Deciding to take tomoxefin or not

momofbcb Member Posts: 22
My daughter just turned 24 and has breast cancer. She was very lucky. They got it all. Not in Lymph nodes, stage 1. She has 14 more radiation treatments and has just decided not to take the tomoxefin when she is done. She is tired, sore and depressed. She wants it all to be over with. She took it briefly before radiation started and it made her sick. So she has decided against doctors wishes, to not take it at the end of rads. She was told to take it for 5 years.

Being a mom, I am stressed to the max over this decision. I kinda feel that she has been so lucky and she is not appreciating that fact. Am I being unfair to her? Has anyone else made this decision? I hate that she is an adult and I can't make her do this.



  • bturner36330
    bturner36330 Member Posts: 2
    I just made a decision today
    I just made a decision today to take it &then the Dr said after 5 yrs he wants me to take a different pill for 5 more yrs I dont want to but if its going to help in the long run gotta do what i got to do.I understand how you are feeling about your child even thogh she is grown maybe she will have a change of heart.
  • catlover6
    catlover6 Member Posts: 10
    I went to a conference on
    I went to a conference on Saturday that was put on by the hospital where our cancer center is. It had a panel of 5 doctors that were answering any and all questions we had ( it was open to anyone that has had or does have breast cancer ). Someone brought up tamoxifen - the medical oncologist said she felt it was perhaps more important in treatment than chemo/radiation ... in that it can reduce the recurrance as much as 50% in women who's tumore was ER+. I don't know if her advice would be the same for such a young girl ... did your daughter's oncologist provide her with statistics so that she could make an informed decision? Is there possibly another medication like tamoxifen that she can take that may not make her sick or maybe some meds to help with the sick feeling she gets from taking it ? The Dr. that spoke to us was Dr. Susan Moore of Rex Hematology Oncology Associates. Maybe she would be willing to provide you with more information that may help with her decision.
    I can understand why you're stressed ... I hope it get better, Sue
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    In May I was diagnosed with
    In May I was diagnosed with a recurrance after being almost 8 years cancer free. The cancer had spread to my liver, lining of my lungs, and spine. I started Tamoxifen in June. I had already taken Arimidex for 5 years, and that had ended about 18 months before my recurrance.
    Except for one "stubborn" lymphnode which I had surgically removed a week ago, since taking the Tamoxifen, CT and PET scans show NO evidence of cancer on my liver, spine or lung lining!
    In my opinion, that speaks very highly about the efficacy of this drug; I am also one of the lucky ones who has not had any side-effects. not with the Arimidex, or the Tamoxifen.

    I know you were looking for those who have opted out of Tamoxifen; but I also wanted to weigh in on my particular experience WITH Tamoxifen.

    Hugs and Peace to both you and your daughter,
  • Dawne.Hope
    Dawne.Hope Member Posts: 823
    Dear momofbcb,Is your
    Dear momofbcb,

    Is your daughter sure that it was the Tamoxifen that made her sick?

    She is so young! You can't make her take it, none of us can. My mom was diagnosed with stage 4 bc in Jan. of 2000. She was on it for five years and it held the cancer at bay. Two years off of it, and the bc spread rapidly to her liver, lungs and bones. She was one of the rare ones who developed endometrial cancer from taking it, but in the end, it was the breast cancer that killed her. While deciding on what to do when I was diagnosed, I took it for six months. I opted for a double masectomy and my nodes were clean so now I don't have to take it. If my nodes hadn't been clean, I would take it. But that's just me.

    In the end, it is your daughter's decision. May she have wisdom.

    Thank you for loving and being concerned about your daughter.

    Much love to you!
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    been on taxmofin for about 19mths now
    I had surgery, (breast lumpectomy and nodes removed -no issues with nodes) 8 wks radation and shortly after started Tamoxifen. I have had a D & C 2 x (6mths apart) due to thickening of uterus. That is really my only side effect so far...night sweats, leg cramps while sleeping...(I am 51 yrs old)

    I am going on my doctors suggestions (oncologist / gyno )

    I have about 3 1/2 yrs to go...
  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    Like someone else asked,

    Like someone else asked, is she SURE it was the tamoxifen that was making her sick? Aside from the hot flashes that have pretty much subsided, I don't have any side effects from the Tamoxifen. I take it before I go to bed. I was 34 at diagnosis. Maybe you can ask her to read this thread on here, or print it out for her? Because breast cancers can be really aggressive in younger women I wanted to fight it with all I had. I also had no lymph nodes affected, but was stage 2 because my tumor was just under 2 cm.
    Best of luck to you & best of health to your daughter :)
  • momofbcb
    momofbcb Member Posts: 22

    Like someone else asked,

    Like someone else asked, is she SURE it was the tamoxifen that was making her sick? Aside from the hot flashes that have pretty much subsided, I don't have any side effects from the Tamoxifen. I take it before I go to bed. I was 34 at diagnosis. Maybe you can ask her to read this thread on here, or print it out for her? Because breast cancers can be really aggressive in younger women I wanted to fight it with all I had. I also had no lymph nodes affected, but was stage 2 because my tumor was just under 2 cm.
    Best of luck to you & best of health to your daughter :)

    Thanks to everyone
    Thanks for your thoughts on this. I have printed the responses and I will let her read it. My other daughters husband said that if she does the tomoxifen, he will promise her that he will quit smoking. He said if she can go through that, then he will go through his side effects of not smoking. She loves her brother-in-law and I think she will make that deal. In the mean time, I am going to her oncology apt with her next week so we can discuss it with her doctor.

    Thanks again ladies and may God be with you all.