Femara - How Are You Doing With it?

Different Ballgame
Different Ballgame Member Posts: 868
edited April 2011 in Breast Cancer #1
First I was on Arimidex for 7 months. Then I was off of it for 2 months. Started generic known as Anastrozole in January 2011. Now, April 5, 2011, I am going on Femara. I concentrated on reading all postings relating to Arimidex, so I don't know much about Femara.

If you are taking Femara, how are you doing with it?



  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    Hi Janelle
    How was generic Arimidex?
  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    Femara has been fine for me.
    Femara has been fine for me. I find that loosing weight is more difficult. I tried arimidex and anastrazole and they put me into a depression. The joints in my hands get achy but so far I have no complaints. Hope it does as well for you.
  • BlownAway60
    BlownAway60 Member Posts: 851
    Femara has been a real pain
    Femara has been a real pain for me. It picks different areas to attack. Right now it is my ankles and shoulders. I did have a time with hot flashes but they have subsided for now. I have been taking it for a year now and my little coupon card that let me pay only $10. just ran out. When I refilled it last it cost me $149 with my insurance. They may be coming out with a generic in the summer.


  • BlownAway60
    BlownAway60 Member Posts: 851
    natly15 said:

    Femara has been fine for me.
    Femara has been fine for me. I find that loosing weight is more difficult. I tried arimidex and anastrazole and they put me into a depression. The joints in my hands get achy but so far I have no complaints. Hope it does as well for you.

    My onc told me that


    My onc told me that most survivors cannot loose weight after chemo without being on some kind of program. I joined WW online in Feb and so far have lost a little over 11 lbs.


  • skipper54
    skipper54 Member Posts: 936 Member
    just started
    Just started Femara last week. So far so good. My friend was part of the oroginal trial and was on it for 5 years after 5 years of Tamoxifen. She had no problems at all so am planning on the same. That may be niave but I think it may help to stay focused on that. Wow! I didn't know the little card could expire! Still, I guess if it keeps the beast at bay it's worth it.
  • ManWithaMission
    ManWithaMission Member Posts: 497
    I just started Femara in January of this year. Before that I was on Tamoxefin for three years.I get a Femara infusion once a month for the rest of this year. The first month I was on it I had trouble falling asleep. I didn't notice anything much the second mouth. The third month, the same. Now,the last couple of weeks I've been having an itching fest. It is espicaly bad under my left arm, my left shoulder blade area and my left side rib cage where it is numb from the mascetomy. Because you can itch all day long and it still itches badly. I think that I'm also having some sight problems,too. I've noticed a little blured vision and some double vision on occations, but they don't last long. Although, none of these problems could be from the Femara. They could just be old age. It might also be that I'm a male and it works differently on us,too. I'll talk to my Oncoligest next week when I get my infusion done. Hope that this didn't scare you off Femara.

    Hugs, Robert
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    Been on Femara over a year -
    I've had no problems with it at all. Haven't been on anything else - it was what Chemo Dr wanted me on to begin with "if you could afford it". Not a prob - my meds come through VA so I pay the same for every script rather its for Femara or my potassium pills.
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member

    My onc told me that


    My onc told me that most survivors cannot loose weight after chemo without being on some kind of program. I joined WW online in Feb and so far have lost a little over 11 lbs.



    I lost 45 lbs during Chemo
    I lost 45 lbs during Chemo and Rads - Dr's weren't happy but when you have no taste or appetite eating is hard. I've been on Femara for over a year and did gain about 10 lbs back over the winter (winter are very nasty here and I just didn't do as much as I normally do) - Chemo Dr was happy but I wasn't so am working out more in the gym and have lost about 5 again in the last 6 - 8 weeks - once I can finally get out to mow my yard and get the horses working it won't take any time to get the rest of and maybe a bit more off.
  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Hi Janelle,
    Started on Femara December 1, 2010. No real problems for me. Have a few aches in my knees when I try to bend down and have a hard time getting off the floor. Also, when I ride in a car for a long time, it takes awhile to straighten out. I have no problem walking or anything like that.

    Make sure you go to www.femara.com and print off the coupon. You pay $10.00. This has been a big help, since we co-pay after insurance is $170.00!

  • Miss Murphy
    Miss Murphy Member Posts: 302
    Had problems
    Hi Janelle,

    I started off on Femara then tried Arimidex. Both drugs caused me severe bone and joint pain. I hung in there for 1 1/2 years. Then my onco put me on Tamixifen. That is slightly better for me but still no walk in the park. The tamoxifen seems so be more muscle and joint type pain and I feel like I have PMS 24/7. I have just under two more years to go with this treatment and I'm counting the days! I hope you will be one of the lucky ones that can tolerate Femara.

    Hugs, Sally
  • Different Ballgame
    Different Ballgame Member Posts: 868

    Hi Janelle
    How was generic Arimidex?

    Anastrozole - Made by Natco Pharma Ltd- India
    New Flower,

    Not sure. I started brand on March 19, 2010. Looking back, first sign of side effect was third week in July. It affected my right foot. Went to podiatrist. Had MRI. Went to physical therapy beginning in September. While in physical therapy, I developed tingling in hands but had great strength and excellent grip. More tests. More specialists. Also developed severe skin rash on torso, both front and back. November and December I did not take Arimidex.

    Beginning of January 2011, I went on the generic. First month ok. Very beginning of second month, February 2011, pain in right foot again (just below the ankle). Went back to podiatrist to discuss exactly was on the MRI. He wrote out a prescription again for physical therapy. Knee caps are hurting. Rash in very beginning phase but I am able to keep it under control. In the meantime, I continue to gain weight. Have gained at least 15 lbs. since July 2010.

    Saw hematologist yesterday. She decided to take me off generic and put me on Femara. The interesting thing is that I asked her if the drug could affect a person's weak spots that the person had prior to going on the drug. She responded, "Yes."

    Wish me luck!!!!
  • GayleMc
    GayleMc Member Posts: 311 Member

    Had problems
    Hi Janelle,

    I started off on Femara then tried Arimidex. Both drugs caused me severe bone and joint pain. I hung in there for 1 1/2 years. Then my onco put me on Tamixifen. That is slightly better for me but still no walk in the park. The tamoxifen seems so be more muscle and joint type pain and I feel like I have PMS 24/7. I have just under two more years to go with this treatment and I'm counting the days! I hope you will be one of the lucky ones that can tolerate Femara.

    Hugs, Sally

    I finished chemo a year ago
    I finished chemo a year ago and started Femara shortly after. I have been very lucky in as much as my side effects are minor. I get stiff and achy, but I'm 58 and work on my feet and so I don't totally blame the meds. Mild hot flashes but all in all I've been fine. Hope it works for you. Good luck.
  • Katz77
    Katz77 Member Posts: 598
    Ohhh my hands. My onc says
    Ohhh my hands. My onc says it attacks the small joints. Use heating pad or warm water. Hurts during the night. Take couple advil. Knees are tender also. Other than that no rashes, nausea or other side effects. Hope it helps you. Katz
  • Katz77
    Katz77 Member Posts: 598
    Ohhh my hands. My onc says
    Ohhh my hands. My onc says it attacks the small joints. Use heating pad or warm water. Hurts during the night. Take couple advil. Knees are tender also. Other than that no rashes, nausea or other side effects. Hope it helps you. Katz
  • ladyg
    ladyg Member Posts: 1,577
    I have been
    taking Femara since the end of Auguat. I do not have any real problems with it. I have a few aches and stiffness but I attribute that to old age.
