spread EC info with "reach out EC info packs!!!!

K_ann1015 Member Posts: 500
I do not work or get paid by ECAN.org but through my spearheading state EC Awareness months--I want to share this with you all--you can share this info with Dr's family friends, etc

Free Awareness Kits kit
You Can Reach Out with a Life-Saving Message
As part of our Awareness Month campaign, ECAN will provide
Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month Reach Out Kits to health care providers, patients, advocates - anyone who wants to increase understanding about Esophageal Cancer and the need for early detection - it saves lives. The Reach Out Kits contain
posters, informational brochures and periwinkle blue wristbands bearing ECAN’s life-saving message: Heartburn can cause Cancer.


  • Bobs1wife
    Bobs1wife Member Posts: 150
    Thank you for the information
    Kim, Thank you for the information and helping to raise awareness. I have already requested 5 kits and will place them around town. I hope the response is good and I will need more! Linda
  • Susie_Brendon
    Susie_Brendon Member Posts: 128
    Kim - Where do I go to get these kits???
    I would like to get several.
  • sandy1943
    sandy1943 Member Posts: 824
    Thanks for the info. I am
    Thanks for the info. I am participating in the Relay for Life walk in April, and would love to be able to put this information out at our team booth. People do not know how EC is becoming so rampant and need to be told about it.
    Thanks, Sandra
  • unclaw2002
    unclaw2002 Member Posts: 599
    Thank you Kim for doing this

    Thank you Kim for doing this . . .

    You can get the kits from the ECAN website at this address
    http://www.ecan.org/site/PageServer?pagename=Home#kits (Cut and paste into your browser).

    One you get to the page scroll down to the Reach Out Kit and click on the link to "Get it now!" You will be taken to a page to fill out your name and address information. Good luck I ordered my kit and can't wait to get it.

  • K_ann1015
    K_ann1015 Member Posts: 500

    Kim - Where do I go to get these kits???
    I would like to get several.

    go to ECAN.org for life saving Kits
    thank Cyndi!

    --you only have to remember ECAN.org---it brings you to the same page and then scroll down to the "Reach Out Kits". You can click to request them.

    Also, you'll see a map on the site that is tracking our state EC Awareness Month Efforts!!! Our goal is 100% of states in PERIWINKLE!

    Also---I like your ideas everyone on how to share this info! I think I'd like to compile a list & share with folks.

    Prayers to all are affected by EC....

  • sandy1943
    sandy1943 Member Posts: 824
    Hi, Thanks so much about the
    Hi, Thanks so much about the information on the Ecan awareness kit. I received mine today.

    I am on a team for Relay For Life at the end of April. Our event is a big exciting one to raise funds for the fight against cancer. Hundreds of people will be attending and we will have a booth set up. I'm so happy, that with this kit, I can set up a table to draw attention to EC. People so need to be made aware of the prevention of this cancer.

    Thanks again,
  • Tina Blondek
    Tina Blondek Member Posts: 1,500 Member
    Hey Kim
    I ordered my EC Awareness kits yesterday. Looking forward to getting them and getting the word out!
    Thanks again and many hugs to you your dad and mom!
    Tina in Va