Neck masses
Hi Pat
Did the doctor have you do a PET yet, if not I would ask him for a PET to check the hold body. Sometimes these thing are just nothing, like you said it been swelling for years and cancer don’t swell for year. The PET or biopsy will tell you what you have and then take it one day at a time and get the proper treatment you need to get it fixed.
What kind of doctor are you seeing, if I was you I would look for an ENT at one of the Major Cancer places in the US and stay away from small town cancer sites.
All the best to you my friend and welcome to CSN, please stay and give up a follow up on your treatment.
Hondo0 -
Exactly as Hondo Says
The exact same advice I would give you....other than small town cancer facilities. I live in a small town, but in a very metropolitan area. It's also affiliated with a major cancer center.
Bottom line, get a facility that specializes and check it out. If you don't get answers that satisfy you, get more, or from another ENT.
Also, welcome to the forum.
John0 -
Pat, even better, try for the full PET CT as his is the most accurate scan. If you do, follow the Pre Scan fasting very closely as this will affect the accuracy and avoid false results (either way).
Also if possible maybe ask if they do a needle biopsy. Please don't delay Pat, get to a serious centre ASAP and hopefully eliminate the possibility of Cancer. If it is isn;t =great, if it is, the faster you react, the better the outcome - so get cracking - don't take NO for an answer.
Scam0 -
Neck Masses
I have to ask what size are they and do they come and go?
My SCC began as 2 small masses on the right side of my neck.......Surgery,Rad.,Chemo....etc.....
Have the MD check to see if it is's fairly common and might get you on track as waht treatment is necessary.
Richard0 -
Good Advise ScambusterScambuster said:PET CT
Pat, even better, try for the full PET CT as his is the most accurate scan. If you do, follow the Pre Scan fasting very closely as this will affect the accuracy and avoid false results (either way).
Also if possible maybe ask if they do a needle biopsy. Please don't delay Pat, get to a serious centre ASAP and hopefully eliminate the possibility of Cancer. If it is isn;t =great, if it is, the faster you react, the better the outcome - so get cracking - don't take NO for an answer.
Full body PET CT and needle biopsy ASAP! Good Luck0 -
Your Response to HondoHondo said:Hi Pat
Did the doctor have you do a PET yet, if not I would ask him for a PET to check the hold body. Sometimes these thing are just nothing, like you said it been swelling for years and cancer don’t swell for year. The PET or biopsy will tell you what you have and then take it one day at a time and get the proper treatment you need to get it fixed.
What kind of doctor are you seeing, if I was you I would look for an ENT at one of the Major Cancer places in the US and stay away from small town cancer sites.
All the best to you my friend and welcome to CSN, please stay and give up a follow up on your treatment.
Why did you say "stay away from small town cancer sites"? I'm scheduled to start treatment at one and your comment has made me very nervous. Is there a reason for your statement? I'd like to know, please.0 -
HICrimsonRacing said:Neck Masses
I have to ask what size are they and do they come and go?
My SCC began as 2 small masses on the right side of my neck.......Surgery,Rad.,Chemo....etc.....
Have the MD check to see if it is's fairly common and might get you on track as waht treatment is necessary.
Hi Richard;my masses are small,one is 7MM(parotid gland) Other gland 5MM(lymph nodes)
See;I went to Denist for reg xrays,told him my TMJ,must really be bad.Right gland swelling while eating.He,sent me to Oral surgeon,he had me get MRI.Couldn't stay in for complete,contrast,got scared.Took,CD&readings to ENT&,he said a cyst&small masses. He said suck on lemons,in case a stone in salvtory gland.Lemons NO good for teeth(I found out)'
So;now Iam wondering what the heck to do.JUST quit wondering&get on with things?
What is SCC? I,have been reading on Salivtory gland stuff&cancer. Take care; Pat0 -
HIHondo said:Hi Pat
Did the doctor have you do a PET yet, if not I would ask him for a PET to check the hold body. Sometimes these thing are just nothing, like you said it been swelling for years and cancer don’t swell for year. The PET or biopsy will tell you what you have and then take it one day at a time and get the proper treatment you need to get it fixed.
What kind of doctor are you seeing, if I was you I would look for an ENT at one of the Major Cancer places in the US and stay away from small town cancer sites.
All the best to you my friend and welcome to CSN, please stay and give up a follow up on your treatment.
