Last Wednesday scan shows a slight shrinkage and it's not spread

oriontj Member Posts: 375

Tom has had some negative side effects from the carboplatin that he discussed with his oconcologists today. Feet tingling etc.

They gave this week off and will take him off carboplation and use a different taxol type drug at a lower dose. This means he'll have to go once a week instead of every 3 weeks. But the weather is getting nicer and it's not a bad drive.

They also gave him the option of taking a longer break from chemo. He's not inclined to do that though. His choice. He will have a scan in 6 weeks. They intend to stay on top of any new developments.

Also...the green light for going to birthday present to him. He loves Vegas.
They'll schedule around our trip.

While it isn't gone, it hasn't grown or spread elsewhere. We're grateful for that. His doctors are very happy. So are we.

It's been about a yr and half since his diagnosis..and we're still plugging away.



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  • DanaMB3
    DanaMB3 Member Posts: 98
    Glad to hear this - enjoy
    Glad to hear this - enjoy your trip to Vegas!
  • sandy1943
    sandy1943 Member Posts: 824
    Jan. Good news on the last
    Jan. Good news on the last scan. I hope you have a wonderful time in Vegas.,
  • Susie_Brendon
    Susie_Brendon Member Posts: 128
    Jan -
    I love the sound of slot machines. In fact, I plan to go to a couple of casinos about an hour from my house tonight after work. There is something about the casino that gives me a sense of calmness. Maybe it's the sound that lets me drift off to an unknown world where there is no cancer, no stress, no worries.

    I wish you the best time ever in Vegas. If I were a doctor, it's what I would order for a treatment for mental health and relaxation.

    Be sure to go downtown (off the strip) and enjoy the laser show for me...that's one of my favorite places in Vegas.

    Thinking of you both,
  • Callaloo
    Callaloo Member Posts: 135
    That's good news, Jan. You
    That's good news, Jan. You know how closely I'm following your story. Tom and I have a very similar situation. I wish you and him the best. Have a great time in Vegas.

  • unclaw2002
    unclaw2002 Member Posts: 599
    Wonderful news. And


    Wonderful news. And enjoy your trip to Vegas ---- you have been through one heck of a winter :)

    Lots of hugs,