Did anyone here decide not to do reconstruction?



  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    Choose No
    I think all of us have to make the decision that is right for us - what works for one might not be doable or right for someone else. I had a masectomy on my left side three years ago and have still not done reconstruction. Would I like to have reconstruction? At times yes, I'd sure like to look normal again but do I want more doctor vists or more surgery and have the risk of complications to have a normal appearance w/out clothes - then my answer is a resounding no. I was nearly 58 at the time of my dx three years ago and had been married for well over 30 years- my husband was happy with whatever decision I made so that made my decision somewhat easier. I actually think he has way less of a problem with my lack in the breast department than I do!!!! I'm used to the prothesis and when I'm wearing it I doubt anyone can tell.

    I wish you well with your decison and that whatever you decide is workable for you.

    Hugs, Sally

    cathyp impressed at 48 you
    cathyp impressed at 48 you could wear a bikini lol!
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    I had a lumpectomy so I can't answer for myself but...my sister in law had a mastectomy at 39...she did not have recon.. That was21 years ago..she has no regrets...she didn't want to have any more surgeries..my daughter's best friend age 40 had double mastectomy last year..she had recon..said if she had known going in what was REALLY involved, she thought she did, she said she would never have gone through it...even now that she's got two new girls, she said for her, it wasn't worth all the extra surgery and extra recovery time and to do over, she wouldn't...

    I think it's a really personal decision and I wish you well in making your decision.
  • 24242
    24242 Member Posts: 1,398
    No reconstruction
    At 37 years of age and very ill with stage 3 11 out of 21 positve nodes later found my mother pleaded with me not to have the bilateral to worry about the cancer side first then have the second one removed. Her experience as a home care nurse gave her insight into how harsh this could be to recover from. My surgeon then gave me the very same advice so I did not have bilateral instead a year later had second one removed after more lumps.
    I have to say I think how attached to our breasts can play a roll in how well we can see ourselves living a life without them. Some women cannot live with the thought of not having them so reconstruct immediately. I just knew I coudln't have gotten through the pain knowing how ill I was and the suffering I had already done though cancer isn't suppose to hurt.
    I could still have reconstruction but still decide each day to spare myself more surgery than I truly have to have. It took all I had to go have the second removed that replacing them was never an issue. My breast did not define me in anyway and I just knew in my soul that I didn't need them to move on in my life. After seeing the scars left after mastectomy done in the early 60's on my grandmother I have appreciated how intact surgeons have left me. Before they removed muscle and everything and what a caved in chest they were left with. Now that does not have to happen though I am sure sometimes it might.

    WE have to do what each and everyone of us is comfortable with and whatever it is that help us move forward in our lives. Quality of life has been my only mission and fake breasts would not change anything for me. Oh yes on a funny note I have always been afraid at my age now I would only go BIG or just go home.
  • Kristin N
    Kristin N Member Posts: 1,968 Member
    Rague said:

    No recon - yet anyway
    All of my Drs (surgeon, chemo, rads, and PA) all said no recon for a year. So over a year out, I'm thinking about it but not sure. I see Chemo the end of this month and surgeon the end of next month so will talk with them then. My MLD is doing pretty good with dealing with lymphedema so it's a possibility. My PA told me at my annual that she'd put in for consult with plastic surgeon when I'm ready. I don't know rather or not I will do it but will definately be checking out.


    I had a lumpectomy, but,
    I had a lumpectomy, but, wanted to add my good luck to you!
  • heretostay
    heretostay Member Posts: 1
    cathyp said:

    no reconstruction
    I had a dbl mx in Jan 2008. It was stongly suggested that I did not have reconstruction due to the fact that I had previous radiation for Hodgkin's Lymphoma which caused my BC. I wish I had asked the dr to pull my skin smooth. He left me the option for recon. I like having the option to go flat or pop in the fake ones! The only time I get a little sad is on the beach for our annual vacations. In Punta Cana I'm sure I was the only female w/a tankini on. All other had bikinis on. I was 47 when I had the dbl mx.

    I currently have silicone implants, dbl mx and I know that I will eventually have to replace them. I am seriously considering not doing anything when I need to replace them. They are somewhat uncomfortable, especially when I first lay down to go to sleep, but I worry that it will be difficult for purposes of buying clothes and bathing suits. My implants are not that attractive but with clothes on it gives me a natural looking cleavage that makes it easier with clothes, especially with bathing suits. I am your age and was wondering how difficult it is to find clothes.
  • cathyp
    cathyp Member Posts: 376 Member
    carkris said:

    cathyp impressed at 48 you
    cathyp impressed at 48 you could wear a bikini lol!

