side effects of Taxol vs FEC

dbhadra Member Posts: 344 Member
Has anyone here had Taxol and FEC treatment, either for inflammatory breast cancer or any other type? I'm on week 6 of 12 weeks of Taxol and doing OK so far, but getting a bit anxious about the next phase, the FEC, which is coming on starting April 1 (April's Fools Day no less- seems like kind of dark humor about starting a new chemo on that day!!!)

I know everyone reacts differently but has anyone had both types and can comment on relative side effects?




  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    I'm IBC and had 6 rounds of
    I'm IBC and had 6 rounds of TAC, so I don't have any advice. But I hope everything goes smoothly for you. And you're right, it does seem like dark humor...maybe that's a good sign.


  • msfy
    msfy Member Posts: 5
    12 Taxol 4 FEC
    I have triple negative breast cancer. I just started my weekly taxol (2 doses so far)and will have 4 total of FEC given every three weeks. I've also heard that the FEC has much harsher side effects but I've read a lot of people's comments on various websites and it really does vary! Some people have said the Taxol was a lot worse! I'm super anxious about effects cause I'm starting back to work in less than two weeks in a very physical job. Can you tell me when or if you lost your hair?
    I'm right there with ya sister! God Bless!
  • dbhadra
    dbhadra Member Posts: 344 Member
    msfy said:

    12 Taxol 4 FEC
    I have triple negative breast cancer. I just started my weekly taxol (2 doses so far)and will have 4 total of FEC given every three weeks. I've also heard that the FEC has much harsher side effects but I've read a lot of people's comments on various websites and it really does vary! Some people have said the Taxol was a lot worse! I'm super anxious about effects cause I'm starting back to work in less than two weeks in a very physical job. Can you tell me when or if you lost your hair?
    I'm right there with ya sister! God Bless!

    9th Taxol tomorrow
    Thanks for your reply msfy. We are on the same regime - are you also IBC?

    I have my 9th Taxol tomorrow. I still have hair, but it's pretty thin! I just started wearing my wig to work this week since I have a bald patch in front. But other places I go wigless and it's not a problem.

    I've also heard people who've had a very rough time with Taxol but so far that has not been my experience - the side effects have been quite minimal - some fatigue and sleep disruption, no nausea, no vomiting, and some hair loss but not baldness.

    How are you feeling after the 1st two treatments?

  • Poonie
    Poonie Member Posts: 3
    Taxol vs FEC
    I also had the triple negative breast cancer. First I had a lumpectomy and I just finished with the FEC right before Christmas. Before that I had 12 weeks of Taxol. I'm sure that it affects people differently, so I can only speak from my experience. The Taxol affected my stomach more that anything. Some days I couldn't get far from the potty. No throwing up though. I didn't miss but a couple of days of school. I did lose my hair a few weeks into it. When it started falling out by the handful, I had my husband shave the rest off. I couldn't handle the hair all over the place. With the FEC, I threw up one time. The problem I had with the FEC was the weakness. I felt like I was weak from the flu. After the first treatment I stayed home 2 days from work. I went back too fast. After that I went back 6 or 7 days after the treatment. I always took mine on Friday in order to buy some extra days. I had an Emend drip and the Emend pills that you take on day 2 and day 3. I think that this really kept me from getting sick. Anyway, I have 2 more radiation treatments to go. I would like some feedback about how to act after all the treatments are finished.
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    Didn't do FEC so can't
    Didn't do FEC so can't compare it to Taxol but I did do 4 A/C (2 weeks apart) before the 12 weekly Taxol. A/C wasn't bad - Taxol was BAD. I'm IBC.

  • msfy
    msfy Member Posts: 5
    dbhadra said:

    9th Taxol tomorrow
    Thanks for your reply msfy. We are on the same regime - are you also IBC?

    I have my 9th Taxol tomorrow. I still have hair, but it's pretty thin! I just started wearing my wig to work this week since I have a bald patch in front. But other places I go wigless and it's not a problem.

    I've also heard people who've had a very rough time with Taxol but so far that has not been my experience - the side effects have been quite minimal - some fatigue and sleep disruption, no nausea, no vomiting, and some hair loss but not baldness.

    How are you feeling after the 1st two treatments?


