Survivor Exercise

MNLynn Member Posts: 224
I just started a "survivor exercise" program at my clinic. It's wonderful - a 12 week program. My physical therapist wanted me to do this to help with several things - one of the main things being range of motion on my mastectomy/alnd side without making my lymphedema worse. Also, I'm on Arimidex, and exercise should help with bone density (Amimidex can decrease bone density). Besides exercise, we're addressing diet - to keep me eating foods that may keep cancer away (hopefully)! I'm excited about it! One of the good things for me . . . these days in February bring back memories of last year when I was going through surgeries and getting "bad" news about some cancer in my sentinel lymph nodes . . . now I have new things to write on my February calendar - helps me to look ahead instead of looking back at last year.

If your clinic offers an exercise class for cancer survivors - I'd recommend looking into it!

♥ Lynn


  • Dawne.Hope
    Dawne.Hope Member Posts: 823
    Hi Lynn,
    I'm taking a class

    Hi Lynn,

    I'm taking a class too that sounds very similar. It's called "Strong Survivor" it too is a 12 week program focusing on diet and exercise.

    I'm so glad that it is helping you get beyond the bad memories. I just passed by DMX anniversary yesterday and I hear you about trying to get past those memories.

    Happy for you! I'm too enjoying the class. It is worth your time ... and at least the one I attend, it is FREE if you're a cancer survivor. :)
  • jessiesmom1
    jessiesmom1 Member Posts: 915 Member
    Exercise program for Cancer patients/survivors
    I am taking an exercise program offered by my local YMCA called Living Strong Living Well. It is 12 weeks long (twice a week)and is specifically for cancer patients/survivors. It is for people who have become deconditioned due to the disease and its treatment. There are 10 women and 5 men in my class. As part of the class we were given a FREE membership to the Y for the duration of the class. We are also allowed to take any other class during that time (ie. aquatics classes, yoga, etc.)for free.
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    How wonderful! It is so
    How wonderful! It is so important to keep active--it helps with everything that ails us! Also, don't forget just plain walking. Danny and I try and walk 1-3 miles per day and you can add wrist weights to help with bone strengthening.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    How wonderful! It is so
    How wonderful! It is so important to keep active--it helps with everything that ails us! Also, don't forget just plain walking. Danny and I try and walk 1-3 miles per day and you can add wrist weights to help with bone strengthening.

    Interesting subject ....
    I am going to check out classes offered here in my community ... I need it!

    Thank you for the posting, and input.

    Vicki Sam
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    How wonderful! It is so
    How wonderful! It is so important to keep active--it helps with everything that ails us! Also, don't forget just plain walking. Danny and I try and walk 1-3 miles per day and you can add wrist weights to help with bone strengthening.

    Interesting subject ....
    double post .. ugh!
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000

    How wonderful! It is so
    How wonderful! It is so important to keep active--it helps with everything that ails us! Also, don't forget just plain walking. Danny and I try and walk 1-3 miles per day and you can add wrist weights to help with bone strengthening.

    Congrats Lynn on all that
    Congrats Lynn on all that your involved with now! You are definitely on the right track in moving on with your life beyond cancer.

    Best of luck and good health to you,
