Stool Softener. Warning TMI!!!

trishell Member Posts: 20
Hello. This is embarrassing for me but I don't have an answer so I am just going to ask. I am still constipated. Been like this since my surgery. I take the stool softeners like I am supposed to but it is not working. I took miralax so that I can actually "go". It did work but caused more pain to my abdomen. The thing is that I don't want to have to keep taking laxatives just to go to the bathroom. Is there anything that I can do or take to regulate me without harming myself or interfere with the chemo? Thanks for any input and sorry for this unattractive post.


  • poopergirl14052
    poopergirl14052 Member Posts: 1,183 Member
    that is my nick name hubby gave me after my surgery.I had to take colace and Miralax for a while after surgery but not so much now except for a few days after chemo. You need to keep things moving so you don't get a bowel obstruction. Also fiber rich foods and oatmeal help to. I had pain in my abdomen to when taking laxatives but felt better when it worked. I had a bowel resection too and one half of my bowel removed so I get full quick and soon have to go. Just keep doing what you are doing and things will get better.
  • anicca
    anicca Member Posts: 334 Member

    that is my nick name hubby gave me after my surgery.I had to take colace and Miralax for a while after surgery but not so much now except for a few days after chemo. You need to keep things moving so you don't get a bowel obstruction. Also fiber rich foods and oatmeal help to. I had pain in my abdomen to when taking laxatives but felt better when it worked. I had a bowel resection too and one half of my bowel removed so I get full quick and soon have to go. Just keep doing what you are doing and things will get better.

    Senokot and Colace worked
    Senokot and Colace worked very well for me. Maybe you could try different laxatives to see which work for you. Senokot is one of the natural, vegetable bowel stimulants. It comes in different dosages, so read the package and buy small amounts to find the right dosage. I found store brands of both products that were a lot less costly than the name brands.
  • pattysoo
    pattysoo Member Posts: 170
    Diet, water, exercise
    I know everyone is different, but for me, I ate oatmeal w/prunes or raisins and molasses. For three days after chemo I drank some prune juice in the morning. I always had a large serving of leafy greens. I'd throw frozen spinach into soups, omelets, spaghetti sauce. I drank at least 2 liters of water a day. Ate only whole grain products and lots of legumes. Finally, I got out and walked every day. I was only constipated with my first chemo after taking the recommended compazine for nausea. For that time I used Milk of Magnesia, and boy did it work. After that, I never used the compazine again, and didn't need it. These things kept me more regular than I've ever been.
  • leesag
    leesag Member Posts: 621 Member
    Poop is time sensitive...
    My husband laughed when I told him that, for five days after chemo, my poop was "time sensitive." If I didn't go when I felt like I had to, then I would become constipated. I took SenekotS and found that it worked like a dream!

    As for this thread being unattractive, poop is something everyone does, and when you are an OVCA survivor, you celebrate every doggone normal bowel movement you have!


  • trishell
    trishell Member Posts: 20
    leesag said:

    Poop is time sensitive...
    My husband laughed when I told him that, for five days after chemo, my poop was "time sensitive." If I didn't go when I felt like I had to, then I would become constipated. I took SenekotS and found that it worked like a dream!

    As for this thread being unattractive, poop is something everyone does, and when you are an OVCA survivor, you celebrate every doggone normal bowel movement you have!



    time sensitive
    Lol. I love that. It fits me right to the "T". I think that I'll try that approach on my hubby to see the reaction I get out of him.
  • kikz
    kikz Member Posts: 1,345 Member
    trishell said:

    time sensitive
    Lol. I love that. It fits me right to the "T". I think that I'll try that approach on my hubby to see the reaction I get out of him.

    I can't believe how often I
    talk about bowel movements! That was one of the biggest problems I had during treatment. I either couldn't go or couldn't stop going. One of my chemo infusions was actually postponed because I was constipated and I had to give myself an enema. I occasionally took Vicodin for pain and it caused constipation. One night at about 3AM I was in the bathroom trying so hard to go. I sat on the pot so long that when I tried to stand up my leg was asleep and I fell down. I was so weak I didn't know how I would get up but I did. Thankfully everything is working well now. It is a crappy (pardon the pun) topic but it is something we all have to deal with. It does get better.

  • antcat
    antcat Member Posts: 270
    Constipation problem
    Hi Trishell

    I know exactly where you're coming from because I have the same problem. I also have hemorrhoids so I can't really afford to get constipated. I have talked to my primary care physician, gyn/oncologist and the medical oncologist and have been told to take Senakot and Colace. What I do is take a Colace 3x a day and Senokot (1 in a.m. and 2 in p.m.) and it seems to help. It's funny because the oncologist nurse told me I could take Senokot 2 tabs 3x a day, but I really thought that was too much. All drs. have told me that Senokot is safe to take because it's a vegetable. I also drink alot of water during the day and as soon as the weather gets warmer I'm going to start walking again. Whenever, I had the chance to stop chemotherapy, I never had a problem with my bowel movement, it's only a problem with this chemotherapy, it can really do a job on a person's system. Anyway, hope you're feeling better and wanted you to know you're not alone with this problem.
  • Cafewoman53
    Cafewoman53 Member Posts: 735 Member
    Chronically Consstipated
    If I don't take the stool softeners and mirilax daily I would never go. I guess I am going to be this way the rest of my life but I am also on daily pain meds and they are very constipating. Maybe this summer I will try some pot for pain control I would love to have normal bathroom habits again. It seemed like for the first six months thats all I talked about was the bathroom, lol.
    I also did not want to take the laxatives to keep going but you do not want a bowel obstruction my father had one once and it was the sickest I had ever seen anyone.
    Good Luck
  • Chemo_Princess
    Chemo_Princess Member Posts: 105
    I drink Sunsweet Plum Smart Light juice and it works for me. Unlike prune juice, this stuff actually tastes good!
    Blessings to you,