What do you do to prevent recurrence?

Arx001 Member Posts: 36 Member


I’m looking into what can I do to minimize recurrence risks other than eating healthy etc. and found this article suggesting that one should attack these specific types of cancer cells to ensure non-recurrence. Anyone care to comment? Do you know about this topic or do you follow a preventive regime that you can share for guidance purposes? I already do (or work on) the basics to prevent a recurrence: sleep, stress, nutrition, activity, env. exposure etc. and think of establishing a specific extra nutritional plan based on this article.


"Cancer stem cells can migrate and nest in distant sites of the body and remain quiescent (dormant) for months, years, or even decades until the right stimuli come along and awaken them. Conventional therapy can shrink tumors; however, it will not prevent tumor recurrence. Sooner or later, lingering cancer stem cells can form new and often more aggressive tumors from a small number of cells (as few as 100). In other words, being “tumor-free” is not the same as being “cancer-free.” Eradicating tumors is not enough. Cancer stem cells must also be eradicated to achieve long-term survival."
