should I be concern to have passed out after 2 mango Margaritas?

Pinkpower Member Posts: 437
My husband and I decided to do Valentines last night instead of Monday, anyways we wnt to Chillis which was great I had a couple of Mango Margaritas which were pretty weak and delicious, so I thought, till I got up from the table after dinner. The last thing I remember was I got up and said to myself "Oh I dont feel good" the next thing I remember was my poor husband frightened face holding me up by my arms and shaking and asking me if Im ok. According to my husband, i sorta passed out and drp to my knees for a few seconds. That was so embarrassing, I have never been a really big drinker but I have had a few drinks here and there on special occations, and this has Never happened to me before. Then while at and taking a nice shower with my hubby, he said it almost happened again. I've had another cold in the past few days & been drinking cold medicine, but should I be concern and see my doctor? I dont know what to think of this.



  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Hi Lupe,
    It may have been the cold medicine mixing with the alcohol. Hopefully, someone on here knows more about this. How are you feeling today? Keep us posted.

  • Pinkpower
    Pinkpower Member Posts: 437
    Jean 0609 said:

    Hi Lupe,
    It may have been the cold medicine mixing with the alcohol. Hopefully, someone on here knows more about this. How are you feeling today? Keep us posted.


    Today I feel ok, just the
    Today I feel ok, just the cold symptoms. Now I afraid to take even the cold medicine. My brother thinks I should call my Onco. I dont know if its that serious. I do have an appt with him in a couple of wks.
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    Someone passes out unless totally intoxicated, which you weren't,should get it checked out...not to scare you, but that's not normal..especially twice in one evening! Perhaps you need to have your blood sugar levels checked...also are you on any meds? Alcohol and drugs don't mix...even over the counter ones...Personally, I would get it checked out..
    Keep us posted
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    MAJW said:

    Someone passes out unless totally intoxicated, which you weren't,should get it checked out...not to scare you, but that's not normal..especially twice in one evening! Perhaps you need to have your blood sugar levels checked...also are you on any meds? Alcohol and drugs don't mix...even over the counter ones...Personally, I would get it checked out..
    Keep us posted

    MAJW is absolutely right.
    MAJW is absolutely right. You should call your doctor and tell him what occurred. It could be the mixture of cold medicine and alcohol or either one alone but in any case you need to get the advise of your doctor. Passing out is not a normal thing and should always be checked out. You might want to consider not driving until you find out what is causing this. Don't mean to be an alarmist but the last thing you would want is to have this happen when you are behind the wheel. So I echo the opinion of others, get it checked out. And please keep up updated cause you know how we worry. Good thoughts and prayers that it is just a mixture of alcohol and cold meds.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    fauxma said:

    MAJW is absolutely right.
    MAJW is absolutely right. You should call your doctor and tell him what occurred. It could be the mixture of cold medicine and alcohol or either one alone but in any case you need to get the advise of your doctor. Passing out is not a normal thing and should always be checked out. You might want to consider not driving until you find out what is causing this. Don't mean to be an alarmist but the last thing you would want is to have this happen when you are behind the wheel. So I echo the opinion of others, get it checked out. And please keep up updated cause you know how we worry. Good thoughts and prayers that it is just a mixture of alcohol and cold meds.

    Yes ... concur with 'our' very talented Sisters here ...
    Lupe ... you poor thing, and your husband! Caution Flags ...on any activity like driving, or going for a 2 mile jog .. until you see or speak with your doctor.

    Hydrate .. lots of water in the meantime.

    Strength and Courage.

    Vicki Sam
  • Sher43009
    Sher43009 Member Posts: 602 Member
    VickiSam said:

    Yes ... concur with 'our' very talented Sisters here ...
    Lupe ... you poor thing, and your husband! Caution Flags ...on any activity like driving, or going for a 2 mile jog .. until you see or speak with your doctor.

    Hydrate .. lots of water in the meantime.

