Results from Orthopaedic Surgeon

creampuff91344 Member Posts: 988
For those of you who have been keeping up with my plight, I am pleased to report that my visit to the ortho surgeon on Tuesday resulted in him finding no deficiencies in my hip bone, and therefore no need to worry about cancer or another bone spur. However, after seeing the xrays, and stating that he found no reason for my hip to constantly ache, his diagnosis was, "Let's put you on anti-inflammatory drug, and see what that does". Do these people think that every time you visit a doctor's office you need to have some kind of treatment, even when they can't see or find a cause. He handed me an informtion sheet about the drug he was suggesting, which stated that the drug could cause intestinal bleeding, stomach ulcers, heart attacks, and should not be taken by anyone who is taking a cholesterol lowering drug. After I read through the information, I told him no thanks, and that I would take my chances with exercise, massage theraphy, etc before putting myself in jeopardy to die from taking a drug that was being prescribed because he did not know what was causing my pain. I think this came as a shock to him, but right in my records it stated I was taking a statin drug for cholesterol. Now, to top that off, when I got home I researched the drug on the internet, and found that it also contains sulfadines, which it was also included in my records that I am highly allergic to sulfa drugs. We have all heard that we are our own advocates for our health, and I, for one, have decided that I will determine which treatment I am willing to take, and which drug I am willing to take. Does this sound like I am venting? If so, I feel better already. Thanks for the concern everyone has had during these past few weeks. Now, I'm off the massage therapist for a good workover on my hip. Can't wait! Hugs, Judy


  • yv1214
    yv1214 Member Posts: 72
    Glad to hear that things are looking better. Enjoy your massage!

  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member
    yv1214 said:

    Glad to hear that things are looking better. Enjoy your massage!


    I totally understand
    I am fed up with being told I need X rays.I need MRI or a ultrasound but my cancer doesnt need radiation X rays.Like you I go online for every pill and test I get.The doctors pass you off and tell you it is going to be this way.I am now going to tell them it is my way. Or like I did recently get other doctors(2 of them).I will refuse these tests now until I get more comfortable with my cancer but so far I've had way to many X rays and I'm not even a 2 year survivor.

    I am glad to hear you have no bone cancer in your hip and I understand you prefer no meds.It's sad how they just prescribe without even looking at charts.Dangerous.Some people might not pay attention on what is prescribed,take it and die.

    Lynn Smith
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member

    I totally understand
    I am fed up with being told I need X rays.I need MRI or a ultrasound but my cancer doesnt need radiation X rays.Like you I go online for every pill and test I get.The doctors pass you off and tell you it is going to be this way.I am now going to tell them it is my way. Or like I did recently get other doctors(2 of them).I will refuse these tests now until I get more comfortable with my cancer but so far I've had way to many X rays and I'm not even a 2 year survivor.

    I am glad to hear you have no bone cancer in your hip and I understand you prefer no meds.It's sad how they just prescribe without even looking at charts.Dangerous.Some people might not pay attention on what is prescribed,take it and die.

    Lynn Smith

    Judy thank for sharing
    I was wondering how was your visit. I am glad that orthopedic sur. did not find anything. I have continued seeing physical therapist and exercise at home. We are developing a special program targeting lumber spine and and hips. I also have been put back on Tamoxifen. Unfortunately, I cannot use bone growth stimulated hormone because I have had radiation therapy.
    Yes, you need to be your own advocate, I am tired of it too.
    New Flower
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    Judy thank for sharing
    I was wondering how was your visit. I am glad that orthopedic sur. did not find anything. I have continued seeing physical therapist and exercise at home. We are developing a special program targeting lumber spine and and hips. I also have been put back on Tamoxifen. Unfortunately, I cannot use bone growth stimulated hormone because I have had radiation therapy.
    Yes, you need to be your own advocate, I am tired of it too.
    New Flower

    Judy, such good news! Thank you for sharing
    with us. Now you can rest, and get some sleep! LOL Pro-active with your health ... !