    LOL, thanks for the bikini remark!
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    I had bilateral mastectomy June 2010. I just finished rads this week. So far, I've had no regrets for not having reconstruction. I went to a great store to be fitted for new girls and bras. I also wear "leisure bra" at home or nothing since I don't work anymore. I'm 61 until Monday and ps told me I could have reconstruction at a later date if I decided to. Sometimes it bothers me that I have to put the girls into the bra and need help hooking it up (I have shoulder issues). For me I don't look forward to any more surgery. I've had 12 in the past 4 1/2 years.
    {{hugs}} Char
  • ElizabethB
    ElizabethB Member Posts: 89

    Already had 2 surgeries
    I had both of my surgeries (lumpectomy followed by partial mastectomy/sentinel node biopsy) last summer. Reconstruction would have been an option had I done the mastectomy. Other issues have come to light since the last surgery so now I may be facing the decision again. I am also not inclined to want any additional surgeries other than the bare minimum that I must have - that's why I am considering not doing reconstruction if I do the bilateral mastectomy. (I'd have to do both b/c of my breast size. I've often joked that if I only had one, I'd end up perpetually spinning in circles!)

    Breast size
    I have decided not to get the reconstruction done at this time I am also rather large when they did my surgery they took about half my breast having always been large it is very uncomfortably i might opt a reduction on my other side first.then go from there not sure tho i am 61 it really something i think about i just take one day at a time that way it is do-able.
  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175
    Hi Michele
    I had a

    Hi Michele
    I had a lumpectomy which turned into a partial mastectomy by the time they were done and my margins still werent clear so i ended up doing a bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction. Yet when they asked me if i wanted the reconstruction it never entered my mind not to...it was just a given for me cuz i thought at the time who wouldnt want reconstruction.
    Now i look at it a little differently...i understand a little more now why some wouldnt. Let me give you an example of one reason. I was looking on line about 2 weeks ago tryin to find info on nipple reconstruction vs the 3D tattooing (cuz thats were i am right now in my process)and if i would of seen this before i made my hasty decision on reconstruction i may not have done it. This web site scared me...it wasnt the tattoing that scared me it was how these women looked after there procedures of having reconstruction...its like their plastic surgeons were butchers. I had the same procedures as these women did and I look nothing like that. I just thank my luckly stars no matter how much i may moan and groan about the little imperfections of my reconstruction. Im not sayin that i regret my decision cuz i dont but i would of at least gave it some thought before i jumped into it, knowing what i know now.
    There are many reasons to concider or to not concider reconstruction but basically it all depends on how you feel about it cuz your the one who has to live with your decision. Its not a one decision fits all kind of thing. Good luck in whatever you decide.
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member

    curious with Lumpectomy
    Has any drs suggested plastic surgery? NO one has ever even mentioned to me-I wouldn't do it anyhow but I am just wondering if they suggest or the patient ususally inquires!

    I had a lumpectomy
    I had a lumpectomy disneyfan, but, my scar is very small and barely noticeable. I don't know if anyone has plastic surgery with a lumpectomy. I guess I don't know of anyone.

    Wishing you good luck with your reconstruction!
  • Deb17910
    Deb17910 Member Posts: 12
    cathyp said:

    no reconstruction
    I had a dbl mx in Jan 2008. It was stongly suggested that I did not have reconstruction due to the fact that I had previous radiation for Hodgkin's Lymphoma which caused my BC. I wish I had asked the dr to pull my skin smooth. He left me the option for recon. I like having the option to go flat or pop in the fake ones! The only time I get a little sad is on the beach for our annual vacations. In Punta Cana I'm sure I was the only female w/a tankini on. All other had bikinis on. I was 47 when I had the dbl mx.

    I didn't realize you opted
    I didn't realize you opted out of the reconstruction process. My history is the same as yours, hodgkins, radiation to the chest, chemo, etc. My Dr's (PS) only said to me, there's a small chance it won't take. I have already had grafting done because of the necrosis. Now I wonder if my skin is going to stretch once I start getting filled, and how much discomfort I am going to be in. Not having chemo, my onco DX score was only a 9. Im thrilled with that! Hope you are well....
  • sweetvickid
    sweetvickid Member Posts: 459 Member
    My last two cents
    One of the things that I was vain about were my breast. At age 54 they were still perky with no droop. So I think that surprised my husband when I said no reconstruct. Also for some good pictures go to http://www.thescarproject.org/home.html good pictures there.
  • reeseslover1234
    reeseslover1234 Member Posts: 87
    No recon for me
    I didn't have recon, but I only had left mastectomy. I wish I'd had a bilateral and then i wouldn't have to wear a bra. It's uncomfortable. because the weight of my right breast causes my bra to pull to the right and it gets lopsided. Oh well!!!
  • cathg
    cathg Member Posts: 21
    Hi Mich

    I had the Brac test done first to seeif my cancer is genetically inherited. Also, ask to have a MAmmaprint done, this will determine the risk of the cancer returning:http://www.agendia.com/pages/mammaprint/21.php

    I had reconstruction immediatley. It was 11hours of surgery, 3 days ICU and 7 days in hospital. I was the small percentage that skin graft died and 2 weeks later had to go back in to have reconstructed breast removed.

