I need a biopsy.....

yv1214 Member Posts: 72
As some of you can recognize my user name I joined this board a few weeks ago since my mother is suffering from breast cancer which has mestastasis to her liver. I have reached out for some advice and everyone here has been very helpful.

Two weeks ago I went for a mammogram later that week I got called in to schedule a breast ultrasound, which I got this morning and later and MRI. The doctor on site told me that they found something and they would like to schedule a biopsy next week. Can someone tell me what to expect of a needle biospy? Does it hurt? Can I still work out afterwards? It is one of the things I truly enjoy to do and wouldn't want to stop my routine.

Of course, you can imagine not my surprise since you all know breast cancer runs in the family. But now I have to go and get this done, to figure out what I have or don't have is malignant or benign. I do not want to be an alarmist but I am concerned and I am scared. Specially since I cannot tell my mother this will surely break her heart since she is going through so much I cannot burden her with even the merest thought of me having the same disease as her. As for my sister, who is so upset about my mom's situation I cannot add this to her as well.

As I was laying there getting the ultra sound, I realized that I am the one that everyone counts on, and yet I have no one; with the exception of my best friend. Who was the person that I called as soon as I was done. She said to me I have your back....what ever this is I am here for you..... I never got married nor do I have children, I am dating someone but what if I am sick will he leave me. Will this be too much for him. I know that this sounds like a pity party but this has been a hard two years for me because of my mother and now to even possibly think that I could be sick too. It's just too much!



  • bradbern
    bradbern Member Posts: 2
    Needle Biopsy
    Hi! I have had two needle biopsies. My last one was 1/31/11. Mine were done under ultrasound guidance. The ultrasound tech will find the lesion and then take a few pictures. The radiologist that will take samples will numb that area of your breast before inserting a small catheter to pull samples from. If you are having a "core" biopsy, each sample will be recorded by ultrasound to record exactly where the sample was removed from. I did not have any pain with the needle biopsy.

    As for returning to work, I did not work that day. When I left, I was given a small ice pack to keep next to the biopsy site (a bandaid covered the incision site). That prevented any excess bleeding or swelling. The area did feel a little "achy" late in the evening, about 12 hours after I had the biopsy. You might want to ask if taking Tylenol is okay. I don't remember if I took Tylenol or not--it did not bother me that much.

    Please let me know if I can answer anymore questions. I'd be happy to.

  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    We are all different!
    I can only tell you how my needle biospy went - we are all different and have different Dr.
    I went in for Mammo - had sono and Dr came in and said have to do biopsy(s). It wasn't bad at all. Numbing cream used then pain killer (think it was lidocaine but not sure) was injected in a couple of sites. I never felt any pain - pressure yes but not pain.
    That night and in days after I did everything that I normally did - not truly 'work out' as in a gym but I did all that I normally did with the horses - riding, bucking hay and mucking everything I always do.

  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    My sterostatic biopsy where they took about 12 rice sized samples out of my breast was way less painful than a mamogram.
  • Katz77
    Katz77 Member Posts: 598
    Im so sorry
    You have alot on your plate. I had ultrasound guided. I knew mine was cancer before test. Im a surgical tech and have seen lots of tumors etc Mine was high 1200 position. It was small and then in 2months it grew to 5.3 cm.
    Im praying that yours is benign. I know what it's like to be the "chosen" one to take care of everyone. Sorry about your mom. Cancer does suck. Very happy your bestie has your back. That is a comfort.
    Praying for negative results. Keep us updated about your test and your moms health. We are always here. Hugs to you both, katz
  • Hippiechick58
    Hippiechick58 Member Posts: 320
    Katz77 said:

    Im so sorry
    You have alot on your plate. I had ultrasound guided. I knew mine was cancer before test. Im a surgical tech and have seen lots of tumors etc Mine was high 1200 position. It was small and then in 2months it grew to 5.3 cm.
    Im praying that yours is benign. I know what it's like to be the "chosen" one to take care of everyone. Sorry about your mom. Cancer does suck. Very happy your bestie has your back. That is a comfort.
    Praying for negative results. Keep us updated about your test and your moms health. We are always here. Hugs to you both, katz

    I'll bet your Mother and
    I'll bet your Mother and Sister are stronger than you think! I have one more chemo to go then start rads. I know if one of my daughters (I have 3) were going through this and didn't tell me, I'd be pissed! You just might find that you will bond in a special way if you decide to tell them. Not telling you what to do, just what my reactions would be!

