1st good news to report in AGES: My CA125 dropped 200 points after 1st round of Avastin/Cytoxin!

lindaprocopio Member Posts: 1,980 Member
Today I had my 3rd Avastin infusion, but don't have the results yet of the CA125 labs I had taken just prior to it. But I did get my labs taken last week just before my 2nd Avastin infusion, and my CA125 is down 200 points after the 1st round of Avastin/Cytoxin. I know that Avastin can cause your CA125 to go up and down pretty wildly, but my chemo oncologist said that he is very encouraged by this early indicator, and if he's happy, then I'M HAPPY! After a series of failed chemo drugs and disease progression to share, I am so happy to have something positive to report! (My CA125 is still a horrifying 1275, but that is 200 less than it was last week!)

I got Avastin 3 weeks in a row because my oncologist wanted me to have a big push at the start of this new chemo regime. Now I will start getting it every other week. I take my Cytoxin as a daily pill, so I dusted off my passport, am packing my Cytoxin, and am leaving on Friday for a short vacation in the Dominican Republic with my oldest son. SUNSHINE, HERE I COME! My chemo-onc okayed "no more than 2" glasses of wine each day on my vacation, so LOOK OUT, WORLD! After being a tee-totaller for so long on constant chemo, I'll bet I'll be incoherent on 2 glasses of wine!

I love how I feel on this Cytoxin/Avastin and I soooo hope it's working! I'm going to enjoy the happy news, no matter how fleeting it may end up being!


  • nancy591
    nancy591 Member Posts: 1,027 Member
    great news
    So happy for you Linda
  • JoanC
    JoanC Member Posts: 231 Member
    So very happy for you.....you go girl and enjoy.
  • JoanC said:

    So very happy for you.....you go girl and enjoy.

    Good for you Linda, it is
    Good for you Linda, it is wonderful to hear you have some good news x
  • poopergirl14052
    poopergirl14052 Member Posts: 1,183 Member
    Soo happy for you!!!
    I am thrilled for you!!! Enjoy your vacation and the warm weather. Thank you for all of your postings and advice the past few months. It meant alot. Safe travels. se you when you get back....val
  • kikz
    kikz Member Posts: 1,345 Member
    Great news, Linda!
    Any drop in the 125 is reason to celebrate. Have fun and try to block everything else out for a few days. And "cheers" to you as you raise your glass of wine.

  • clamryn
    clamryn Member Posts: 508
    Linda, that is wonderful news. I am so happy for you. It is time that the good news started coming your way. Praying all the way for you.

  • Lisa13Q
    Lisa13Q Member Posts: 677
    This is FANTASTIC news. you are an inspiration to all of us...Have a great time in the Dominican....
  • Mwee
    Mwee Member Posts: 1,338
    So happy for you!
    What a wonderful result... wow... 200 points! Have a wonderful trip with your son in the sunshine.
    (((HUGS))) Maria
  • Barbara53
    Barbara53 Member Posts: 652
    great news
    Great news, Linda. My mother had 8 rounds of avastin with no trouble. Better yet, my bro and wife went to an all-inclusive resort in the D.R. last month, and they said it was wonderful. My sis-in-law has scleroderma and needed to be in a warm place, and it did the trick. Have a wonderful time!
  • paris11
    paris11 Member Posts: 159
    Fantastic, Linda !

    20 more years...

  • zinaida
    zinaida Member Posts: 221
    It is sooo good news, Linda.
    It is sooo good news, Linda. Very happy for you. Have a great vacation. O! And glass or two of cold good wine after hot day. Enjoy!!! (((HUGS))), Zina. :)
  • Cafewoman53
    Cafewoman53 Member Posts: 735 Member
    Have a great vacation it
    Have a great vacation it sounds wonderful ! And good news to take with you even better, see you when you get home .
  • kayandok
    kayandok Member Posts: 1,202 Member
    Linda, I'm so happy for you. Have a great trip!
  • anicca
    anicca Member Posts: 334 Member
    What great news!
    I'm so happy this is working for you. Have a wonderful time on your trip!

  • Hissy_Fitz
    Hissy_Fitz Member Posts: 1,834
    anicca said:

    What great news!
    I'm so happy this is working for you. Have a wonderful time on your trip!


    I am so HAPPY to hear
    I am so HAPPY to hear this!!!!!!!!

    No one deserves this any more than you, Linda - not the decrease in numbers, or the vacation, or the wine. Enjoy them all!

    I am on a 3 week break from the vaccine trial and trying to plot a short getaway to the West coast, although we are not short on sunshine here. The weatherman says Saturday we will see 80 degrees!