    Strength and Courage,

    Vicki Sam
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    It is always important for
    It is always important for us to be our own advocates. I don't blame you for not taking the steroids one bit. I know there are days when I have quite a bit of pain, but, for the most part, I use my thermacares and try to stay as active as I can. When that doesn't work and I can't live with it, I try and persist until I find the answer. Hope your massage helps!
  • creampuff91344
    creampuff91344 Member Posts: 988

    It is always important for
    It is always important for us to be our own advocates. I don't blame you for not taking the steroids one bit. I know there are days when I have quite a bit of pain, but, for the most part, I use my thermacares and try to stay as active as I can. When that doesn't work and I can't live with it, I try and persist until I find the answer. Hope your massage helps!

    Thank you all
    I know it is important to read up on anything you are prescribed, and to make sure each and every test is actually necessary before agreeing to undergo xrays, CT scans, etc. Personally, I am so very tired of it all, but it is so important to check out anything that you think might be a recurrence or new cancer. What I don't understand is doctors who go on a whim and prescribe drugs without looking at your chart, or asking questions about your allergies before giving you meds that could potentially be harmful. After my bout with Reglan, I have learned to research everything, and I am so glad I did. I really think physical theraphy and massage will help with this condition, now that I know it isn't cancer of the bone. Thank you all for your comments. Hugs, Judy
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    You might want to check into
    You might want to check into exercises to strengthen muscles in that area. Maybe stretches would help. Maybe a physical therapist could assist. Glad it's not cancer!
  • creampuff91344
    creampuff91344 Member Posts: 988
    Marcia527 said:

    You might want to check into
    You might want to check into exercises to strengthen muscles in that area. Maybe stretches would help. Maybe a physical therapist could assist. Glad it's not cancer!

    Thanks Marcia
    I am working with a physical therapist, and have been assigned homework (stationary bike for 30 minutes twice a day, treadmill for 30 minutes in the morning and evening, and a series of stretching exercises that make me look like I am trying to become a pretzel.) So far all I have done is make myself sore, but I am sure this will go away after a few weeks. Also, my massage therapist works wonders on the hip area, and I see her every other week. They can't count me out yet....just glad it isn't cancer, as you said. These other things we can work on ourselves. Thanks for your recommendation. Hugs, Judy
  • cruf
    cruf Member Posts: 908

    Thanks Marcia
    I am working with a physical therapist, and have been assigned homework (stationary bike for 30 minutes twice a day, treadmill for 30 minutes in the morning and evening, and a series of stretching exercises that make me look like I am trying to become a pretzel.) So far all I have done is make myself sore, but I am sure this will go away after a few weeks. Also, my massage therapist works wonders on the hip area, and I see her every other week. They can't count me out yet....just glad it isn't cancer, as you said. These other things we can work on ourselves. Thanks for your recommendation. Hugs, Judy

    Hi Judy! Your PT has you doing an awful of ex everyday!. Over 2 hours would get you sore! Are you sure you have to do 30 min on bike 2x a day as well as 30 min on the treadmill 2 x a day as well as ex! I've been a PT for 37 years . That's way too much exercise for a healthy person ! You have to begin slowly and build up your time! Please check with her/him and maybe you could decrease to 30 min a day bike and treadmill the increase as you tol.Why the need to do so much??? You're joints are going to be sore specially if you're not used to this kind of ex. Please be careful! You shouldn't be uncomfortable like that! Keep us informed! HUGS!!!
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    Good news, Judy. Glad that
    Good news, Judy. Glad that you can cross that off your list. You are right about having to check everything and advocate for yourself. Good for you and I hope the soreness goes away soon. xoxoxoxo Lynn
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    cruf said:

    Hi Judy! Your PT has you doing an awful of ex everyday!. Over 2 hours would get you sore! Are you sure you have to do 30 min on bike 2x a day as well as 30 min on the treadmill 2 x a day as well as ex! I've been a PT for 37 years . That's way too much exercise for a healthy person ! You have to begin slowly and build up your time! Please check with her/him and maybe you could decrease to 30 min a day bike and treadmill the increase as you tol.Why the need to do so much??? You're joints are going to be sore specially if you're not used to this kind of ex. Please be careful! You shouldn't be uncomfortable like that! Keep us informed! HUGS!!!

