Avastin Treatment

I am newly dx with rectal cancer with mets to one lung. At first they though the cancer was confined to the rectum; however, a chest CT with contrast identified two small lung nodules one measuring 7 mm and the other 3 mm. They were both successfully removed via a VATS procedure two weeks ago.

Yesterday I started chemotherapy receiving Oxaliplatin, 5FU and Leucovorin. They are talking about adding Avastin. From what I've read regarding Avastin there are many negaitve side effects. Also, it mainly speaks to use in rectal cancer with mets to the liver that are not able to be resected. The Avastin helps hault/reduce these tumors through blood restriction. Mets to the lung, absent the liver is not as common in rectal cancer and there isn't as much information on the internet.

My doctor said that with my mets so small in size, limited to the lung and having been successfully removed, I have a better chance for cure. I am to receive 6 chemotherapy treatments then surgery to remove the primary rectal tumor.

My question- have any of you received Avastin and what was your experience with it. Thank you!


  • grannyc
    grannyc Member Posts: 63
    I am currently on Avastin
    and was on it 2 other times, both times before for colon cancer but this time for mets to the liver.
    the only side effect I had was after about 4 or 5 treatments we really had to keep an eye on my blood pressure. other that that it was easy on me.

    Good luck on your treatments and surgery.

  • JoyceSteele
    JoyceSteele Member Posts: 145
    Hi Dean, I was on Avastin for over 14 months, first with Folfox for 12 rounds; the tumors in my liver were much smaller and inactive when I stopped chemo, was then on Avastin only since May, every other week. Just stopped it this week because I am going to have a resection at the end of the month hopefully, will know for sure next week. You have to be off it for 6 weeks prior to surgery (elective) because of wound healing and bleeding.

    As far as side effects, I didn't really have anything too significant. A little blood in my nose frequently, bruised easily, and my always perfect blood pressure skyrocketed and I have since been on BP meds which has it under control and back to perfect again.

    Avastin is an amazing drug. It's certainly a heavy duty one. If you need work done on your teeth most dentists and your oncologist will tell you to go off it for 3-6 weeks prior and after the work. That's for the same reason, bleeding and the wounds may not ever heal.

    I had 6 wonderful months with no chemo, just the Avastin and it was great. Felt wonderful and still do. But my CEA is climbing and the tumors are active again. It looks positive for me to have the resection at the end of the month. Sure hope so. But thanks to Avastin I got many wonderful hours and days with my children, grandcildren, very, very good quality of life.

    I wish you the best. Take care. Joyce
  • mom_2_3
    mom_2_3 Member Posts: 953 Member

    My oncologist told me that for adjuvant therapy Avastin hasn't shown to be of benefit. If there are active tumors she uses it but if someone is NED after surgery she does not. Just something to think about.

  • AnneCan
    AnneCan Member Posts: 3,673 Member
    Welcome Dean
    I am sorry you have to be here, but you came to the right place. I have been on Avastin + folfiri since Sept/09 + have had little ill effects from the avastin, just a little blood when I blow my nose.
  • chicoturner
    chicoturner Member Posts: 282
    Hi Dean, I was on Avastin
    Hi Dean, I was on Avastin for about 1 1/2 years. It was pretty easy for me. I was pulled off due to an increase in diarr.. Remember to stay hydrated. Best to you. Jean
  • chicoturner
    chicoturner Member Posts: 282
    Hi Dean, I was on Avastin
    Hi Dean, I was on Avastin for about 1 1/2 years. It was pretty easy for me. I was pulled off due to an increase in diarr.. Remember to stay hydrated. Best to you. Jean
  • lesvanb
    lesvanb Member Posts: 905
    mom_2_3 said:


    My oncologist told me that for adjuvant therapy Avastin hasn't shown to be of benefit. If there are active tumors she uses it but if someone is NED after surgery she does not. Just something to think about.