    As for the biopsy, mine was also done all in one day. Had the mammo, then more pics, then an ultrasound, then an ultrasoung-guided biopsy. All I felt was the local (like a bee sting) then nothing but pressure. Then I saw the surgeon who told me it was cancer. I felt like I had been hit with a truck!

    It's hard being the "rock" of the family. It is also lonely. You support everyone, yet no one supports you! This seems unfair to me. I know you have your bestie, but if you can, my one suggestion would be to try to garner more support for yourself. Counseling, or a support group. Of course, our board is also a source of support.

    Good Luck with your biopsy.

    "May you be at Peace, May you be free of Suffering."
  • pinkkari09
    pinkkari09 Member Posts: 877
    Yessy, Dianne is right, you
    Yessy, Dianne is right, you need your family. I'm praying your biopsy comes back benign but either way you really should let your sis and mom know. I have a 21 year old daughter and a 16 year old son, I would be devastated if they hid something that serious from me. I know exactly how you feel, I was always the rock myself, and when I got sick, everyone stepped up. Come here often, vent, chat, talk, whatever you need, your warriors will always be here. BIG HUGS!!
    Miles of Love,
    PS. My biopsy only hurt a little bit (the numbing) and I was golfing the next day. Please let us know what you find out. We'll all be there with you in spirit.
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    The other gals have given
    The other gals have given you great advice and described the biopsy procedures very well. I wanted to address your concerns about telling your mom. First, I wouldn't say anything until you have a diagnosis. No sense in both of you worrying right now. If, and I hope that it isn't, you do have breast cancer then you will need to tell her. Just after I was diagnosed I was sent to a breast cancer nurse who goes over everything in general with you. When I left her office and was getting on the elevator a young woman stopped me and asked me if I had breast cancer. I was taken aback but realized that she saw I was carrying pamphlets from my visit. i saw that she had them also. She asked if I had told my family and I said yes. She started to cry and said that she hadn't told her family yet and that her mom was going through treatment for breast cancer herself. She just didn't know what to aay and asked what I would do. I told her that I would sit down with my mom and tell her that I had learned so much from her strength and guidance in every thing in my life and especially now that she was going through treatment. Then I would gently tell her that I would be sharing her journey and that I would be able to use all that I had learned from her to fight my battle. I would tell her that I would fight it with every ounce of my being. Then I would hug her, hold her and tell her how very much I loved her. She gave me a big hug and said that was how she would tell her mom. Now this may not work for everyone but it is a suggestion. It's hard when you are the strong one, the one others lean on to ask for support. But reach out to friends, co-workers, family and ask for help if you need it. As far as the person you are dating leaving you if you are sick, if he does then he wouldn't be the person you would really want in your life. I hope that you do not have cancer and will keep you in my prayers. We have other ladies who are sharing this journey with their moms and maybe they have better ways to tell yours. My sister was diagnosed with breast cancer a few months before me. Since I have had other cancers it was not so difficult to tell her and she didn't worry about me because she had already seen me fight cancer before.
    Good thoughts and gentle hugs to you and your mom.
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    bradbern said:

    Needle Biopsy
    Hi! I have had two needle biopsies. My last one was 1/31/11. Mine were done under ultrasound guidance. The ultrasound tech will find the lesion and then take a few pictures. The radiologist that will take samples will numb that area of your breast before inserting a small catheter to pull samples from. If you are having a "core" biopsy, each sample will be recorded by ultrasound to record exactly where the sample was removed from. I did not have any pain with the needle biopsy.

    As for returning to work, I did not work that day. When I left, I was given a small ice pack to keep next to the biopsy site (a bandaid covered the incision site). That prevented any excess bleeding or swelling. The area did feel a little "achy" late in the evening, about 12 hours after I had the biopsy. You might want to ask if taking Tylenol is okay. I don't remember if I took Tylenol or not--it did not bother me that much.

