Update on George:

geotina Member Posts: 2,111 Member
Had the monthly visit with the oncologist yesterday. Things are looking up. The Camposar (CPT-11) and Avastin seem to be doing their job.

George's CEA spiked last November to just under 200. After PET, CT, liver biopsies we knew the cancer was marching forward at a pretty good clip and the maintenance chemo was no longer doing its job. He had been on light maintenance chemo for well over a year so that was a pretty good run. Things were stable and shrinking a bit with a 30 minute weekly infusion.

Right around the first of the year he started the CPT-11 with Avastin. In February his CEA had dropped to the 90's and now is 40. Hopefully it keeps its downward trend. So, doc wants him to stay on this drug since it seems to be doing its job.

We addressed the diarrhea issues and have some new thoughts to get that more under control. I mentioned the fatigue and low enery issues and George is slightly anemic so after chemo next week he will get a shot of Procrit and that should help. He is borderline for it, it is usually given when your HGB drops below 10 and George is at 9.4, onc feels it is a good idea for him to have it.

Turns out George is Kras mutant so down the road Erbitux probably will not work for him should it be needed but I thought I read on here where they were giving Erbitux in combination with something else, maybe Gemzar, for those that are Kras mutant. Guess I have to do some research but any thoughts or knowledge on this would be appreciated. I like to stay one step ahead in treatment options.

All George's blood work looks good, platelets are holding up very well, white blood count, liver crap, etc.

Well thats it in a nutshell.

Take Care - Tina


  • Buzzard
    Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member
    Well Tina....George...It sounds good.....
    CEA drop of any kind sounds like good news to me....Im sure you two are in great spirits...Thats definitely a victory in all of this and with victories come celebrations...SO I think Im gonna dance naked for the good news the two of you got ...

    and yes, I will be alone.........BOOGIE OGGIE OGGIE !!!!!
  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    T & G
    That is really good news!

    I know you must both be feelin' pretty good about this one:)

    And since Buzz is dancing naked, I'm heading inside, LOL:)

  • JoyceSteele
    JoyceSteele Member Posts: 145
    Happy for your good news
    Thank you for the update. So glad things are looking up for both of you. You are in my prayers.. hugs, Joyce
  • pepebcn
    pepebcn Member Posts: 6,331 Member

    Happy for your good news
    Thank you for the update. So glad things are looking up for both of you. You are in my prayers.. hugs, Joyce

    That's a great drop Tina , be sure Chemo is doing it's job!
    I celebrate it!
  • Buzzard
    Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member
    pepebcn said:

    That's a great drop Tina , be sure Chemo is doing it's job!
    I celebrate it!

    Now Craig.......You won't see nuthin in Texas.....LMAO
    Don't be skeered !!! I just warned all the neighbors to keep all children inside and away from all windows...Keep all pets in their kennels and block off the inlet and outlet to our road...Its dance time !!!

    disco buzz :)
  • AnneCan
    AnneCan Member Posts: 3,673 Member

    I am really happy for both of you! That is a remarkable decrease in CEA! Tell George to keep on doing what he is doing.
  • idlehunters
    idlehunters Member Posts: 1,787 Member
    Buzzard said:

    Now Craig.......You won't see nuthin in Texas.....LMAO
    Don't be skeered !!! I just warned all the neighbors to keep all children inside and away from all windows...Keep all pets in their kennels and block off the inlet and outlet to our road...Its dance time !!!

    disco buzz :)

    YAY George and Tina!!!!.....
    Great news guys!!! I am so happy it is working again. thats a huge drop in CEA..... I'm with Buzz...its dance naked time.... heading out to the hot tub now..... I'm a country gal so NO neighbors here.....just me and mother nature....... be thinking bout you and disco Buzz!!! LOL...... Take care

  • Jaylo969
    Jaylo969 Member Posts: 824 Member
    AnneCan said:


    I am really happy for both of you! That is a remarkable decrease in CEA! Tell George to keep on doing what he is doing.

    Tina & George
    Happy, Happy for you!! You must be doing something very right! Keep up the good work.

  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    good news!
    Hi Tina,

    Well, that is really good overall news about George! Yay- it's about time, right?!
    I'm also k-ras mutant- being a "mutant" does not mean you have a more agressive cancer or that you'll respond poorly to other treatments- it really only means that you won't respond to the Erbitux or Vectibix. You are right, though- they are now doing some trials where they are giving Erbitux to some kras mutated patients in combo with another drug. I don't think it was Gemzar, though, but I don't remember what it was. Apparently there is another factor that they can test for- not all kras mutated patients will be a candidate for it- it depends upon how this certain test they give you comes out. Sorry I don't remember the name. But that does mean that there still could be more possibilities down the road.

    I'm glad he's responding so well the to Camptosar (irinotecan)!

  • Crow71
    Crow71 Member Posts: 679 Member
    So happy for you guys
    This is great Tina. That cea just fell off a cliff. Awesome!!

    I'm a kras mutant also. I'm not sure about mixing Erbitux with another drug. Let me know what you find out about that. A while back I read about a study on Kras. It showed that the location of the mutation along the strand makes a difference and that some Kras mutants responded to Erbitux. We sent a piece of my tumor off to be tested. Unfortunately I'm still not a candidate for Erbitux, but maybe George could be. Ask your onc.

    Take care and celebrate.
