Weight Loss - WARRIORS, How we doing???? Checking in

VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
.. It's been a while, just wanted to make sure that we have our head, mind and spirits in the game of getting healthy, trim and fit.

Life throws many obstacles in our path - weather, family, children, work obligations or self pity parties. We either flourish during these times, or, we turn to food for comfort.

I am walking about 1 mile or so every other day .. this is a BIG accomplishment for me. Hoping to be at 1.5 to 2 miles by the 10th of April - gearing up for the Revlon Walk/Run on May 7th.

Finally jumped on my scale today, and I am happy to report that I am down over 20 pounds. Yippee!! Yahoo!

Now my struggle is keep the weight off, continue with my walks, and attempt to lose that pre-chemo extra weight.. Trying to keep my eye on my Goal -- of health, happiness and fitness.

How is everyone doing ?


  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    I'm sad to say that I've been a very bad girl. The darn stores started having sales of Cadbury eggs and jelly beans and I have a sweet tooth. I've gained and lost the same 2 lbs over and over. Watching my granddaughters every day leaves me very tired at night so I'm only able to ride my recumbent bike a few days a week. I watch Biggest Loser while I peddle along. The weather in CT is still not good enough for me to walk and my bones have been hurting since starting Arimidex. I went to my cancer center the other night for a demonstration by the hospital's executive chef and the oncology dietician. We got to sample all the food he cooked and also got a copy of the recipes. It was amazing and they hope to do it seasonally. I also bought the 17 day diet book and plan on trying it to see how I do. I quit WW because I could no longer go to the meetings and I just wasn't up to writing everything down. I feel like I've fallen back into my old bad habit of eating late at night mindlessly......
  • pinkapples
    pinkapples Member Posts: 54 Member
    I think Im just lazy!
    I never even used to nap> Now I cant seem to get my butt off the couch!
    I started my weight loss about 5 weeks ago and have so far lost 11 lbs. Considering that I gained 45 last year, I still have a ways to go. I am however, moving to an apt next month and they have a fitness center; perhaps that will help my cause???
    (: I just keep telling myself: Think Thin, BillieJean, Think Thin......LOL
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    I think Im just lazy!
    I never even used to nap> Now I cant seem to get my butt off the couch!
    I started my weight loss about 5 weeks ago and have so far lost 11 lbs. Considering that I gained 45 last year, I still have a ways to go. I am however, moving to an apt next month and they have a fitness center; perhaps that will help my cause???
    (: I just keep telling myself: Think Thin, BillieJean, Think Thin......LOL

    17 day Diet book .. I have not hear of this ..
    Char.. difficult watching your 2 granddaughters daily. I feel your pain. Weather is a problem . . . even out here in California. It's been in the low 80's ... so when I walk, I sweat, which we all know, I hate that feeling -- the dripping of sweat off my back, down my cheeks .. ugh! The very next day, it is cool or rains -- so I try to be careful not to get sick .. vicious cycle. Last time I did get sick, I was down and out for over 2 weeks.. my poor body trying to recover from my 8 major surgeries in 13 months .. So I am really really careful.

    Let us know .. about the 17 day diet book .. interested to see if it helps!

    Hugs to you Char ..

    Going to walk my butt off tomorrow, as I will be spending the day at Disneyland .. I'll be eating as well. LOL

    Vicki Sam
  • BlownAway60
    BlownAway60 Member Posts: 851
    cahjah75 said:

    I'm sad to say that I've been a very bad girl. The darn stores started having sales of Cadbury eggs and jelly beans and I have a sweet tooth. I've gained and lost the same 2 lbs over and over. Watching my granddaughters every day leaves me very tired at night so I'm only able to ride my recumbent bike a few days a week. I watch Biggest Loser while I peddle along. The weather in CT is still not good enough for me to walk and my bones have been hurting since starting Arimidex. I went to my cancer center the other night for a demonstration by the hospital's executive chef and the oncology dietician. We got to sample all the food he cooked and also got a copy of the recipes. It was amazing and they hope to do it seasonally. I also bought the 17 day diet book and plan on trying it to see how I do. I quit WW because I could no longer go to the meetings and I just wasn't up to writing everything down. I feel like I've fallen back into my old bad habit of eating late at night mindlessly......

    Since I joined Weight
    Since I joined Weight Watcher's a month ago, I have lost 8 pounds. They have a new plan called Points Plus that is very do-able. You could have that Cardbury Egg on the new plan and still lose weight. I don't go to meetings, I am just doing mine online.



    Just re-read your post. They also have a plan now called Simply Filling where you don't have to write everything down.
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    I just finished my 5th month on WW and to date I have lost 31 lbs. Since my surgery I cannot do my pilates so my weight loss has slowed a bit but that is okay as I will take any weight loss as a positive! I do love the WW program as it allows me to have my goodies and still drop the pounds and I can have all the fruit I want and I love my fruit. Here lately I have been having an apple, banana, a few grapes all mixed in with a lite yogurt delicious! Congrats to each of you on your weight losses, keep it up gals we can do it!

  • EveningStar2
    EveningStar2 Member Posts: 491 Member
    I've been pretty much at the same weight since November. Up a little, down a little but pretty much at the minus 85 pounds mark.

  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member

    I've been pretty much at the same weight since November. Up a little, down a little but pretty much at the minus 85 pounds mark.


    :-):-) :-)
    Minus 85 is a great place to be Maureen. I have two long pretty Hawaiian dresses I purchased in Hawaii 4 years ago in the hopes of some day fitting into, they are now my goal dresses. If I manage to fit into them I promise to post a picture. Congrats on your 85 lb loss that truly is a great accomplishment.

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    RE said:

    :-):-) :-)
    Minus 85 is a great place to be Maureen. I have two long pretty Hawaiian dresses I purchased in Hawaii 4 years ago in the hopes of some day fitting into, they are now my goal dresses. If I manage to fit into them I promise to post a picture. Congrats on your 85 lb loss that truly is a great accomplishment.


    Maureen .. 85 pounds down ...
    that is something to brag about.

    Miss RE -- I am looking forward to the new Picture ...

    As they say, 1 day at a time, or 1 meal at a time.

    Inspiration from the two of you -- Thank you so much!
  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Good job everyone!
    I lost .4 lbs last week. I am about 2 lbs. away from my goal weight. I reached my goal last May, but then started chemo in June. I gained about 20 lbs.! Yikes. Back on track now.

    Has anyone tried the Special K Cracker Chips? They come in Sea Salt and Sour Cream & Onion. I like them, when I feel like I need something crunchy. They are 1 point of 9 or 3 points for 27.