    Strength and Courage.

    Vicki Sam

    I just read on an other post that you're on Effexor, that could have done it. No drinking when on this drug as it intensifies the effect. During chemo I was told by a nurse that for every alcoholic drink you have you have to drink 8oz of water to counter it. I'd still call your oncol. there are a lot of reasons someone passes out.

    Hope you (and your hubby) are doing better now.
  • Pinkpower
    Pinkpower Member Posts: 437
    Sher43009 said:

    I just read on an other post that you're on Effexor, that could have done it. No drinking when on this drug as it intensifies the effect. During chemo I was told by a nurse that for every alcoholic drink you have you have to drink 8oz of water to counter it. I'd still call your oncol. there are a lot of reasons someone passes out.

    Hope you (and your hubby) are doing better now.

    Hi Sher
    Yes, my hubby and I

    Hi Sher

    Yes, my hubby and I have been doing better. We actually have had a few talks, which from previous post some of you know we have really bad communication. I can tell he is really trying and we are talking things out. Hope we keep it going. Most of my concerns was what I thought was lack of intimacy and interest from my husband, but as he pointed it out to me, he said he just can find it in him to start sex cause he feels like he is forcing himself on me and he just cant do it. He said he still wnts me more then ever but waits for me to initiate that way he knows for sure I feel up to it and not because im doing it to please him. He actually said he is fine waiting for me. That has made me feel better. Thanks for asking. Hope this helps others.

  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    Pinkpower said:

    Hi Sher
    Yes, my hubby and I

    Hi Sher

    Yes, my hubby and I have been doing better. We actually have had a few talks, which from previous post some of you know we have really bad communication. I can tell he is really trying and we are talking things out. Hope we keep it going. Most of my concerns was what I thought was lack of intimacy and interest from my husband, but as he pointed it out to me, he said he just can find it in him to start sex cause he feels like he is forcing himself on me and he just cant do it. He said he still wnts me more then ever but waits for me to initiate that way he knows for sure I feel up to it and not because im doing it to please him. He actually said he is fine waiting for me. That has made me feel better. Thanks for asking. Hope this helps others.


    I definately think it was
    I definately think it was the combo of the drugs and alcohol, but I would contact my primary care and onc like this to be sure it wasnt something to be concerned about. I once had a cough that i took Nyquil, I was knocked for a loop. I could only take a quarter of the dose. I looked up what was in it and I dont think it should be available without a prescription, pretty potent stuff!
  • Aortus
    Aortus Member Posts: 967
    carkris said:

    I definately think it was
    I definately think it was the combo of the drugs and alcohol, but I would contact my primary care and onc like this to be sure it wasnt something to be concerned about. I once had a cough that i took Nyquil, I was knocked for a loop. I could only take a quarter of the dose. I looked up what was in it and I dont think it should be available without a prescription, pretty potent stuff!

    Nyquil is baaaaaddd stuff
    Back in my days as a practicing alcoholic, I always tried to keep generic NyQuil on hand, because I never knew when I would run out of beer in the middle of the night.

    Lupe, I agree that you need to get this checked out. But it reminds me of a Moopy story from years ago. She had a very stressful job at the time, and we went out for dinner on Friday evenings, usually to Pubie Tuesday's. That was her rule. She usually had a margarita or two - well deserved, as I should add.

    One Friday evening she ordered a Coke and a margarita. I was about to ask her why, when I saw the atomic fisheye begin to emerge and wisely kept my dumb question to myself. She drank some of the Coke, and then started on the margarita (which couldn't have been all that strong, being as this was Pubie Tuesday's). About 10 minutes later, she all but dashed out the front door and sat on the steps for a while. Once I got out there to check on her, she looked up and asked me "Why didn't you tell me I ordered a margarita and a coke?"

