Still feeling violated



  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    JoAnn, my sisters here have
    JoAnn, my sisters here have pretty much said it all. I had rads to the left breast and was somewhat concerned about potential damage to my lung or heart. That was very quickly calmed by my radiation onc who explained the exact location of the beams and I was assured my heart and lung would be okay. I did the rads and finished on Christmas Eve 2009. I had no problems at all and even continued to exercise throughout treatment. I'll be the first to admit that some days were better than others.

    Please don't let one misguided person turn you away from all the support, knowledge and encouragement we are here to give. This is a very scary and unknown journey and it sure helps to have the input and support from our kindred spirits. This is one of the best "finds" I came across when looking for help. There are truly caring and wonderful individuals on this site. Good luck!
  • pinkkari09
    pinkkari09 Member Posts: 877 Member
    JoAnn, as it has already
    JoAnn, as it has already been well put, don't let one rotten apple spoil the whole peck. Canjun is very disturbed and desperately needs help, she is in my prayers. As for radiation, I was one of the lucky ones, no burns, no problems. I had 25 rounds last year and it went well. Keep coming back, there are way too many wonderful people here and only once in a while a bad apple.
    Mountains of Love,
  • pattimc
    pattimc Member Posts: 431

    JoAnn, as it has already
    JoAnn, as it has already been well put, don't let one rotten apple spoil the whole peck. Canjun is very disturbed and desperately needs help, she is in my prayers. As for radiation, I was one of the lucky ones, no burns, no problems. I had 25 rounds last year and it went well. Keep coming back, there are way too many wonderful people here and only once in a while a bad apple.
    Mountains of Love,

    I can't add much more that what has been so eloquently said by my dear sisters in pink. You will gain a wealth of knowledge, support and love here. I've been out of treatment since December of 2009 (other than being on Tamoxifen.)

    I had 33 rads with 5 of them being boosters. I did very well except for the fatigue. That is very real. I did end up with a burn but my doc gave me Silvedene and it took care of it is a few days.

    Not to worry!! You can do this!!

    My best to you,

  • sausageroll
    sausageroll Member Posts: 415
    pattimc said:

    I can't add much more that what has been so eloquently said by my dear sisters in pink. You will gain a wealth of knowledge, support and love here. I've been out of treatment since December of 2009 (other than being on Tamoxifen.)

    I had 33 rads with 5 of them being boosters. I did very well except for the fatigue. That is very real. I did end up with a burn but my doc gave me Silvedene and it took care of it is a few days.

    Not to worry!! You can do this!!

    My best to you,


    Jo ann
    Everyone is right. Cajun needs our prayers too..she needs help. However, don't let her comments frighten you away from radiation. i know it may not be true for everyone, but for me radiation was the easiest part of my treatment. Yes, a nuisance to drive to the hospital every day...but well worth it if it helps stop a spread of this disease. Go for it. And take care.
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    pattimc said:

    I can't add much more that what has been so eloquently said by my dear sisters in pink. You will gain a wealth of knowledge, support and love here. I've been out of treatment since December of 2009 (other than being on Tamoxifen.)

    I had 33 rads with 5 of them being boosters. I did very well except for the fatigue. That is very real. I did end up with a burn but my doc gave me Silvedene and it took care of it is a few days.

    Not to worry!! You can do this!!

    My best to you,


    I did not do well with chemo
    I did not do well with chemo but rads as CC said was a piece of cake. Everyone here has been spot on. Every once in a while you get some one who is a bit 'off" I dont know her but I hope she gets help. I felt angry and a bit frustrated but mostly because of how wonderful everyone here really is. We truely become protective of each other and care. And when someone comes in and interferes with the good we are trying to do it ticks me off. We are dealing with something that many people do not understand and dealing with people like that can suck your energy if you let them. As Chen said after a while you start to figure out who is real or not. I have to say I did not catch on as quickly because I have been involved in getting back to life and work. anyway move on th the most important thing and that is you and your health. Praying for good test results and then moving on to rads and your life after cancer.
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
    JoAnn,So many of the
    So many of the Kindred Spirits have weighed in, and aren't we an amazing group of (mostly) women?? You are of course included in that group, and the fact that you feel violated and thinking of leaving shows (to me, anyway) the depth of your character. Sometimes it is indeed difficult to separate the good from the bad, and take away only the positive. Isn't it interesting that in thousands of posts it is the ugly or frightening ones which we tend to own and re-play in our heads?

    I make no excuses for Cajuncutie...I was shocked and saddened to see how she was so very obviously falling apart before our eyes. Her writing, most especially her spelling became, for lack of a better word, slurred. It was like reading what an inebriated person would be saying. It seemed so out of character for her to be a "cutie" and then write such un-cute words.