    Please let me know if I can answer anymore questions. I'd be happy to.


    I had the ultra sound guided
    I had the ultra sound guided needle core biopsy and my experience was pretty much like Bernadettes. I didn't feel anything, except a small pinch when the doctor deadened the area.

    Good luck,

  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    Katz77 said:

    Im so sorry
    You have alot on your plate. I had ultrasound guided. I knew mine was cancer before test. Im a surgical tech and have seen lots of tumors etc Mine was high 1200 position. It was small and then in 2months it grew to 5.3 cm.
    Im praying that yours is benign. I know what it's like to be the "chosen" one to take care of everyone. Sorry about your mom. Cancer does suck. Very happy your bestie has your back. That is a comfort.
    Praying for negative results. Keep us updated about your test and your moms health. We are always here. Hugs to you both, katz

    Praying that your test will
    Praying that your test will be benign!

    Hugs, Kylez
  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    Yessy - You have ALL of us to lean on
    Maybe we are just there for you virtually but you'll be surprise
    what long way that can go.

    I am keeping everything crossed for you and hoping for BENIGN.

    Not to scare but my needle biopsy did hurt, they couldn't numb me
    properly. But afterward, I was good to go, I drove myself home,
    just some bruising. I took it easy the day after but then went about
    my normal schedule, work out and all. We are all different and I am
    sure they will tell you what you can and can not do.

    I don't think you are throwing a pity party. You have very valid reasons
    to be sad and concerned. As if watching a loved one go through this isn't
    taxing enough, now you may be facing the same. And you are already
    stressed from being around it. Give yourself a big pat on the should for
    holding up like this.

    Best of luck!!!

  • yv1214
    yv1214 Member Posts: 72
    aysemari said:

    Yessy - You have ALL of us to lean on
    Maybe we are just there for you virtually but you'll be surprise
    what long way that can go.

    I am keeping everything crossed for you and hoping for BENIGN.

    Not to scare but my needle biopsy did hurt, they couldn't numb me
    properly. But afterward, I was good to go, I drove myself home,
    just some bruising. I took it easy the day after but then went about
    my normal schedule, work out and all. We are all different and I am
    sure they will tell you what you can and can not do.

    I don't think you are throwing a pity party. You have very valid reasons
    to be sad and concerned. As if watching a loved one go through this isn't
    taxing enough, now you may be facing the same. And you are already
    stressed from being around it. Give yourself a big pat on the should for
    holding up like this.

    Best of luck!!!


    Thank you all....
    For the good wishes, prayers, and great advice. I did tell my sister this weekend because she needs to know what I am going through during this difficutl time we are both living. She was very supportive and said not to worry that I will be fine. I of course am partly a nervous wreck because I have to wait so long for the test, 4 days but who's counting. Again thanks and I will keep you all updated.

    Have a great day!!!
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    yv1214 said:

    Thank you all....
    For the good wishes, prayers, and great advice. I did tell my sister this weekend because she needs to know what I am going through during this difficutl time we are both living. She was very supportive and said not to worry that I will be fine. I of course am partly a nervous wreck because I have to wait so long for the test, 4 days but who's counting. Again thanks and I will keep you all updated.

    Have a great day!!!

    I am glad you told your
    I am glad you told your sister. I know she will be a lot of support to you!

    Sending prayers and hugs and will be waiting to see your update!

    Hugs, Leeza
  • yv1214
    yv1214 Member Posts: 72
    jnl said:

    I am glad you told your
    I am glad you told your sister. I know she will be a lot of support to you!

    Sending prayers and hugs and will be waiting to see your update!

    Hugs, Leeza

    Thanks again...
    For the suppport and advice you all have given me. I am also glad to have told my sister, she is actually flying in on thursday to be with my mom so I can have my procedure in peace. I have had the ultra sound and mri, and the biopsy is scheduled for Friday. I am a little nervous because of my family history, but I pray that it will all be ok. I will keep you all posted after the tests and then the wait to the results...God I hate waiting....:)
  • tclittlefoot
    tclittlefoot Member Posts: 4
    yv1214 said:

    Thank you all....
    For the good wishes, prayers, and great advice. I did tell my sister this weekend because she needs to know what I am going through during this difficutl time we are both living. She was very supportive and said not to worry that I will be fine. I of course am partly a nervous wreck because I have to wait so long for the test, 4 days but who's counting. Again thanks and I will keep you all updated.

