Elevated Creatine Levels?

Is an elavated creatine level an indicator of kidney cancer? If the creatine level is normal, is one "out of the woods" so to speak, of having kidney cancer? In other words, is a normal creatine level indicative of NOT having kidney cancer?
thank you so much


  • sylvan75
    sylvan75 Member Posts: 30
    Creatine levels
    Creatine levels are an indicator of how your Kidneys are functioning and not an indicator of the presence of Kidney Cancer. An elevated (2 or above) Creatine level is and indicator of Kidney Disease, such as Chronic Kidney Disease.
  • recnac_grl
    recnac_grl Member Posts: 38
    sylvan75 said:

    Creatine levels
    Creatine levels are an indicator of how your Kidneys are functioning and not an indicator of the presence of Kidney Cancer. An elevated (2 or above) Creatine level is and indicator of Kidney Disease, such as Chronic Kidney Disease.

    thank you

    thank you
  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,051 Member

    thank you

    thank you

    couldn't have said more succintly
    In addition to my kidney cancer, my husband was dx'd with Kidney Disease 2 years ago. Creatine is one of the tests used to dx it. His was totally dietary and lack of understanding. Once he realized that everything he took into his body was liquified, absorbed thru the gut and filtered out by the kidneys -and expelled as waste liquid or a solid, he finally cut back on salts and sugars. His Kidney Disease is stable at Stage 3 and will be turned loose by the nephrologist later this year and be monitored just by his internist.
    I was a PE and health teacher, and prepared proper meals, but until he realized how salt caused high blood pressure, which literally kills off capillaries in the kidneys, he finally saw the light and stopped salting his food and eating junk food away from home. No more jerky sticks, salted peanuts, soda, fries on the side, and other stuff that I wouldn't buy
    He's lost about 15 pounds, exercises more, and is stable.
    Good luck in your searches.