The Kindred Spirits STRIKE AGAIN!

Aortus Member Posts: 967
So, I'm finally home on the Friday afternoon of an awe-inspiringly awful week - one I got through basically because I knew there were people all over the place thinking about me and praying for me, but even so, really awful. I feed the poor, starving, maltreated beasts and take them out the front door for the mandatory afternoon walk. When what do I see on my porch... but a package! The return address said "Ayse" and I realized that the Kindred Spirits had struck.

I tried explaining to the dogs that I wanted to stay home and open my package RRRIGHT NOW, but I was outvoted twelve paws to two. Oh well. They got just one lap around the block and that was it, heh heh heh. Too bad they're dogs, and have no realization that I actually won that round. I tore into my package and saw all sorts of delicious snacks, of various levels of healthiness... and yes, there was Bacon Chocolate! And to top it off, a kazoo, to accompany the beasts next time they get the urge to harmonize for me!

I can't even begin to explain how much this lifted me up. In between Moopy's birthday, dealing with things like insurance and 401ks (all going well, thanks to Moopy, but time consuming) and the stress of bringing Moopy's remains home yesterday (I finally realized I was ready, and I was right), I have been having a rough time. Thank you all so much, and especially you, dear Ayse, for bringing a tear to this lonely guy's eye... and to the dogs' eyes too. You see, they hate that damn kazoo already... let's just say I think I know how the inventors of gunpowder felt when they realized what they could do to people now.

Did I tell you how much I love you ladies? Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.



  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
    Let me just say...I love you
    Let me just say...I love you too. And I have an idea that that sentiment is echoed by everyone of the Kindred Spirits on the boards and on FB as well. You make me cry bittersweet tears. And, btw...can you even begin to imagine how many balloons were delivered to Moopy on Wednesday???? How loving and incredible is that????? It speaks volumes about the 2 of you....

  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    chenheart said:

    Let me just say...I love you
    Let me just say...I love you too. And I have an idea that that sentiment is echoed by everyone of the Kindred Spirits on the boards and on FB as well. You make me cry bittersweet tears. And, btw...can you even begin to imagine how many balloons were delivered to Moopy on Wednesday???? How loving and incredible is that????? It speaks volumes about the 2 of you....


    Joe Thank you for always being here for us
    for sharing your love and compassion. Спасибо за добрые и чуткие слова, поддержку и удивительную мудрость. Вы с Лизои вдохновляете многих и всегда в наших сердцах и мыслях.
    New Flower
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Aren't surprises from those who love you just the best! Glad we could brighten your day Joe, you are the best and we love you the pooches and of course your Moopy! Now go do some Kazoo and show those pups who the alpha dog is, I may have to get one for Grrr and I.


  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Perfect timing!
    For sure, dear Joe, an awful week. That package arrived at the perfect time! Hoping your spirits remain lifted over the entire weekend. :-)

    You know I love you - I know you do. xo
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    RE said:

    Aren't surprises from those who love you just the best! Glad we could brighten your day Joe, you are the best and we love you the pooches and of course your Moopy! Now go do some Kazoo and show those pups who the alpha dog is, I may have to get one for Grrr and I.



    ....of a beautiful gal, of course!!!

    Hugs, Kathi
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    KathiM said:

    ....of a beautiful gal, of course!!!

    Hugs, Kathi

    Oh Kathi thank you, you are too kind. Hope you are doing well!


  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member

    Perfect timing!
    For sure, dear Joe, an awful week. That package arrived at the perfect time! Hoping your spirits remain lifted over the entire weekend. :-)

    You know I love you - I know you do. xo

    Dear Joe
    I hope you find comfort in having your Moopy home with you again.
    Kathy ~
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    Kat11 said:

    Dear Joe
    I hope you find comfort in having your Moopy home with you again.
    Kathy ~

    Ayse is an angel!
    This made me cry. I'm so glad it lifted your spirits!

  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    sea60 said:

    Ayse is an angel!
    This made me cry. I'm so glad it lifted your spirits!


    Ayse is just the best at
    Ayse is just the best at lifting spirits. I love that she did this for you. You and Moopy are two of the best loved people on this board and it's always nice to find a surprise package and for you especially this week. A kazoo, now there is a real treat. I know because my grandkids have them and I just love them to pieces. LOL We have only one rule, don't blow them in grandma's ears. I have a friend going through the same paperwork for her mom's estate and it is hard. Not because it is complicated just that everything you do is a constant reminder of the loss. I experienced it as my mom's executor. She was also very organized and that helped with doing it but not with having to do it.
    Our hearts are always with you as you know and we send love and hugs to you yesterday, today and always.
  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    Joe - so glad you got your yummies
    and it sounds to me like someone needs practice with the Kazoo.. LOL
    my friend has one and her two puppies starting howling along when she
    starts playing it. Hahah now I don't know if they howling in pain... hmm

    Joe, just remember the membership of this exclusive club is for life, aka
    you are stuck with us.