Hi Hondo;If I go to another DR,not sure Insurance will pay for it.It would be like getting a second opinion.So? I,did have MRI of neck.That seemed scary enough for me. Mass only 7MM(Parotid gland) 5MM,in lymph node. Take care Pat0 -
Thanks for all replies
Hi all,thanks for responding to my question.Haven't done anything yet about,neck masses.Like I said ENT not too worried.I,see him in April.I,guess I ahve to have the faith he knows,what he's talking about. He's the expert.Iam,still worried. Have a good weekend&HUGS Pat0 -
Parotid gland etcabcwangfoo said:HI
Hi Hondo;If I go to another DR,not sure Insurance will pay for it.It would be like getting a second opinion.So? I,did have MRI of neck.That seemed scary enough for me. Mass only 7MM(Parotid gland) 5MM,in lymph node. Take care Pat
Hi abc I have some experience with this. In Nov. 2009 I had lymph node swell to pea size under right ear. I could feel it and had bad ear aches. That took me to doc. Had 2 ENT docs. First one did fine needle biopsy and came back with diag of cancer but wrong type (learnt that later) Something told me to get 2 opinion. Switched ENT and more tests. It turned out I had squamacell cancer of tongue. A tumor was found there. But, much later I also had it in my parotid gland ,,,that was removed. This was over the period of a year.
Read my post "Introducing myself" to get a better time frame. BUT...what I am trying to make a point of is to take Hondo's advise and others. that you need to get to a second ENT. And maybe do some checking into insurance. They usually pay for that.
Don't wait and just go on with your life. Scans tell that there is something there. And by waiting it can spread. And lymph nodes are nothing to mess with. They filter the body. What you didn't tell was if you could feel or see the swelling. If they are that size they can do needle biopsy and you will know what is what. My doc did MRI, PET and CT scans. They all work together to give a bigger picture. Best of luck to you Roze0 -
I was toldabcwangfoo said:Thanks for all replies
Hi all,thanks for responding to my question.Haven't done anything yet about,neck masses.Like I said ENT not too worried.I,see him in April.I,guess I ahve to have the faith he knows,what he's talking about. He's the expert.Iam,still worried. Have a good weekend&HUGS Pat
I was told mid dec. 1995 I had infected glands take this antibiotic and if it does not go away call me in 10 days. Turns out 5 weeks later I has SCC(squamous cell carcinoma) cancer. By that time it was 5 golf ball size wrapped around carotid. Told they were too big to do surgery they had to shrink them with chemo and radiation and then surgery.
Amazing how fast this grows. It does not do a wait and see.
I suggest finding a head and neck cancer ENT with experience. Medical Schools are good place to start. Most cities with 300,000 have some type of connection at hospitals or cancer centers.
I know waiting just doe not work for me.
Good luck Pat0 -
Get a solid confirmationabcwangfoo said:Thanks for all replies
Hi all,thanks for responding to my question.Haven't done anything yet about,neck masses.Like I said ENT not too worried.I,see him in April.I,guess I ahve to have the faith he knows,what he's talking about. He's the expert.Iam,still worried. Have a good weekend&HUGS Pat
Personally I would not sit on this but find a good ENT guy and get a conclusive test done.
If it's nothing - great ! it is something more sinister, then you are onto it faster. If it is cancer, then the quicker you get moving the better.
SCC is Squamous Cell Carcinoma, the most common of the throat and mouth cancers. It just describes the types of cancer cells present.
They may be able to do a needle biopsy as a test. If you go for the PET CT again, tell them you had some difficult and they can give you something to allow you do the Scan without the anxiety.
Bottom line is to find out conclusively what is causng the swelling. It is not something I would wait for. Doctors don't get it right all the time so you need to be proactive and persistent until you get answers.
Scam0 -
Second Opinionabcwangfoo said:Thanks for all replies
Hi all,thanks for responding to my question.Haven't done anything yet about,neck masses.Like I said ENT not too worried.I,see him in April.I,guess I ahve to have the faith he knows,what he's talking about. He's the expert.Iam,still worried. Have a good weekend&HUGS Pat
My ENT was not concerned either, no characteristics of cancer. June 2009 went in to have a lump removed from my lip--ENT was more concerned with other spot, did not remove lump.
What he took out was pre-cancer. After swelling of surgery went down, original lump was still there. Had to cancel an appointment in March 2010. June 2010 saw ENT, I want lump removed. No visible sign of cancer (have been to dentist and dermatologist during this time also). Surgery scheduled for office in July. Between June and July lump grows to the size of a peanut--doctor wants to do surgery at a center with a pathologist, still doesn't think that it is cancer. Lump removed 2 days later, one week later post op--CANCER. Rare and aggressive. Whirlwind begins; MRI that afternoon, PET the next day and Stanford for Tumor Board Thursday. Poked and prodded, tube down throat (gag!). Surgery the next Monday. August 9, 2010 surgery at Stanford. 1 inch of upper lip removed and stitched back together. Path report says it is not clear, reopen and take more, clean margins.
Dentist for tooth removal, radiation.
Get a second opinion, don't wait, hopefully nothing but if it is cancer, get it as early
as possible.0 -
Hi tjuhlintjuhlin said:Your Response to Hondo
Why did you say "stay away from small town cancer sites"? I'm scheduled to start treatment at one and your comment has made me very nervous. Is there a reason for your statement? I'd like to know, please.
I had Rad twice because the first doctor screwed up on my treatment, then the second doctor only knew a little more then first one did, but not much more, I did not know any of this until years later when having a lot of side affects problems and asking my doctor why he did not get me help before I had this problem.
