
so my question is.. there anyone that beat stage 4 colon cancer that went to the abdominal lining?


  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,433 Member

    I am in my 11th year of Stage IV. Pretty much jumping from one treatment to the next. A recent post of mine regarding trials are below. Also my bio has details/history. Part of my lining was removed as part of my first surgery since the tumors were there.

  • Lisa5165
    Lisa5165 Member Posts: 13 Member

    my husband has stage 4 colon and it went to the lining of his peritoneal as well. He has had 6 rounds of chemo (3 days of chemo each round) and went from being very sick, to pretty much back to his old self. I have to remind myself he even has cancer! He went last week to see if he was a candidate for CRS surgery and I was told he was not a candidate, but still waiting for results. A few results have come back online stating no tumors found in the biopsies they took. So..its a waiting game. But he feels good and is able to eat, drink and function as normal with no pain which is great.