Be careful what you post on the internet

I do work for my doctor. One of my assignments is to search the internet for his name to be sure that information is correct, such as name of practice, address, phone etc.

This week i searching away and found a posting that went back to a pool party that he gave in the summer of 2003. The posting contained many, many photographs taken at the party. Nothing was wrong with the photographs. It showed people playing ball in the pool, eating food in the kitchen, and playing basketball on the driveway. The fact remains that someone took the photographs and posted them on the internet. That is a long time for something to be out there. careful of what you post whether it be words or photos.

Lots of Hugs,


  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    An important reminder, Janelle - thank you
    Janelle, I think we all need this reminder now and again....I think many of us feel so comfortable here (which is wonderful!) that we forget this board is open to search engines, and everything we write here can be read by anyone with a computer.

    I've posted this before, but it may bear repeating: Once a woman posted her full name here, in the context of an otherwise completely appropriate post about her breast cancer journey. Just to see what would happen, I googled her name -- I swear, within 2 seconds, I was staring at her home address on my screen. That was a bit of a wake-up call for me.

    (yes, that's my real name -- but "InLA" isn't my real last name! :-)
  • joannstar
    joannstar Member Posts: 403 Member
    Also on Facebook
    Employers and insurance companies are using facebook and the internet to check up on their customers. People have been fired from jobs and insurance claims have been denied from things people have posted. And once something is posted, it never goes checking out a radiologist before seeing him, the only thing I found when I googled his name was a mug shot from a domestic abuse arrest--obviously, I didn't go to this doctor.
    It is truly something to be careful of!!
  • ms.sunshine
    ms.sunshine Member Posts: 707 Member
    joannstar said:

    Also on Facebook
    Employers and insurance companies are using facebook and the internet to check up on their customers. People have been fired from jobs and insurance claims have been denied from things people have posted. And once something is posted, it never goes checking out a radiologist before seeing him, the only thing I found when I googled his name was a mug shot from a domestic abuse arrest--obviously, I didn't go to this doctor.
    It is truly something to be careful of!!

    yes be cautious
    This is the reason I don't have an "about me page" I don't post names of my family or pics. I've always been cautious about giving out info. Heck we have had imposers here before, one not to long ago.
  • pinkkari09
    pinkkari09 Member Posts: 877 Member
    Scary, Scary, Scary. It
    Scary, Scary, Scary. It makes me want to shut the lid and watch TV. Thanks for the reminder, we can never be too careful.
    Miles of Love,