Bone Scan Results

creampuff91344 Member Posts: 988
Had a bone scan done on Monday, and just got a call from the oncologist saying there were no signs of cancer. Yippee! Now, off to see the orthopedic surgeon to see what is causing the pain in my hip. This will be like the last time....hoping for a hip replacement instead of cancer (before it was hoping for a bone spur instand of cancer). Thanks for all the good thoughts. Hugs, Judy


  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    Congrats! I went through
    Congrats! I went through that too but after the bone scan came out clear the onc sent me to my PCP who had me take glucosamine chondroitin. It did the trick. I could barely get out of a chair and walked like I was 90. Had trouble with stairs too. What ever it was never came back. I took the pills for a few months till I got tired of swallowing them. Good luck!
  • pinkkari09
    pinkkari09 Member Posts: 877 Member
    Congrats on the clear bone
    Congrats on the clear bone scan!! YAH!! Hope you get the pain figured out soon.
    Miles of Love,
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    Awesome Judy!
    What great news! Thanks for sharing.


  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    Such wonderful news! So very happy for you Judy...loooooovvveeee hearing good news!
    Wishing you continued good news..
  • woodsygal
    woodsygal Member Posts: 64
    MAJW said:

    Such wonderful news! So very happy for you Judy...loooooovvveeee hearing good news!
    Wishing you continued good news..

    I'm so glad everything was clear! Takes a load off the mind! best wishes!!!! Carlie
  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    woodsygal said:

    I'm so glad everything was clear! Takes a load off the mind! best wishes!!!! Carlie

    Yippee indeed!
    So happy for the clear bone scan. Now, I hope your hip pain can be fixed.

  • linpsu
    linpsu Member Posts: 747
    So happy to hear that your bone scan was clear - that is really great news! Hugs, Linda
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Great News, Judy!
    YAY! for the bone scan results. Along with you, I'll hope for a hip replacement recommendation/solution. Sheesh! We are a sometimes odd bunch, aren't we? Hoping for anything but cancer. :-)

    Kind regards, Susan
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    Great News, Judy!
    YAY! for the bone scan results. Along with you, I'll hope for a hip replacement recommendation/solution. Sheesh! We are a sometimes odd bunch, aren't we? Hoping for anything but cancer. :-)

    Kind regards, Susan

    Good news .. Still dancing with NED ... hip replacement
    yikes ..but manageable, my mom had her left hip replaced a little over a year ago! Easier than knee replacement from what we've been told.

    Good Luck, and let us know what is recommended.

    Hugs, Strength and Courage.

    Vicki Sam
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Judy that is fantastic news, yippee for no cancer and the potential for a new hip! You'll be dancing up a storm in no time. So happy your results were cancer free!

    Big Hugs,

  • Hippiechick58
    Hippiechick58 Member Posts: 320
    RE said:

    Judy that is fantastic news, yippee for no cancer and the potential for a new hip! You'll be dancing up a storm in no time. So happy your results were cancer free!

    Big Hugs,


    This is great news indeed!
    This is great news indeed! My feet are doing a little happy dance for you-\-/

    Be Well,
  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member

    This is great news indeed!
    This is great news indeed! My feet are doing a little happy dance for you-\-/

    Be Well,

    Great news Judy! I'm so
    Great news Judy! I'm so glad! Hope you find out what is causing the hip pain and get some relief.
    I'm still waiting for my bone scan results and hope it's good news as well.
  • cruf
    cruf Member Posts: 908

    Great news Judy! I'm so
    Great news Judy! I'm so glad! Hope you find out what is causing the hip pain and get some relief.
    I'm still waiting for my bone scan results and hope it's good news as well.

    Good News!
    Good news on No cancer! Good luck if you have a Total Hip. If you have to have a Total hip, try to find an Orthopedist who does the Anterior Approach rather than the traditional approach. There are no precautions after surgery and the patients get back to normal faster. The end result is the same just easier to get there. It's relatively new and few MDs do it but if you can find someone who has experience in it, I truely suggest it. I'm a PT working in a subacute rehab center treating postop Total hip patients. IM me if you have any questions. Cathy
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    sounds like you and I are going through similar problems. I have lumbar spinal stenosis and have had several nerve blocks and caudal epidurals. They help for awhile but then the pain spreads from the spine around my hips..... Hurts like heck! I had a CT scan on Wed that my onc will go over with me next week and Thursday I had a MRI of the lumbar. Rheumatologist will go over those results. Taking Arimidex doesn't help either. I'm glad your bone scan was clear. My onc hasn't said I should have one yet. Will see.....
    {{hugs}} Char
  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    No cancer is soooooo good!
    No cancer is soooooo good! Congratulations! I hope all goes well with the orthopedic doc.


  • pinkflutterby
    pinkflutterby Member Posts: 615 Member

    No cancer is soooooo good!
    No cancer is soooooo good! Congratulations! I hope all goes well with the orthopedic doc.




  • ladyg
    ladyg Member Posts: 1,577
    That is such good news. A hip replacement is certainly better than cancer. Maybe you won't need that either. They may be able to do something with medication instead.

  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    ladyg said:

    That is such good news. A hip replacement is certainly better than cancer. Maybe you won't need that either. They may be able to do something with medication instead.


    I am so glad that your bone scan came back negative. Good news. Sorry for the hip pain. We are weird people who are happy to have hp replacement!!!!
    My visit to endocrinologist was very informative, however we are not not sure wether pr not I will be able to new drugs to treat my osteoporosis which has developed within 5 months while on Arimidex. Since I am a poor metabolizer of Tamoxifen I cannot go back on it.
    I do have very limited options for my treatment.
    Wishing you a good visit with orthopedic doctor.
    New Flower
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    cruf said:

    Good News!
    Good news on No cancer! Good luck if you have a Total Hip. If you have to have a Total hip, try to find an Orthopedist who does the Anterior Approach rather than the traditional approach. There are no precautions after surgery and the patients get back to normal faster. The end result is the same just easier to get there. It's relatively new and few MDs do it but if you can find someone who has experience in it, I truely suggest it. I'm a PT working in a subacute rehab center treating postop Total hip patients. IM me if you have any questions. Cathy

    Thank you for great suggestions
  • creampuff91344
    creampuff91344 Member Posts: 988

    I am so glad that your bone scan came back negative. Good news. Sorry for the hip pain. We are weird people who are happy to have hp replacement!!!!
    My visit to endocrinologist was very informative, however we are not not sure wether pr not I will be able to new drugs to treat my osteoporosis which has developed within 5 months while on Arimidex. Since I am a poor metabolizer of Tamoxifen I cannot go back on it.
    I do have very limited options for my treatment.
    Wishing you a good visit with orthopedic doctor.
    New Flower

    Thank you All
    Your gracious replies certainly perked me up regarding a possible hip replacement. New Flower, thank you for your input regarding Arimidex. I was on Femara for approximately 4 month, and had such hip pain that they switched me to Tamoxifen. However, I have always thought that the 4 months on Arimidex was enough to do a number on my bones in the hip area. I was diagnosed with osteoperina at the time of my initial diagnosis, and before any chemo, so they were aware that my bones were susceptible to deterioration. Guess this is what started my problems, and they haven't gotten any better in almost three years. I will see the orthopedic surgeon this week, and hopefully he will be able to diagnos the problem....and I can get on with treatment. Thanks to all for your help. Hugs, Judy