Nose Bleeds

NanaOhio Member Posts: 11

I have been having terrible nose bleeds this weekend. Have not had any for a while. I am currently taking Oxyplatin and Xeloda. I did a pet scan last week and get results on Tues. I do have mets to the liver. I have been in treatment since 09/2009. I am so tired of chemo. I am so fatigued all the time. I still work and have 3 wonderful grandkids that love to visit nana. Anyone else have the nosebleeds?



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  • Love2Cats
    Love2Cats Member Posts: 127
    Last Monday was my 3rd Folfax with Avastin. The first 2 treatments I had a constantly runny nose and sneezing for about 5 days (but no blood). It was so bad that I had to constantly keep pieces of tissue lodged in both nostrils (can you say "sexy" lol). This time I didn't get a full blown nosebleed, but when I blew my nose, there was blood.

    I am sorry to hear you are so fatigued, this last one hit me hard too, so I can relate.

    Take care,

  • thxmiker
    thxmiker Member Posts: 1,278 Member
    common side effect
    The nose bleeds are a common side effect of the Oxiplatin.

    I get it also. It goes away quickly when the chemo stops.

    Best Always, mike
  • Lori-S
    Lori-S Member Posts: 1,277 Member
    Hi Robin
    On FOLFOX - 5fu w/oxy ... I got nose bleeds whenever my platlet count went down. It was my indicator that my platlets were too low for my next round of chemo. Other than that I only got some bleeding when I blew my nose.
  • TMac52
    TMac52 Member Posts: 352
    Lori-S said:

    Hi Robin
    On FOLFOX - 5fu w/oxy ... I got nose bleeds whenever my platlet count went down. It was my indicator that my platlets were too low for my next round of chemo. Other than that I only got some bleeding when I blew my nose.

    I get em!!
    Hi Robin,
    yep I get em. Wake up every day with clots in my nose sometimes on the pillow. I stopped oxy 2 weeks ago still on 5fu. had blood clots this morning, I'm hoping they go away soon.
  • just4Brooks
    just4Brooks Member Posts: 980 Member
    Hi Robin.. Welcome to the board. When I was going through Chemo (Oxyplatin & 5FU) I used to get them so bad that at times I thought I'd might bleed to death but it always stopped. Your body is going through some crazy things right now and it will react in strange ways.

    Hug them grandkids for me