Friend recently diagnosed

Good morning,
A very good friend of mine was recently diagnosed with myeloma. She doesn't seem to be proceeding with treatment, and isn't really forthcoming with alot of information. She was so supportive of me when I went thru breast cancer treatment, what can I do to be the most supportive of her during this time?
Thanks for your help.



  • Rory1987
    Rory1987 Member Posts: 120
    you can try to give her
    you can try to give her information about her disease. Though there's no "cure" yet but it's very treatable with a lot of new drugs being developed every year
  • mwallace1325
    mwallace1325 Member Posts: 806

    Thanks for the response. That's what I'll do for her.

  • Rory1987
    Rory1987 Member Posts: 120


    Thanks for the response. That's what I'll do for her.


    There's also a research
    There's also a research being done at MD ANderson about Curcumin (turmeric common spice used by indian dishes) that have benefits for multiple myeloma.

    here's a useful blog about MM and the owner has Smoldering Myeloma which have been stable for 5 years because of curcumin

    BTW what stage is your friend? If she is still in the Asymptomatic Stage then she will not need treatments yet and she could remain stable for years.
  • louwpb
    louwpb Member Posts: 4
    I just finished all my treatments and recently had a new CT scan and free of all disease. Next Pet scan July...

    I had melanoma in my lymph node on the right side of my neck also had a node on the Iliac bone. Surgery on the neck radiation on both areas.. Then IL2 Interluckin which was done over three weeks.

    I found the best support was that all my friends were always there and followed all my treatments. They were a great team,,,
    I wish your friend the best of luck
  • mwallace1325
    mwallace1325 Member Posts: 806
    louwpb said:

    I just finished all my treatments and recently had a new CT scan and free of all disease. Next Pet scan July...

    I had melanoma in my lymph node on the right side of my neck also had a node on the Iliac bone. Surgery on the neck radiation on both areas.. Then IL2 Interluckin which was done over three weeks.

    I found the best support was that all my friends were always there and followed all my treatments. They were a great team,,,
    I wish your friend the best of luck

    Thanks for your help
    Thanks for your help and the suggestions. She has an appointment this afternoon that I'm going to with her. Hopefully our oncologist (I was treated for breast cancer 2 years ago, so we share him) will have all needed results and great news for her.
