I’m still the same S.O.B. I was before



  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    haha- welcome back!
    Good to see your face again here! Hang in there w the radiation-

  • Lori-S
    Lori-S Member Posts: 1,277 Member
    Woo Hoo!
    How great to hear from the ol' coot on the cook top! Welcome back Kerry ... you were missed. It is so good to see you posting and doing so well.
  • coloCan
    coloCan Member Posts: 1,944 Member
    Lori-S said:

    Woo Hoo!
    How great to hear from the ol' coot on the cook top! Welcome back Kerry ... you were missed. It is so good to see you posting and doing so well.

    Here comes Kerry
    Fit as a fiddle.......with many more years to gripe about the scary ol lady keeping him going
  • tina dasilva
    tina dasilva Member Posts: 641
    coloCan said:

    Here comes Kerry
    Fit as a fiddle.......with many more years to gripe about the scary ol lady keeping him going

    Yay for you Kerry i'm so happy your back hugs for you Tina
  • karguy
    karguy Member Posts: 1,020 Member
    Welcome back
    Welcome back,I'm glad you are doing better.
  • Lilmiss82
    Lilmiss82 Member Posts: 257 Member
    karguy said:

    Welcome back
    Welcome back,I'm glad you are doing better.

    Yeah Kerry Your Back!!!
    So happy to see you post again. Missed your twisted humor so much :)Melissa
  • sharpy102
    sharpy102 Member Posts: 368 Member
    Welcome back
    Hey Kerry: welcome back! It's good to see you up here. I was getting worried about you! Let us know how you are doing once you have enough strength. Take your time! :)
  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    Welcome Back Friend
    Aww so good to see you posting again. Of course, I've been away from the board from awhile but come back now and again to see what is going on and was glad to see that you are posting again and still the SOB you always were :) Sorry to hear of the spread though. Keep up your fighting spirit.

  • CherylHutch
    CherylHutch Member Posts: 1,375 Member
    Good to see you back, Kerry, you old S.O.B :D And you didn't lose your identity back at the hospital... great that you kept them on their toes!

    Are you back at home, or staying with your son while you finish your radiation?

  • just4Brooks
    just4Brooks Member Posts: 980 Member
    Can you cook a roast on that thing? Give me a call when you're up to it. I was out of town this weekend seing some family but sure happy to be home.

  • geotina
    geotina Member Posts: 2,111 Member
    Welcome back. Now we want to her more "hospital stories" when you are up to it.

    Take care - Tina
  • lesvanb
    lesvanb Member Posts: 905
    welcome back Kerry!
    and I was just thinking of seeing if the tractor would start up. Gotta clean out the run-in shed.

    all the best, Leslie
  • pete43lost_at_sea
    pete43lost_at_sea Member Posts: 3,900 Member
    lesvanb said:

    welcome back Kerry!
    and I was just thinking of seeing if the tractor would start up. Gotta clean out the run-in shed.

    all the best, Leslie

    great to have you here
    you made it.
    someones really caring for you.
    ps the attitude levels have been a bit low, i expect they will start to rise soon.
  • mukamom
    mukamom Member Posts: 402

    great to have you here
    you made it.
    someones really caring for you.
    ps the attitude levels have been a bit low, i expect they will start to rise soon.

    glad you are back
    and kicking cancers's a$$ again

  • RickMurtagh
    RickMurtagh Member Posts: 587 Member
    Kerry, I am glad you are the same Silly Old Booger you used to be. The forums would not be the same if you changed - glad you are back!
  • taraHK
    taraHK Member Posts: 1,952 Member
    great to hear from you!

    And congrats on completing so many of the radiation treatment already, you stud!

    I just finished 3 weeks of radiation for bone mets. Know what you mean about the frying! I had a body mould, to keep my body in place. I asked if I could take it home afterwards but they just thought I was crazy (true, of course)

  • loveandhope
    loveandhope Member Posts: 52
    hey kerry
    love ur sense of

    hey kerry
    love ur sense of humor S.O.B lol....i havent been around for some time either, but glad to see u (so to speak) again!!!
  • HollyID
    HollyID Member Posts: 946 Member
    Gosh, you've been missed...
    So glad to "see" you again. Cook-top huh?

    Love ya, guy!!

    Love and Hugs to you!!