New, need some advice...don't know if it's cancer or not...

Survivor73 Member Posts: 135
Hello All.

I am currently dealing with breast cancer and a reoccurance of thryoid cancer. The biopsy from my lymph nodes showed sarcoid, so I was given and xray, then a ct scan...thankfully my oncologist ordered it and did it from head to pelvis.

It showed a large mass near my ovary...they said it could be an ovarian cyst, but primary ovarian cancer needs to be ruled I am waiting for an ultrasound to determine if a biopsy is required.

The mass is 10cm by 8cm...and it is displacing my uterus...does anyone have any suggestions for me? will the us tell or rule out cancer? Is it always correct...?

Really freaking out here...possible 3rd cancer? I'm 43, married w 2 kids, 9 and was my sons b-day yesterday and I kept wondering if I'll be here to see the next.

The outcome for the thy ca & breast ca is so far good...determining if chemo is req or not...will know if a couple of weeks and still have to have surg for the thy, but it should all be treatable...

then they found this...oh, and a couple of bone islands...will still have to look into that...

Any advise on what to ask, etc would be appreciated.

Is there anyway other than surgery to do a biopsy? Does the blood test work? Is it acurate?

Thanks, and hope all is well.


  • poopergirl14052
    poopergirl14052 Member Posts: 1,183 Member
    ask for a ca-125 blood test
    this is a marker used in ovca. Usually a pet/ct scan can find if it is ov. Is your stomach bloated and are you having pelvic pain? I hope you find the answers you seek and O hope hope hope it is NOT OVCVA...val
  • carolenk
    carolenk Member Posts: 907 Member

    ask for a ca-125 blood test
    this is a marker used in ovca. Usually a pet/ct scan can find if it is ov. Is your stomach bloated and are you having pelvic pain? I hope you find the answers you seek and O hope hope hope it is NOT OVCVA...val

    Find a gyn/onc
    I agree with Val about getting the blood test but there is really no good way of deciding that you have cancer or not without a biopsy.

    Just in case you need to have surgery, find a good gyn/onc surgeon because the skill of the surgeon is EXTREMELY important for a good outcome if you are facing ovarian cancer.

    You might want to look into Dr. Servan-Schreiber's book "The Anti-Cancer Diet" as there is something about your body that drifts towards making cancer and there are lifestyle modifications that can improve your chances of success at surviving cancer.

    I would bet that you are iodine deficient, too. As the nutrient iodine supports thyroid, breasts & ovaries.
  • Tethys41
    Tethys41 Member Posts: 1,382 Member
    Ovarian Mass
    An ovarian mass that size needs to be removed, cancerous, or not. Find a good gyn/onc to run the diagnostics, but plan on having surgery either way.
  • Tethys41
    Tethys41 Member Posts: 1,382 Member
    carolenk said:

    Find a gyn/onc
    I agree with Val about getting the blood test but there is really no good way of deciding that you have cancer or not without a biopsy.

    Just in case you need to have surgery, find a good gyn/onc surgeon because the skill of the surgeon is EXTREMELY important for a good outcome if you are facing ovarian cancer.

    You might want to look into Dr. Servan-Schreiber's book "The Anti-Cancer Diet" as there is something about your body that drifts towards making cancer and there are lifestyle modifications that can improve your chances of success at surviving cancer.

    I would bet that you are iodine deficient, too. As the nutrient iodine supports thyroid, breasts & ovaries.

    If you've had thyroid cancer, there's a good likelihood that you have Hashimoto's, an autoimmune condition involving the body attacking the thyroid. This condition is determined through a thyroid antibody blood test (TPO). If you do have Hashimoto's, you should not ingest iodine of any kind. See the book "Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms If My Lab Results Are Normal."
  • anicca
    anicca Member Posts: 334 Member
    I agree that you must find a
    I agree that you must find a good gynecologic oncologist ASAP. Unfortunately, ultrasounds are not a good diagnostic tool for ovarian cancer. I had two gynecologists tell me that I had a uterine fibroid, when in reality, it was a huge ovarian malignancy. A gyn/onc will do the CA-125 blood test and probably a CT scan prior to surgery to remove the mass. I sincerely hope you do not have ovarian cancer, but you need to see someone who can take proper care of you in the event that you do.
  • kikz
    kikz Member Posts: 1,345 Member
    anicca said:

    I agree that you must find a
    I agree that you must find a good gynecologic oncologist ASAP. Unfortunately, ultrasounds are not a good diagnostic tool for ovarian cancer. I had two gynecologists tell me that I had a uterine fibroid, when in reality, it was a huge ovarian malignancy. A gyn/onc will do the CA-125 blood test and probably a CT scan prior to surgery to remove the mass. I sincerely hope you do not have ovarian cancer, but you need to see someone who can take proper care of you in the event that you do.

    As usual, great advice
    from the board. I pray you do not have to become a member. Good thoughts going your way.

  • LaundryQueen
    LaundryQueen Member Posts: 676
    kikz said:

    As usual, great advice
    from the board. I pray you do not have to become a member. Good thoughts going your way.


    Plan for surgery
    With the size of your ovary, I agree that you should plan for surgery--even if you don't have cancer. You want your surgery done by the best gyn/onc surgeon in town.
  • Survivor73
    Survivor73 Member Posts: 135

    Plan for surgery
    With the size of your ovary, I agree that you should plan for surgery--even if you don't have cancer. You want your surgery done by the best gyn/onc surgeon in town.

    thank you
    I will definately look into getting in touch with a OB/GYN surgeon/onco...since either way, yes I will likely need surgery for this...the big question is do this first or after rads for onco will have to make that decision.

    Thanks to all for your input, I will also ask for the blood test.