    Thanks Cathy
    for your post. I was told by doctor that bicycle would not help for backpain and osteoporosis. Judy I wrote Judy a PM.
  • cruf
    cruf Member Posts: 908

    Thanks Cathy
    for your post. I was told by doctor that bicycle would not help for backpain and osteoporosis. Judy I wrote Judy a PM.

    The bicycle is used more for generalized strengthening and endurance as well as good for cardio. It's all good in moderation but too much isn't good for anyone! Thanks for being in touch with Judy! HUGS!!! Cathy
  • creampuff91344
    creampuff91344 Member Posts: 988
    lynn1950 said:

    Good news, Judy. Glad that
    Good news, Judy. Glad that you can cross that off your list. You are right about having to check everything and advocate for yourself. Good for you and I hope the soreness goes away soon. xoxoxoxo Lynn

    Cathy and New Flower
    I'm sorry that I was not clear in what I was told. I am supposed to start with 30 minutes total each day....15 minutes on each, bicycle and treadmill, and work myself up to an hour on each over a period of several months. The doctor was clear to say that he didn't want me to get too carried away with this exercise program, but felt it would help. As I told you, New Flower, there was no damage seen in the bone scan and the xrays to either my hip or lower back. I really think it is nerve damage, and that exercise will do nothing to relieve the pain. However, like a good patient, I will at least try what was recommended. Thank you both for your concern. I will be careful. hugs, Judy
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631

    Cathy and New Flower
    I'm sorry that I was not clear in what I was told. I am supposed to start with 30 minutes total each day....15 minutes on each, bicycle and treadmill, and work myself up to an hour on each over a period of several months. The doctor was clear to say that he didn't want me to get too carried away with this exercise program, but felt it would help. As I told you, New Flower, there was no damage seen in the bone scan and the xrays to either my hip or lower back. I really think it is nerve damage, and that exercise will do nothing to relieve the pain. However, like a good patient, I will at least try what was recommended. Thank you both for your concern. I will be careful. hugs, Judy

    so glad you stuck up for yourself. I bet that dr was surprised. Out of curiosity what med was he recommending? And, did he ever say he thought it might just be arthritis? I'm allergic to most Nsaids but I have been taking Arthrotec since 2000 for my osteoarthritis. Yes, it can cause bleeding as can aspirin. Before any surgery I have to stop taking it a week in advance. I too take a statin for cholesterol.

    I'm glad to hear pt is helping but be careful not to overdo. Right now my knees and low back are screaming. I see a spine specialist in a couple of weeks. I've never had a massage. Hope you're feeling better real soon!
    {{hugs}} Char
  • helen e
    helen e Member Posts: 223
    You go girl!!!

    You go girl!!!
  • creampuff91344
    creampuff91344 Member Posts: 988
    helen e said:

    You go girl!!!

    You go girl!!!

    The drug
    Char, the drug I was given was Meloxicam (relaed to Celebrix and Mobic). The drug should not be taken if you are on a cholesterol lowering drug, or if you are allergic to sulfa drugs. I have both of these. Guess my doctor just thought he had to give me something to treat, and forgot to look at my chart. I am just advocating that everyone research their drugs before taking them. Hugs, Judy
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    lynn1950 said:

    Good news, Judy. Glad that
    Good news, Judy. Glad that you can cross that off your list. You are right about having to check everything and advocate for yourself. Good for you and I hope the soreness goes away soon. xoxoxoxo Lynn

    This is good news Judy. I
    This is good news Judy. I am sorry that I missed this post before. It is too bad that we have to be our own advocates, but, it just seems the case a lot of the time.

    Hoping you feel better!

    Sue :)