New prayer request

Don is recovering very well from Hernia surgery. Now we have another thing to face.
Before he had his EC surgery they had found a small spot on his kidney. When they did another CT scan a couple weeks ago they said that there had been no change in the last 3 months which we thought was good news. However, they now see another spot near his Pancreas. They want to do an scope to see if it is cancer. At first he said he was not going to do anymore, but now says he will have the test. Please pray that they will not see anything on the Pancreas. If they do, we know that his time here on this earth may be short. He is prepared to meet Jesus, but it is still very hard to think about.


  • linda1120
    linda1120 Member Posts: 389
    Dear Reba and Don,

    I am so sorry that they are seeing possible problems in the organs. I will pray that the Lord will give you both peace and grace as you face this test and then the results.

    I am happy to hear that Don is doing well after the hernia surgery. Did he have the open (Ivor-Lewis) esophagectomy? I don't remember him having the MIE. I can understand why he feels like no more tests or surgeries. He has been through so much!

    My prayers are with you both,

  • BMGky
    BMGky Member Posts: 621
    Prayers for you all
    Wishing you the best. EC is such a battle. Lengthy and painful. It is easy to want to not endure any more. Get all your information and recommendations and let the many experienced EC patients on this board provide you with their thoughts on what to consider. We have found them so helpful. In the end, it is our decision to make as to what are the next steps, but the more information you have, the more informed your decisions, and the more comfortable you will feel as to your choices. Good luck. Mary
  • Donna70
    Donna70 Member Posts: 852 Member
    BMGky said:

    Prayers for you all
    Wishing you the best. EC is such a battle. Lengthy and painful. It is easy to want to not endure any more. Get all your information and recommendations and let the many experienced EC patients on this board provide you with their thoughts on what to consider. We have found them so helpful. In the end, it is our decision to make as to what are the next steps, but the more information you have, the more informed your decisions, and the more comfortable you will feel as to your choices. Good luck. Mary

    prayers coming your way
    So sorry to hear of this setback or major bump in the road.As others have mentioned EC can be a terrible thing. Let's hope the test will be okay. My thoughts and prayers are with you, please take care,
  • DanaMB3
    DanaMB3 Member Posts: 98
    You have my prayers...

    You have my prayers...
  • sandy1943
    sandy1943 Member Posts: 824
    Reba, Praying that the test will not show cancer. Your husband has been through a lot and I understand not wanting to go through anymore. I'm glad he has changed his mind.
    Praying, Sandra
  • paul61
    paul61 Member Posts: 1,392 Member
    I will be praying that the "spot" is not cancer

    I am sure Don is beginning to become frustrated about the news he has been receiving from his doctors lately. I am hoping perhaps the "spot' they have found may be something other than a recurrence.

    I will be praying that Don's test goes well and it is something benign that they are seeing.

    Best Regards,

    Paul Adams
    McCormick, South Carolina

    DX 10/22/2009 T2N1M0 Stage IIB
    12/03/2009 Ivor Lewis
    2/8 through 6/14/2010 Adjuvant Chemo Cisplatin, Epirubicin, 5 FU
    6/21/2010 CT Scan NED
    3/14/2011 CT Scan NED

    Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance!
  • unclaw2002
    unclaw2002 Member Posts: 599
    Prayers and hugs coming your
    Prayers and hugs coming your way.