A Dutch treat...

KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
edited February 2011 in Breast Cancer #1
Yesterday I was reminded of how small The Netherlands is...lol...

Saturday morning we left home early to go to a new snufflemarkt in Enschede. Not too far drive, about an hour Southeast of us. Found some great stuff...but oddly I heard many people speaking German as well as Dutch. So, I looked at a map...only 6 kilometers to the German/Dutch border! So, being good at borders as I am *smile*...we drove into Germany and bought gas (cheaper...less taxes) and stuff from the German Aldi store that isn't in the Dutch Aldi stores...

After arriving home, we changed for an evening in Amsterdam...about an hour's drive in the other direction...then got lost and drove North to almost the top of The Netherlands. So, in one day's time, we nearly touched all the borders of The Netherlands...WOW!!! And, in the process, spoke/heard 5 languages-Dutch, Flemish, English, German, and French!!!

Dutch and American expatriate hugs, Kathi


  • PinkPearl
    PinkPearl Member Posts: 280
    Your story makes me smile!
    What a great adventure! Sometimes I actually like getting lost if I have time for it, you can discover so many new places that way! Haha! I have also been an expatriate and my hubbie now works in Azerbaijan and sometimes flies through Amsterdam or London on the way back. I was planning to meet him in Amsterdam this spring but this BC thingie got in the way for the time being. I WILL get there eventually though!! Have fun while there--enjoy it all!!
  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
    Kathy I love reading your
    Kathy I love reading your stories.... wow what an amazing place to spend your time... I love the pictures and the stories... keep them coming my friend they really make us smile... well, I know they make me smile...and I live vicariously through you!!!

    Have an wonderful day!

    Love & Hugs,

  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    taleena said:

    Kathy I love reading your
    Kathy I love reading your stories.... wow what an amazing place to spend your time... I love the pictures and the stories... keep them coming my friend they really make us smile... well, I know they make me smile...and I live vicariously through you!!!

    Have an wonderful day!

    Love & Hugs,


    It is so much fun to follow
    It is so much fun to follow your adventures. Almost feel I am there with you. Wow, border to border in a day. We forget how small many of the European countries are. Thanks for sharing your day.
  • Bella Luna
    Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
    Wow, sounds amazing. I like
    Wow, sounds amazing. I like reading your Dutch Chronicles. You take me on a mini trip every time. Thanks, Happy Valentine's Day from across the seas!