    My onc told me the same thing
    I was NED after my GI surgery and liver resection for one met to the liver. I did FOLFOX w/out Avastin. Doc showed me some studies re: Avastin and lack of benefit for my case. I don't regret not taking Avastin.

    all the best, Leslie
  • Dean22
    Dean22 Member Posts: 12

    Hi Dean, I was on Avastin
    Hi Dean, I was on Avastin for about 1 1/2 years. It was pretty easy for me. I was pulled off due to an increase in diarr.. Remember to stay hydrated. Best to you. Jean

    Thanks everyone for the kind words and knowledge. I am 47 years old with a 15 year old son and an 11 year old daughter and beautiful wife. I just want to do all that I can to ensure I am still around for some time to come.

    I am concerned with the Avastin and trying to connect how it will help in my situation without any know mets existing. Right now, I'm leaning towards not taking the drug. If other mets show up later (praying they do not) then maybe that would be the time to try the drug. From everyting I've read, the literatue refers to the drug being used with existing mets to the liver or lungs and how it can help shrink and/or eliminate them.

    Having hardly ever been sick a day in my life, taking nothing more than a tylenol once in a great while and now having to deal with all of this medicine and noted side effects is very scary.

    Looking at the 5 year survival stats for stage iv cancer is also very depressing stating only an 11% survival rate. My emotions range from I am going to beat this to my chances of doing so really suck. Thanks again... this board and your kind words and insight is a great help.

  • mukamom
    mukamom Member Posts: 402
    Dean22 said:

    Thanks everyone for the kind words and knowledge. I am 47 years old with a 15 year old son and an 11 year old daughter and beautiful wife. I just want to do all that I can to ensure I am still around for some time to come.

    I am concerned with the Avastin and trying to connect how it will help in my situation without any know mets existing. Right now, I'm leaning towards not taking the drug. If other mets show up later (praying they do not) then maybe that would be the time to try the drug. From everyting I've read, the literatue refers to the drug being used with existing mets to the liver or lungs and how it can help shrink and/or eliminate them.

    Having hardly ever been sick a day in my life, taking nothing more than a tylenol once in a great while and now having to deal with all of this medicine and noted side effects is very scary.

    Looking at the 5 year survival stats for stage iv cancer is also very depressing stating only an 11% survival rate. My emotions range from I am going to beat this to my chances of doing so really suck. Thanks again... this board and your kind words and insight is a great help.


    Don't you
    pay attention to the statistics...they are outdated and misleading. My husband Robert stage iv colon is in over 2 years fighting. Sundanceh has survived 6 years, fighting like hell the whole way. Knowledge is power, and you will learn thru research, your docs, and this board.

    Good luck

  • taraHK
    taraHK Member Posts: 1,952 Member
    my experience
    Hi. I've been on Avastin several times (including now -- in combination with Xeliri). As you know, it can interfere with wound healing. Blood pressure needs to be monitored. For me, I have had no noticeable side effects from it (and no change to blood pressure).

    FYI, my original diagnosis was rectal cancer. I have had lung mets (no liver involement. You are right --- we are a relatively small group -- but there are several on this board -- happy to help in any way.

    My kids were 10 and 12 when I was diagnosed. They have been my primary motivation. They are now 18 and 20!! Yea - I am so glad to have been around

    Good luck and best wishes

  • Lisa_R
    Lisa_R Member Posts: 59
    I have had avastin... in
    I have had avastin... in combo with folfox and eurbitux.. o and oxyplatin.. blood pressure & protein in the urine.. those were my side effects. My oncol would take me off avastin periodically if the protein got too high...

  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    Hi Dean
    I had Avastin when it was first approved back in 2004. They added it 1 month into my treatment with FOLFOX. My situation was that I had a rather large tumor on my hepatic artery in my liver (the main blood supply to the liver) and it made me inoperable at the time. After the 5 months on Avastin it shrank the liver tumor enough so I became able to have the liver resection and be here today. I have little doubt that Avastin did the trick for me by starving the tumors and shrinking them.

    Avastin has been in the news lately and it's not as effective for other forms of cancer so it's gotten "bad press".

    So my experience was extremely positive with Avastin. I could not tell you what any specific side effects were with Avastin since it was added to everything else I was on. I know that the Oxaliplatin caused the sensitivity to cold and some neuropathy.

    I hope this helps and that if you try it that you have positive results.