going to the airport soon...



  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    RE said:

    I know!
    I know you are that devious which is why I thought it may be you! Have fun with the laundry!


    2 1/2 hours to our lunch. It's blowing, raining, and cold! This is supposed to be California, doggone it. And it's the end of March afterall.

    But there are priorities, and I'm leaving home in less than 2 hours to meet everyone and see what our surprise is all about.

    I've got the hardilwaits.

  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    I am leaving for the weekend, need to get away for a little
    but I will be wondering all along who this person, maybe
    if I can find access to internet some where I'll check it lol..

    You girls have fun, I KNOW you will... You sure know how
    to build up anticipation.. I AM excited and I won't even
    be there.


    PS RE, you do look gorgeous on this picture (:
  • PinkPearl
    PinkPearl Member Posts: 280
    Sounds like you are going to have so much fun
    and you sound like a bunch of fun lovers. I am jealous, I wish I was from Northern California too. :)
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    Please have an awesome time
    Please have an awesome time even though I will be stuck here suffering fits of jealousy.