    Have a great day!!!

    It will be ok
    I was just recently diagnosed with breast cancer in my left breast. I did the same thing, mamogram, ultrasound on same day, then went back 4 days later for the core biopsy with ultra sound. It hurt just a little for me but they took 6 samples. The nurses were great at distracting me. Afterwards I had ice packs for 24 hours and was fine. I had an MRI the other day to see if there is anything in my right breast and how much the cancer in the left breast has spread and now they think there may be something in my right breast so now I have to have a biopsy on it next week. Waiting is the hardest part. But then I will know what type of surgery I will have, though I am pretty sure it will be double mastectomy. But you will get through and I am glad you told your sister. My family has been very supportive even though they live so far away. I will keep you in my prayers.
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    yv1214 said:

    Thanks again...
    For the suppport and advice you all have given me. I am also glad to have told my sister, she is actually flying in on thursday to be with my mom so I can have my procedure in peace. I have had the ultra sound and mri, and the biopsy is scheduled for Friday. I am a little nervous because of my family history, but I pray that it will all be ok. I will keep you all posted after the tests and then the wait to the results...God I hate waiting....:)

    Good luck on Friday! I am
    Good luck on Friday! I am sending you prayers!

    Hugs, Megan
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    yv1214 said:

    Thanks again...
    For the suppport and advice you all have given me. I am also glad to have told my sister, she is actually flying in on thursday to be with my mom so I can have my procedure in peace. I have had the ultra sound and mri, and the biopsy is scheduled for Friday. I am a little nervous because of my family history, but I pray that it will all be ok. I will keep you all posted after the tests and then the wait to the results...God I hate waiting....:)

    Double post Sorry

    Double post Sorry
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member

    It will be ok
    I was just recently diagnosed with breast cancer in my left breast. I did the same thing, mamogram, ultrasound on same day, then went back 4 days later for the core biopsy with ultra sound. It hurt just a little for me but they took 6 samples. The nurses were great at distracting me. Afterwards I had ice packs for 24 hours and was fine. I had an MRI the other day to see if there is anything in my right breast and how much the cancer in the left breast has spread and now they think there may be something in my right breast so now I have to have a biopsy on it next week. Waiting is the hardest part. But then I will know what type of surgery I will have, though I am pretty sure it will be double mastectomy. But you will get through and I am glad you told your sister. My family has been very supportive even though they live so far away. I will keep you in my prayers.

    Wishing you good luck Friday
    Wishing you good luck Friday also! Post an update when you can.

  • Ticky
    Ticky Member Posts: 117
    A biopsy is not bad. They will give a much local pain killer you need. I would schedule it in the afternoon and work in the morning. It is an emotional strain and you may want to just go home afterwards.
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    aysemari said:

    Yessy - You have ALL of us to lean on
    Maybe we are just there for you virtually but you'll be surprise
    what long way that can go.

    I am keeping everything crossed for you and hoping for BENIGN.

    Not to scare but my needle biopsy did hurt, they couldn't numb me
    properly. But afterward, I was good to go, I drove myself home,
    just some bruising. I took it easy the day after but then went about
    my normal schedule, work out and all. We are all different and I am
    sure they will tell you what you can and can not do.

    I don't think you are throwing a pity party. You have very valid reasons
    to be sad and concerned. As if watching a loved one go through this isn't
    taxing enough, now you may be facing the same. And you are already
    stressed from being around it. Give yourself a big pat on the should for
    holding up like this.

    Best of luck!!!


    Wishing you good luck
    Wishing you good luck tomorrow!

    Hugs, Lex
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    Ticky said:

    A biopsy is not bad. They will give a much local pain killer you need. I would schedule it in the afternoon and work in the morning. It is an emotional strain and you may want to just go home afterwards.

    Sending hugs and good luck
    Sending hugs and good luck for tomorrow!