He said I did not expect you to live this long I never had someone with your type of Cancer before. My Cancer was NPC.
Question your doctor on how many times he treatment someone with your type of cancer, if he says a few times get out and go to MD Anderson of Mayo Clinic or some major cancer place.
Not to scare you but I now live with the side affects of not being treated correctly.
Take care
Hondo0 -
Hi TeacherKTeacher said:Second Opinion
My ENT was not concerned either, no characteristics of cancer. June 2009 went in to have a lump removed from my lip--ENT was more concerned with other spot, did not remove lump.
What he took out was pre-cancer. After swelling of surgery went down, original lump was still there. Had to cancel an appointment in March 2010. June 2010 saw ENT, I want lump removed. No visible sign of cancer (have been to dentist and dermatologist during this time also). Surgery scheduled for office in July. Between June and July lump grows to the size of a peanut--doctor wants to do surgery at a center with a pathologist, still doesn't think that it is cancer. Lump removed 2 days later, one week later post op--CANCER. Rare and aggressive. Whirlwind begins; MRI that afternoon, PET the next day and Stanford for Tumor Board Thursday. Poked and prodded, tube down throat (gag!). Surgery the next Monday. August 9, 2010 surgery at Stanford. 1 inch of upper lip removed and stitched back together. Path report says it is not clear, reopen and take more, clean margins.
Dentist for tooth removal, radiation.
Get a second opinion, don't wait, hopefully nothing but if it is cancer, get it as early
as possible.
Sounds like you went through quite a bit, hope you are doing better now. Also Welcome to the family here on CSN hope you plan to stay.
Hondo0 -
To Pat,,,abcwangfoo said:Thanks for all replies
Hi all,thanks for responding to my question.Haven't done anything yet about,neck masses.Like I said ENT not too worried.I,see him in April.I,guess I ahve to have the faith he knows,what he's talking about. He's the expert.Iam,still worried. Have a good weekend&HUGS Pat
I know you worry and think the worst already,, Try to ease off your mind and be happy. Enjoy today and do your best. Let us know in April after you see your ENT doctor. Ask lot of questions to make sure that you get all your answers.0 -
Second Opinion
Do not wait... If you have to pay for the second opinion out of pocket its well worth the peace of mind. Stress and worry do more damage to your body than good.
Please do not wait to long. SCC of the head and neck is a very aggressive cancer. Im sure if you would provide your location someone on here can give you a name of a very good ENT doctor for a second opinion. Thats whats great about this site we have help comming in from all over the world 24 hours a day seven days a week. Take advantage of it thats what we are here for!
Sending lots of prayers!0 -
Agree with Donna - Do Not Wait
Like mentioned SCC is fairly aggressive....
Mine started in the tonsils (first I noticed anything going on). That was somewhere between October - December 2008. Within just a month or so it already popped up a secondary tumor in my neck a little lower than my ear.
I would get a second opinion also. Like mentioned, you might be out a few bucks if it's nothing. But, your piece of mind will be huge. If it is cancer, then you'll be a few months ahead of the game, versus waiting until April.
John0 -
Your Advice...honeybelle22 said:Parotid gland etc
Hi abc I have some experience with this. In Nov. 2009 I had lymph node swell to pea size under right ear. I could feel it and had bad ear aches. That took me to doc. Had 2 ENT docs. First one did fine needle biopsy and came back with diag of cancer but wrong type (learnt that later) Something told me to get 2 opinion. Switched ENT and more tests. It turned out I had squamacell cancer of tongue. A tumor was found there. But, much later I also had it in my parotid gland ,,,that was removed. This was over the period of a year.
Read my post "Introducing myself" to get a better time frame. BUT...what I am trying to make a point of is to take Hondo's advise and others. that you need to get to a second ENT. And maybe do some checking into insurance. They usually pay for that.
Don't wait and just go on with your life. Scans tell that there is something there. And by waiting it can spread. And lymph nodes are nothing to mess with. They filter the body. What you didn't tell was if you could feel or see the swelling. If they are that size they can do needle biopsy and you will know what is what. My doc did MRI, PET and CT scans. They all work together to give a bigger picture. Best of luck to you Roze
Hey, I took your advice (in a round about way) concerning getting a second ENT's opinion. I went to my "small town" ENT for an examination. He did a great job but he knew that the local cancer center and hospital here where I live would not be able to provide what he believed is the proper or best treatment I need. He immediately (and I do mean immediatley) contacted my Oncologist and advised him of his thoughts. I had earler done (the day before) research on my medical insurance plan and determined that I could go to the Mayo Clinic here in Arizona. I passed that information on to the ENT and the time of the examination and within 3 hours my small town doctor had an appointment scheduled for me to see the Head and Neck Surgeon (Othorhinolaryngology) at the Phoenix, Mayo Clinic the next day (yesterday). I now have the pre-surgery examination and tests scheduled for February 28th and neck surgery scheduled for March 9th.
Thank you all so much! Terry0
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