    Please find the upbuilding, positive posts you have come here for. Hold on to the knowledge that all of us, all of the Kindred Spirits you have never met, your family and friends, not to mention your medical team want you to get the best possible treatment and get on to living Life After Cancer. Radiation is often a part of that treament~ it was for me and I had almost no ill side-effects from it. I had the first appointment in the morning; and after the first time, it honestly took longer to get undressed than it took to get the life-saving radiation. I was able to work during that time as well. And that was in 2003...

    The ACS is of course international, open to any and all who want (or say they want) cancer support. With that, we will have myriad personalities joining us, and who really knows anyone's personal story? I have often said that this site is a lot like Jr High Homeroom. We know how it feels on the first day of school, or how it feels to be new in class. We soon figure out who the smart ones are, and the social ones, and the snobs, and the mean ones. We come in, acknowledge the room and hang out with our friends. Those who are not like us...well, we aren't sharing our lunch with them!

    So, join our "clique"~ we will support you in this journey!

    I am sorry you felt violated; we are larger than the few troubled souls among us.

    I saw a quote from Albert Einstein today:
    "In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity"

    Hugs and peace to you,
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    carkris said:

    I did not do well with chemo
    I did not do well with chemo but rads as CC said was a piece of cake. Everyone here has been spot on. Every once in a while you get some one who is a bit 'off" I dont know her but I hope she gets help. I felt angry and a bit frustrated but mostly because of how wonderful everyone here really is. We truely become protective of each other and care. And when someone comes in and interferes with the good we are trying to do it ticks me off. We are dealing with something that many people do not understand and dealing with people like that can suck your energy if you let them. As Chen said after a while you start to figure out who is real or not. I have to say I did not catch on as quickly because I have been involved in getting back to life and work. anyway move on th the most important thing and that is you and your health. Praying for good test results and then moving on to rads and your life after cancer.

    Don't beat yourself up there
    Don't beat yourself up there as I thought she sounded (and maybe was legit for some time). Just got weirder and weirder sounding. I pray that she gets help and gets better.
  • joannstar
    joannstar Member Posts: 403 Member

    Don't beat yourself up there
    Don't beat yourself up there as I thought she sounded (and maybe was legit for some time). Just got weirder and weirder sounding. I pray that she gets help and gets better.

    No more thrashing
    I'm moving on. She's the one that needs help of a professional kind.
    I just got a CLEAN PET scan result from my onc who has cleared me to do rads!! While he is still concerned about my tumor markers being high (41), he said he would retest and can I start rads on Monday. I'm not afraid of it, after having the setup scan which was a piece of cake (not the terrible experience that "she" tried to make it out to be). After chemo, I don't expect to have any problems. And it feels so good to be back in the fight.
    Thank you all for your amazing support.
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    joannstar said:

    No more thrashing
    I'm moving on. She's the one that needs help of a professional kind.
    I just got a CLEAN PET scan result from my onc who has cleared me to do rads!! While he is still concerned about my tumor markers being high (41), he said he would retest and can I start rads on Monday. I'm not afraid of it, after having the setup scan which was a piece of cake (not the terrible experience that "she" tried to make it out to be). After chemo, I don't expect to have any problems. And it feels so good to be back in the fight.
    Thank you all for your amazing support.

    A clean PET scan is just
    A clean PET scan is just awesome news! Yay, yay, yay! I think you will do fine and, if you run into a speed bump, everyone here will try and help.
  • beetle25
    beetle25 Member Posts: 150 Member

    A clean PET scan is just
    A clean PET scan is just awesome news! Yay, yay, yay! I think you will do fine and, if you run into a speed bump, everyone here will try and help.

    Yeah for the clean pet scan
    Yeah for the clean pet scan and I know you will fly through these rads treatment, but as said before if you do have any problems come back to the boards for support that we all need from time to time.
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    joannstar said:

    No more thrashing
    I'm moving on. She's the one that needs help of a professional kind.
    I just got a CLEAN PET scan result from my onc who has cleared me to do rads!! While he is still concerned about my tumor markers being high (41), he said he would retest and can I start rads on Monday. I'm not afraid of it, after having the setup scan which was a piece of cake (not the terrible experience that "she" tried to make it out to be). After chemo, I don't expect to have any problems. And it feels so good to be back in the fight.
    Thank you all for your amazing support.

    Happy, happy, happy about
    Happy, happy, happy about the clean PetScan and even more happy that you realize that rads is doable and that you are tuning out the negative energy that Canjun put out. Good for you. We are here for you every step of the way.