    3rd Taxol down
    Hi dbhadra!
    My chemo regime is what MD Anderson in Houston uses but I live in SoCal. I went there when 3 different oncologists gave me 3 different opinions on whether to do chemo or not and what kind= for Triple Negative. From what I've read online, Europe has been using it for a while.
    Yes, I had invasive TNBC-with a double mastectomy-immediate reconstruction using my back muscles (latissimus dorsi) and tissue expanders.
    So far the chemo is great! No problems whatsoever....but I'm worrying about when the hair loss will hit me so much that I just may shave my head and get it over with. I'm starting work in a week or less and I was hoping to be over with that whole bald "transition" thing first. I did cut it very short to prepare. My 4th chemo is Monday and I was told that it should happen in week 3 or 4. My mother would "scalp me" herself if she found out I shaved it before it fell out......what to do..........
    Wow! You're almost on #10! Almost done with the Taxol!!! Good for you!!!
  • msfy
    msfy Member Posts: 5
    Poonie said:

    Taxol vs FEC
    I also had the triple negative breast cancer. First I had a lumpectomy and I just finished with the FEC right before Christmas. Before that I had 12 weeks of Taxol. I'm sure that it affects people differently, so I can only speak from my experience. The Taxol affected my stomach more that anything. Some days I couldn't get far from the potty. No throwing up though. I didn't miss but a couple of days of school. I did lose my hair a few weeks into it. When it started falling out by the handful, I had my husband shave the rest off. I couldn't handle the hair all over the place. With the FEC, I threw up one time. The problem I had with the FEC was the weakness. I felt like I was weak from the flu. After the first treatment I stayed home 2 days from work. I went back too fast. After that I went back 6 or 7 days after the treatment. I always took mine on Friday in order to buy some extra days. I had an Emend drip and the Emend pills that you take on day 2 and day 3. I think that this really kept me from getting sick. Anyway, I have 2 more radiation treatments to go. I would like some feedback about how to act after all the treatments are finished.

    Taxol and FEC
    Thank you for your post Poonie!!!
    I was thinking I will probably have to take anywhere from two days up to the first week off with each FEC... I have a very physical job and I've applied for intermittant FMLA in preparation for it. I just finished my 3rd Taxol and will be returning to work (after recovering from the double mastectomy and reconstruction surgery)after my 4th Taxol on Monday.

    What do you mean how to act?
  • Poonie
    Poonie Member Posts: 3
    msfy said:

    Taxol and FEC
    Thank you for your post Poonie!!!
    I was thinking I will probably have to take anywhere from two days up to the first week off with each FEC... I have a very physical job and I've applied for intermittant FMLA in preparation for it. I just finished my 3rd Taxol and will be returning to work (after recovering from the double mastectomy and reconstruction surgery)after my 4th Taxol on Monday.

    What do you mean how to act?

    After treatment
    I feel kinda silly with my little worries after what you've been through. What I mean about 'how to act ?' is this. For the past ten months my life has been consumed by doctor visits, treatments and after effects. I'm not sure what 'normal' is anymore. The threat of recurrance will always be there I guess, but how long before this experience becomes a fuzzy memory? I don't know. I just try to keep positive and very busy.
  • msfy
    msfy Member Posts: 5
    Poonie said:

    After treatment
    I feel kinda silly with my little worries after what you've been through. What I mean about 'how to act ?' is this. For the past ten months my life has been consumed by doctor visits, treatments and after effects. I'm not sure what 'normal' is anymore. The threat of recurrance will always be there I guess, but how long before this experience becomes a fuzzy memory? I don't know. I just try to keep positive and very busy.

    I get what you mean!
    Don't feel silly AT ALL! I have been thinking about this one too. What scares me the most is how I'll cope with the threat of recurrance. I know my body will never be the same...when I have the permanant implants installed after all the chemo I'm going to get some "work" done at the same time. Maybe a nose job and liposuction in a few places...a chemical peel...HAH! Psychologically...I don't know. A lot of people have asked me if I had joined a support group. I try not to get "too pink," 'cause most of the time I want a break of it popping into my mind, I don't want to think about it, I don't need another reminder!(I probably spend 23.75 hours a day thinking about it already) Then the other day I was watching something on TV and saw someone suffering with diabetes and thought, "Gosh, I hopefully will get over this breast cancer thing some day but with diabetes, I'd have to deal with it for the rest of my life. How terrible THAT would be." I had glimpse for a moment, a hope, for the future, that I will have it "normal" one day. How and when that happens????? I started back to work 4 days ago after being off for four months. I don't know if it's made me feel more "sick" or more "normal." I'm SUPER grateful but I don't know.......