    Wife 1, Husband 0. Seriously, Lupe, it could be something as silly as this. You are under a terrific amount of stress, and I don't think it would take much to knock you off your pins like that. But again, please do check it out, ok?
  • Pinkpower
    Pinkpower Member Posts: 437
    Aortus said:

    Nyquil is baaaaaddd stuff
    Back in my days as a practicing alcoholic, I always tried to keep generic NyQuil on hand, because I never knew when I would run out of beer in the middle of the night.

    Lupe, I agree that you need to get this checked out. But it reminds me of a Moopy story from years ago. She had a very stressful job at the time, and we went out for dinner on Friday evenings, usually to Pubie Tuesday's. That was her rule. She usually had a margarita or two - well deserved, as I should add.

    One Friday evening she ordered a Coke and a margarita. I was about to ask her why, when I saw the atomic fisheye begin to emerge and wisely kept my dumb question to myself. She drank some of the Coke, and then started on the margarita (which couldn't have been all that strong, being as this was Pubie Tuesday's). About 10 minutes later, she all but dashed out the front door and sat on the steps for a while. Once I got out there to check on her, she looked up and asked me "Why didn't you tell me I ordered a margarita and a coke?"

    Wife 1, Husband 0. Seriously, Lupe, it could be something as silly as this. You are under a terrific amount of stress, and I don't think it would take much to knock you off your pins like that. But again, please do check it out, ok?

    Thanks everyone, I will call
    Thanks everyone, I will call my onco tomorrow. It might not be nothing but its worth finding out for sure. I will keep you all posted.

  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    Happy Valentine's day Lupe (:
    So do you get a do over?

    I agree with everyone on here, twice in one evening seems a little excessive.
    You should get a blood test done. Hopefully it will be nothing and the next
    the only thing sweeping you off your feet will be your hubby.

  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    Sher43009 said:

    I just read on an other post that you're on Effexor, that could have done it. No drinking when on this drug as it intensifies the effect. During chemo I was told by a nurse that for every alcoholic drink you have you have to drink 8oz of water to counter it. I'd still call your oncol. there are a lot of reasons someone passes out.

    Hope you (and your hubby) are doing better now.

    Yes, please call your
    Yes, please call your oncologist and let us know.
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Hi Lupe, I am of the opinion that you need to tell your oncologist right away just to rule out any unforeseen problems and to give you peace of mind. Any oddball thing that normally does not occur and happens twice in a short period of time should be checked out.

    Hope you are feeling better,

  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    LUPE: I would go to the doctor....for sure
    I have never had a drink in my life...but this seems a bit harsh for two drinks over dinner...CALL your dr if nothing else and ask if he/she feels you should be seen!
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    Perhaps it was the mango
    Mango (the tropical fruit - not bell peppers that some in the midwest call 'mangoes') can be very nasty to those who are allergic to it. It is in the same family as poison ivy and sumac. Reactions can very from skin irritation to anaphaylaxis (SP?). I'm very allergic - if I even stand under a tree and the dew drips on me I will break out. The really strange part, that Drs have never been able to explain, is that I can walk through poison ivy and never break out at all. They have said that someday I will probably show signs of problems with the ivy and the first time will probably be really BAD.

    We're all so different.

  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    Everyone has given you great
    Everyone has given you great advice, and I agree with eveyone!

    I just want to add one little thing: During treatment, I seriously had my Oncologist on Speed-Dial! I didn't care if it was a Saturday, a holiday, or 3 in the morning! If something "abnormal" was happening to me, I called! If my personal oncologist wasn't there, the on-call oncologist was. Everything about BC and treatment wreaks havoc with our systems; in my sometimes humble opinion, all bets are off as to how our bodies reacted "then" as opposed to "now."'s my rule of thumb~ if you are posting a "Should I call my Dr" question...YES!!!!

    I maintain that there is no question a physician hasn't been asked, and nothing too embarrassing, scary, or trivial. That's why we pay insurance; the Dr's now work for us~ call them!

    Hope you are feeling better!!!! Happy Valentine's Day!!!!
