Kayandok/Kathleen ??? How Are You?? / #3 cycle for me

NCEllen Member Posts: 115 Member
Hi - Just wondering how you and your family and friends all are. Knowing you may be without electricity for a while, but hope to hear from you. Prayers going on strong for Japan and all that have been affected by this castastophe.

I had my #3 of second round of Carbo-Taxol yesterday so feeling the steroid punch today and a little groggy for some reason. I have a repeat CT on 3-24 and follow-up with the onc. on
3-27. My Ca-125's have been 31 and 14 after tx. #1 and 2, but I somehow feel that my abdomen is still harboring the cells so we'll see. I was more anxious before this treatment than I've ever been. I guess knowing my pattern is what bothers me. I'm fine the day of and two days after treatment and then the surprises start. First was the bad nausea so I've got Emend for that, next terrible knee joint pain so I've got pain killers for that although I'm hesitant to take them. Since my reverse illeostomy, I know that narcotics can slow everything down in the digestive system and I don't want another obstruction - ever. We are going to go out of town for a couple of days to see our grand-baby and to say good-bye to our son-in-law who will deploy to the mid-east in April for 6-7 months :(. Of course during my feel good times we will be traveling when we can to see her.
My husbands chemo for his prostate cancer seems to be going well. We are quite the pair. We share a house, cars, cancer and drugs lol!
To all, stay strong knowing that life within us goes on - we just have to believe that the good times will surface again and appreciate that time no matter how briefly that time is and to enjoy it...luv muches, Ellen


  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    Praying all is well for Kathleen in Japan. And sending prayers for this tragic event and the lives lost. This is so sad.

    Ellen, so inspired by your journey, all you have gone through and continuing to go through. It's difficult enough for one spouse to go through this, let alone both. I admire your courage and positive outlook.

    I will pray for your son-in-law's safety (we have family members in the military as wel), and enjoy your Grandbaby! Aren't they the best? Our grandson is 2 now, and we have a step-grandson who is 12. Now I know what my parents were excited about!

  • clamryn
    clamryn Member Posts: 508
    Hi Ellen, When I woke up this morning and saw the news, I thought of Kathleen. I am praying that she and all of her family are okay.
    When I was on the taxol, I was like you. The day of and two days after, I was like the energizer bunny. But then it hit me like a brick wall and I was down for the count. The Emend for nausea was my saving glory. Worked great for me. Pain for me would occur in different spots. Very strange. I had pain shoot through my toenails. Glad to hear that your husband is hanging in there.
    Those grandbabies are a wonderful medicine. I know they are for me.

  • poopergirl14052
    poopergirl14052 Member Posts: 1,183 Member
    clamryn said:

    Hi Ellen, When I woke up this morning and saw the news, I thought of Kathleen. I am praying that she and all of her family are okay.
    When I was on the taxol, I was like you. The day of and two days after, I was like the energizer bunny. But then it hit me like a brick wall and I was down for the count. The Emend for nausea was my saving glory. Worked great for me. Pain for me would occur in different spots. Very strange. I had pain shoot through my toenails. Glad to hear that your husband is hanging in there.
    Those grandbabies are a wonderful medicine. I know they are for me.


    I hope you are safe
    I also heard the tragic newa and I hope you and your family are safe. Please post us when you can. Prayer hheading your wat...val
  • vj1
    vj1 Member Posts: 150

    I hope you are safe
    I also heard the tragic newa and I hope you and your family are safe. Please post us when you can. Prayer hheading your wat...val

    Thoughts and prayers for you all during this terrible tragedy in Japan. Hope we hear news (good) from you soon.

  • nancy591
    nancy591 Member Posts: 1,027 Member
    I think Kathleen is in the USA visiting.
  • kayandok
    kayandok Member Posts: 1,202 Member
    for asking. The earthquake and all the tsunami damage is way north of Tokyo. I am way south of Tokyo. the city I live in is Nishinomiya (between Kobe and Osaka). I have been able to connect with all my friends and family in that area and they are all fine. I went through the 1995 Kobe earthquake (5000 deaths) but I think the death toll is going to be way higher. Looks like whole villages were wiped out. Crazy. Thanks for praying for Japan.