  • roseann4
    roseann4 Member Posts: 992 Member
    aysemari said:

    Joe - so glad you got your yummies
    and it sounds to me like someone needs practice with the Kazoo.. LOL
    my friend has one and her two puppies starting howling along when she
    starts playing it. Hahah now I don't know if they howling in pain... hmm

    Joe, just remember the membership of this exclusive club is for life, aka
    you are stuck with us.


    I think of you every day and pray that you will find joy again. In my 60 years I have never been as touched by a couple's love for each other. Because I believe that love never dies, I know it will show up in your life in wonderful ways. Your Moopster will be sure to make that happen. There are many women sending you love every day. You are one in a million!

  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    I just have to say
    how sorry I am that I never got to know her. The outpouring of love and support for you and your beautiful Moopy is overwhelming to see! An amazing team.

  • Bella Luna
    Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
    Ayse... an Angel in disguise
    What a kind, loving gesture. I am happy the Kindred Spirits brought a smile to your face, Joe. Moopy was highly thought of and loved by us Sisters in Pink. I am glad Ayse and some of the other CSN Family members were able to lighten your load.

    Ayse you are truly an Angel in disguise. How blessed we are to have your kind, thoughtful spirit with us.

    Take care, God bless.
  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    I am so glad that we were able to be uplifting to you as you have alwayse been for us. As you can see, you are always in our thoughts and our hearts.

    And, I do believe that 'Ayse' translates 'Angel'.

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    roseann4 said:

    I think of you every day and pray that you will find joy again. In my 60 years I have never been as touched by a couple's love for each other. Because I believe that love never dies, I know it will show up in your life in wonderful ways. Your Moopster will be sure to make that happen. There are many women sending you love every day. You are one in a million!


    Ayse is our angel of good cheer!
    Joe, I can not even begin to imagine how difficult your days or, nights have been - all I know, is that you are one brave sole.

    Moopy would be so proud of you, and she knows that you have continued her legacy of posting here on our 'Kindred Spirits' site. Love, hugs and prayers always for you, dear Joe.

    remember ..... to

    smile everyday

    never give up, or give in

    never lose Faith

    get out of bed, otherwise the pups will never get any exercise

    shower, brush your teeth, and comb your hair - life is a little brighter, when you feel clean

    We are here for you, 24/7 - doesn't matter the time of day or night

    Bacon is awesome, in moderate amounts

    Chocolate Bacon is not considered a dessert

    You have a purpose -

    Things will get better, in time - so put 1 foot in front of the other, and try to walk into a new day

    You are LOVED by so many people, Kindred Spirits, Family, Friends and the pups.

    Strength, Courage and Peace, I pray for you my friend.

    Vicki Sam
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    you and Moopy (Lisa) are on my mind quite often. I'm so happy that Ayse sent you that wonderful package to bring a smile to your face. She's one thoughtful sister. Somehow the support and love you and Moopy shared poured through the screens of all our computers on this site. Although this was a hard week, I'm hoping that with each passing day, life without Moopy gets a bit easier. You are an awesome man and in many of our hearts.
    {{hugs}} Char
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    Ayse is our resident angel,
    Ayse is our resident angel, isn't she? I am so glad that you received your care package and at just the perfect time. I am also glad that you have the dogs as I know mine force me to get up and out whether I want to be there or not. And, when I say "walk" and their whole bodies wag in delight, I can't help but think I should get out there and do some wagging too. Anyway, we love you too and want to help how ever we can.
  • pinkkari09
    pinkkari09 Member Posts: 877 Member
    What a fantastically sweet
    What a fantastically sweet amazing lovely gesture :) I've been thinking of you and Lisa, let 3 blue balloons go at 6:30 on the 23rd, said an extra prayer every morning....I'm so happy that Ayse sent something special to brighten your day, you deserve it. Moopy is smiling down on you and those amazing pooches, she is with you always Joe.
    Big Hugs and Miles of Love,
  • sal314
    sal314 Member Posts: 599 Member
    Think of You Often
    and can relate more than ever of what you are going through. I lost my dad 7 weeks ago to esophageal cancer. The whole grieving process is so excruciating. It just plain sucks!

    All we can do is pray, walk through it and hold on to the promises God makes to us that He will renew our spirit in time.

    Blessings to you!

  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
    you are so dear
    you and Moopy will always be near and dear in my heart, im glad Ayse could bring you a ray of sunshine in your dark days. You have been in my prayers Joe ...i can imagine how devasting this has been for you. I lost my childrens father over 9 years ago and finally i can smile and cherish the memories without becoming overwhelmed with sadness.

    you go play Kazoo to the Dogs and have a bacon chocolate sundae :-) and of course Never forget that this pink sis Jackie from Mt. loves the heck out of you!
    God Bless,