    I am 35 and at this moment, I do not want anymore surgery..ha ha. But I know that there will come a time after chemo, that I may decide to go back in and have both boobs doen properly.

    Do what you can handle. I always had this niggle about the duration of the first surgery, and if I had decided not to..it would have been a simple, short procedure...

    Good luck and let us know how it goes
  • cathg
    cathg Member Posts: 21

    curious with Lumpectomy
    Has any drs suggested plastic surgery? NO one has ever even mentioned to me-I wouldn't do it anyhow but I am just wondering if they suggest or the patient ususally inquires!

    hey disney
    Here is south africa, they have a team that address you. Oncologist, oncologist surgoen, radiologist and reconstructive surgoen. It is common for ladies who undergo masectomy to have immediate reconstruction. They did a tummy tuck on me adn then used the fat to reform my new boob...looked fab and very natural. Apprently, they believe that the patient has a beeter recovery ( emotional..i think?)
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    Wolfi said:

    No reconstruction

    I had a bilateral without reconstruction in August 2009 and I am still happy with my decision to not have reconstruction. This is a very personal decision so you should spend time really thinking about how you feel about both options. I understand about having to make a quick decision - I had the same issue when they wanted me to have surgery. I think I met with four different doctors in less than a week to get more information on my options.

    The reason I chose to not have reconstruction is because I didn't want to have to deal with the expansion appointments, extra surgeries and possible problems. I also went online and looked at some pictures of both reconstructions and bilaterals without reconstruction so I would have an idea of what I was getting into.

    Good luck with your decision.

    Wishing you the best of luck
    Wishing you the best of luck Michele with your decision for reconstruction or not.

    Sue :)
  • cathyp
    cathyp Member Posts: 376 Member
    Deb17910 said:

    I didn't realize you opted
    I didn't realize you opted out of the reconstruction process. My history is the same as yours, hodgkins, radiation to the chest, chemo, etc. My Dr's (PS) only said to me, there's a small chance it won't take. I have already had grafting done because of the necrosis. Now I wonder if my skin is going to stretch once I start getting filled, and how much discomfort I am going to be in. Not having chemo, my onco DX score was only a 9. Im thrilled with that! Hope you are well....

    Deb17910 question for you
    Good luck w/your reconstruction! A reminder for you: If you had bleomycin for the Hodgkin's, you do know that you need to watch for pulmonary toxicity when supplemental oxygen is given during/after surgeries.
    My onco type was 8 but I stopped the tamoxifen when I had ovarian cysts and uterus problems. I just had my last ovary removed during a hysterectomy (uterine polyps and complex ovarian cysts-all benign). Now struggling w/if it's ok to take Arimidex. I had a TIA plus my hx makes it a difficult decision. What tx did you have for the BC?
  • cathyp
    cathyp Member Posts: 376 Member

    I currently have silicone implants, dbl mx and I know that I will eventually have to replace them. I am seriously considering not doing anything when I need to replace them. They are somewhat uncomfortable, especially when I first lay down to go to sleep, but I worry that it will be difficult for purposes of buying clothes and bathing suits. My implants are not that attractive but with clothes on it gives me a natural looking cleavage that makes it easier with clothes, especially with bathing suits. I am your age and was wondering how difficult it is to find clothes.

    Buying clothes post dbl mx
    This was a challenge for me. Tops are cut so low or just not the right cut. I wear cami's under tops to cover the bra w/the prosthesis.. Sometimes I use doublesided tape at the neckline of tops. In the summer time I had the most trouble. I didn't want to wear prosthesis doing yard work etc so I wear a sports bra with no prosthesis. If I have to run to the store or someone drops in, I pop in the fluff prosthesis in the sports bra. I don't mind being flat but I don't want to make my daughters friends uncomfortable or anyone I run into. I also buy the bras for my prosthesis that have a lace panel across the top and that looks natural under summer cut tops. I enjoy having smaller sized prosthesis than my old size DD breasts!
    Good luck w/your decision!
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    cahjah75 said:

    I had bilateral mastectomy June 2010. I just finished rads this week. So far, I've had no regrets for not having reconstruction. I went to a great store to be fitted for new girls and bras. I also wear "leisure bra" at home or nothing since I don't work anymore. I'm 61 until Monday and ps told me I could have reconstruction at a later date if I decided to. Sometimes it bothers me that I have to put the girls into the bra and need help hooking it up (I have shoulder issues). For me I don't look forward to any more surgery. I've had 12 in the past 4 1/2 years.
    {{hugs}} Char

    Just wishing you good luck
    Just wishing you good luck Michele whether you have reconstruction or not!

    Hugs, Lex
  • mom62
    mom62 Member Posts: 604 Member
    No Recon
    I did no reconstruction and have no regrets. I was not going to go through more surgery for no reason. I had my children and was in my early 40's and to me it was just a body part. I don't miss it at all. JMO.