  • kayandok
    kayandok Member Posts: 1,202 Member
    you have a lot on your plate! I'm so glad you can get away to see your grandbaby and spend time with family. I just got back from the States and spending time with my son in college and family. It was healing and refeshing for me.
  • Tina Brown
    Tina Brown Member Posts: 1,036 Member
    kayandok said:

    for asking. The earthquake and all the tsunami damage is way north of Tokyo. I am way south of Tokyo. the city I live in is Nishinomiya (between Kobe and Osaka). I have been able to connect with all my friends and family in that area and they are all fine. I went through the 1995 Kobe earthquake (5000 deaths) but I think the death toll is going to be way higher. Looks like whole villages were wiped out. Crazy. Thanks for praying for Japan.


    Hi Kathleen
    I am so pleased to hear that you are safe from the disasters that are taking place in Japan. I hope the death toll is low rather than higher for the poor people who live in the villages.
    Tina x
  • Mwee
    Mwee Member Posts: 1,338 Member
    Dear Kathleen
    I'm so glad to hear that you are safe. You've been in my thoughts since I first heard about the terrible devastation Japan is enduring.

    I'm glad you had a break with your son and please know that the whole world is watching these events unfold and is offering assistance.
    (((HUGS))) Maria
  • Mwee
    Mwee Member Posts: 1,338 Member
    Dear Ellen
    You have such a full plate! Oh, my ONC tells me to take those pain meds, but to take 2 colace (SP?) right along with them.
    sending along ((HUGS)) to you....... Maria
  • srwruns
    srwruns Member Posts: 343
    kayandok said:

    you have a lot on your plate! I'm so glad you can get away to see your grandbaby and spend time with family. I just got back from the States and spending time with my son in college and family. It was healing and refeshing for me.

    good to hear you and yours
    good to hear you and yours are safe. It's amazing that the tusumani so far away wreaked such havoc on our harbor here in Santa Cruz. About 5M boat damage and 10M harbor damage. The harbor is fairly narrow but very long and the water rushes in unbelievably fast and the rushing out just creates this huge "sucking out to sea" waves and rips boats out from their moorings and in some cases taking the docks with them! Several sailboats' masts got hooked up under the bridge and and train trestle. It's an area I frequently take my walks and on ususally this time of year its very quiet. Not now!
  • anicca
    anicca Member Posts: 334 Member
    kayandok said:

    for asking. The earthquake and all the tsunami damage is way north of Tokyo. I am way south of Tokyo. the city I live in is Nishinomiya (between Kobe and Osaka). I have been able to connect with all my friends and family in that area and they are all fine. I went through the 1995 Kobe earthquake (5000 deaths) but I think the death toll is going to be way higher. Looks like whole villages were wiped out. Crazy. Thanks for praying for Japan.


    So glad to hear you are OK!
    I am so glad to hear that you and your family are all OK. The Kobe earthquake must have been a nightmare for you. My daughter went to school for 3 semesters in Kyoto, so I feel a bit of a personal connection. My heart goes out to all the people who are in distress from this terrible event.
  • LaundryQueen
    LaundryQueen Member Posts: 676
    Mwee said:

    Dear Ellen
    You have such a full plate! Oh, my ONC tells me to take those pain meds, but to take 2 colace (SP?) right along with them.
    sending along ((HUGS)) to you....... Maria

    Good news
    I can hardly bear to watch the earthquakes in Japan on TV. Nice to hear that Kathleen is OK and hoping that Ellen is soon OK, too.
  • kikz
    kikz Member Posts: 1,345 Member

    Good news
    I can hardly bear to watch the earthquakes in Japan on TV. Nice to hear that Kathleen is OK and hoping that Ellen is soon OK, too.

    Great to
    hear you and your family and friends are okay.
