on the bottom of my feet, bloody nose, sores inside your nose, and a 'puffy' look, due to all the hormones and drugs.

    FYI .. I had 18 consective weeks of TCH . .. Ug ug ugly .

    When all is said and done, I thank God, and my lucky stars that there is chemo! The side efforts, are horrendous, but it's worth .. Saving your Life.

    Hydrate, rest when you can, and Please take care of yourself. Take a note pad with you to all appointments, and chemo therapy .. and ask ask ask questions. I can not emphasize the importance of hydration. Water is your best friend. Add a little apple juice, cranberry juice, Lipton tea mix .. spice up your plain drinking water .. Just drink, and when you think you've had enough, drink some more.

    Strength and Courage,

    Vicki Sam
  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Hey Elizabeth,
    I had the red face and boob too. We decided that it was from the steroids. Hope you are feeling better. ♥
  • BioAdoptMom
    BioAdoptMom Member Posts: 358
    Sorry they had so much
    Sorry they had so much trouble with the port, but glad that other than that, it went fairly well. Just think, one DOWN!

  • NJMom10
    NJMom10 Member Posts: 176
    I had the redness too
    I had the redness too the day after the Neulasta shot. It subsided after a day or too. The first treatment cycle is very nerve racking. I remember I was checking my temperature every hour or so to make sure I wasn't getting sick. By the 3rd treatment, I never took out that thermometer again except to check my husbands temp when he was sick! lol!

    I had treatments every 2 weeks too. I usually felt pretty wiped out most of the 1st week but by the second week I felt pretty normal. To me the best thing about doing treatments every 2 weeks was that it all got over faster. If you had to do it every 3 weeks it would just drag out for longer.

    Chemo is not easy but as many of us who have gone through it before have is doable. And remember, every time they treat you, more cancer cells are being eradicated.

    Good thoughts coming your way!
  • dbhadra
    dbhadra Member Posts: 344 Member
    NJMom10 said:

    I had the redness too
    I had the redness too the day after the Neulasta shot. It subsided after a day or too. The first treatment cycle is very nerve racking. I remember I was checking my temperature every hour or so to make sure I wasn't getting sick. By the 3rd treatment, I never took out that thermometer again except to check my husbands temp when he was sick! lol!

    I had treatments every 2 weeks too. I usually felt pretty wiped out most of the 1st week but by the second week I felt pretty normal. To me the best thing about doing treatments every 2 weeks was that it all got over faster. If you had to do it every 3 weeks it would just drag out for longer.

    Chemo is not easy but as many of us who have gone through it before have is doable. And remember, every time they treat you, more cancer cells are being eradicated.

    Good thoughts coming your way!

    encouraging to read these posts!
    I'm on Day 6 of my first FEC treatment...been a rough few days but now seems a bit on the down and 3 to go!

    so encouraging to know that others have gotten through this and I WILL TOO! and with each treatment more cancer cells are being eliminated!!!!

  • Hippiechick58
    Hippiechick58 Member Posts: 320
    dbhadra said:

    encouraging to read these posts!
    I'm on Day 6 of my first FEC treatment...been a rough few days but now seems a bit on the down and 3 to go!

    so encouraging to know that others have gotten through this and I WILL TOO! and with each treatment more cancer cells are being eliminated!!!!


    I had the dose dense (every
    I had the dose dense (every 2 weeks) chemo also. First I had A/C for 4 txs then Taxol for 4 txs. After each round, I had a neulasta injection. There were some weeks when I had to stretch it out to 3 or 4 weeks due to high WBC counts or high LFT's.

    I'm sorry they had such a hard time accessing your port. I had a little trouble with mine as it is in deep and tends to twist at the last minute. It took many nurses several tries to get it! I have finished chemo and start rads on monday, but my onc wants my port to remain in for at least six months.

    Good luck with chemo. You will be in my thoughts and prayers!

    Much Peace,