what would happen without chemo?

colsie Member Posts: 24
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I am leaving on the 16th for my father's first round of chemo. He was initially given 9-12 mos, 6 have passed without treatment. He looks/feels/sounds good. Family have asked why is he going for chemo? What's the point if he's not having a problem and the chemo is only for palliative purposes. The chemo will make him sicker than the cancer.
Now this has left me wondering. Should he go ahead? Should he just try it out? When is the sickness from chemo worth it, and do you know when you've had enough (of being sick) that it's time to stop? Or, do you take a chance 'cause maybe you won't get sick, and maybe it will extend your life?
Just looking for input.


  • MJay
    MJay Member Posts: 132
    Dear Colsie~ Those are all very good questions. Ones where it would be nice to have a crystal ball so you could look ahead and see the outcome before you make the decision.

    The only advice I an give is to follow what's in your father's heart. At first I would have said fight with eveything you have and everything they can give you. But then I just recently made the decision to stop chemo because I couldn't take the pain and sickness anymore. However, my prognosis is very good and chemo was only precautionary as they were not sure I had any more cancer cells in me. I have not dropped out of the fight as I am seeking other "battle" alternatives by seeking homeopathic remedies.

    Every level of care is a personal decision. None of the decisions are easy. Good luck and be strong.

  • spongebob
    spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
    I have to agree with my friend, MJay. Chemo treates everyone differently. I am all about fighting the dragon with everything you've got, but you know, when you're out of breath, you're out of breath.

    My advice is simple: It's not the amount of years in your life; it's the amount of life in your years.

    See how the chemo treats your dad and support whatever decision he makes - he'll know what is right for him.

    - SpongeBob
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hi Colsie,

    Three years ago I was diagnosed with Stage 3 lymph pos colon cancer. They advised adjuvant chemo of 5 FU and leucovorin. I said No Thank You and used alternatives instead.

    It's worked for me for three years as I continue to have NED ct and pet scans.

    I can tell you what has happened without chemo is that I have never had to be hospitalized for excessive diarrhea and dehydration, I have never lost sensation in my hands and feet, I have never have nausea and vommitting problems due to chemo, I have not lost my appetite, I have not lost my hair, I have no fear of secondary cancers caused by the chemo, I have no fear of damage to my heart or kidneys due to the toxicicity of the chemo and after I healed from the surgery to remove the tumor that I regained my energy and my life. (I have 5 kids).

    I can tell you that without chemo I am still alive today with a fabulous quality of life.

    If it ain't broke why destroy it?

    Now having said all that......I didn't do "nothing". Au contraire. I took mega supplements, I juiced fresh organic veggie juices all day long, I used Chinese Herbs, I had acupuncture and massage. I went for regular chiropractic. I quit eating any animal products--especially red meat. There is plenty your father can do to heal his cancer without taking chemo. I drank Essiac Tea. I did coffee enemas. I detoxed and rebuilt my immune system rather than toxify it.

    Worth a thought.

    peace, emily who has never regretted her decision for a moment
  • ccfree4evr
    ccfree4evr Member Posts: 2
    2bhealed said:

    Hi Colsie,

    Three years ago I was diagnosed with Stage 3 lymph pos colon cancer. They advised adjuvant chemo of 5 FU and leucovorin. I said No Thank You and used alternatives instead.

    It's worked for me for three years as I continue to have NED ct and pet scans.

    I can tell you what has happened without chemo is that I have never had to be hospitalized for excessive diarrhea and dehydration, I have never lost sensation in my hands and feet, I have never have nausea and vommitting problems due to chemo, I have not lost my appetite, I have not lost my hair, I have no fear of secondary cancers caused by the chemo, I have no fear of damage to my heart or kidneys due to the toxicicity of the chemo and after I healed from the surgery to remove the tumor that I regained my energy and my life. (I have 5 kids).

    I can tell you that without chemo I am still alive today with a fabulous quality of life.

    If it ain't broke why destroy it?

    Now having said all that......I didn't do "nothing". Au contraire. I took mega supplements, I juiced fresh organic veggie juices all day long, I used Chinese Herbs, I had acupuncture and massage. I went for regular chiropractic. I quit eating any animal products--especially red meat. There is plenty your father can do to heal his cancer without taking chemo. I drank Essiac Tea. I did coffee enemas. I detoxed and rebuilt my immune system rather than toxify it.

    Worth a thought.

    peace, emily who has never regretted her decision for a moment

    I recently found this and am very much encouraged as I recently had colon surgery to remove 1.5 feet of colon, appendix, and 43 lymph nodes - 8 being tested positive for cancer. I am considered Stage 3C and although I have not seen the oncologist yet, I am very determined to beat this cancer without chemo.
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member

    I recently found this and am very much encouraged as I recently had colon surgery to remove 1.5 feet of colon, appendix, and 43 lymph nodes - 8 being tested positive for cancer. I am considered Stage 3C and although I have not seen the oncologist yet, I am very determined to beat this cancer without chemo.

    I wonder what ever happened to her father?
    But I can tell you that I'm still alive and kickin'!

    Funny that I actually popped on here since I had posted this so many years ago.....and I just wanted you to know that it will be 10 years since my dx this coming August and I still never did any chemo and I'm still cancer free having NEVER done any chemo for Stage III.

    The protocol that I opted to do was intensive work but well worth the effort. If you are interested in doing CHEMIA (juice of the plant) instead of chemo, make sure you do your research and find a Naturopathic practitioner who can advise you and tailor make your protocol for your system.

    I also consulted a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner who was wonderful and gave me my "treatments" of acupuncture and massage along with herbal remedies, and who had me do organic coffee enemas at home to help with the detoxing. She did not put a needle in me until we had talked for at least an hour of counseling--a true holistic approach of MIND BODY SPIRIT.

    Hope this helps.

    peace, emily
  • 2bhealed said:

    I wonder what ever happened to her father?
    But I can tell you that I'm still alive and kickin'!

    Funny that I actually popped on here since I had posted this so many years ago.....and I just wanted you to know that it will be 10 years since my dx this coming August and I still never did any chemo and I'm still cancer free having NEVER done any chemo for Stage III.

    The protocol that I opted to do was intensive work but well worth the effort. If you are interested in doing CHEMIA (juice of the plant) instead of chemo, make sure you do your research and find a Naturopathic practitioner who can advise you and tailor make your protocol for your system.

    I also consulted a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner who was wonderful and gave me my "treatments" of acupuncture and massage along with herbal remedies, and who had me do organic coffee enemas at home to help with the detoxing. She did not put a needle in me until we had talked for at least an hour of counseling--a true holistic approach of MIND BODY SPIRIT.

    Hope this helps.

    peace, emily

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