Hot flashes have once again become unbearable!



  • childofthestars
    childofthestars Member Posts: 251 Member
    cahjah75 said:

    Called gyn
    yesterday and have an appt to see him 2 weeks from Monday. I guess I'll have to suffer til then. I brought my little fan with me to scrapbooking today. LOL

    Just have to say I started to get a 'flush' just reading these posts. I was dx bc in 2000 and have been NED ever since BUT dx with ovca last June and had ovaries etc etc all removed and of course went into instant menopause, i'm 46.
    The flushing is horrendous, it actually makes me feel 'dirty' especially if it's a real long one! I have tried Vit E and various other non-hormone therapies and nothing has really touched it. It does make life a bit miserable at times.
    I carry an 'old fashioned' fan around with me at ALL times and this does help although it does make people laugh - but what's a girl to do?
    M x
  • pinkkari09
    pinkkari09 Member Posts: 877
    Mine are HORRIBLE. Just
    Mine are HORRIBLE. Just like yours Char, they leave me soaking wet and then cold. My bed is soaked 2-4 times a night. I'm desperately seeking a hot flash/night sweat cure as well. Thanks for posting this. Please let me know what you find out.
    Miles of "Hot Flashing" Love,
  • BeckyGma
    BeckyGma Member Posts: 5
    Hot Flashes
    I am 47, and had a full hysterectomy about 2009. I have Fibromyalgia and some arthritis that really complicates my life!

    This year, my hot flashes seem to be the worst. I am a cop, so wearing layers are not an option! The duty vest kills me. At times, my neck and face feel like they are inside a fireplace, literally! I'm constantly turning the air on in the patrol car, then the heat - feels like I have the flu with cold and hot sweats, both. ugg, to say the least.

    I've been prescribed estrogen and progesterone cream, but don't take it regularly enough. Trying to start again.

    I love reading that I'm not alone, as strange as that may sound. I know I may not be helping myself by neglecting the cream treatment(s), but I don't know anyone personally who has hotflashes like this.

    When I come inside the PD (police department) after a call, etc, like tonight after an arrest made, I'm filling out paper work and sweat is just running down my face-so annoying.

    Just four more years, and I can retire; hoping I can make it. Fibro makes it very difficult.

    Thanks for being here!
