Heart Rate Increase

Hi I’m 25 years old and was diagnosed with High Grade B-Cell Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma stage 2. I recently completed cycle 4 and have 2 more to go. My PET scan showed no active cancer. I’ve experienced fatigue but mostly increased heart rate. I can be walking to the bathroom and my heart rate will reach 120s-160s. Was wondering if anyone else is/has experienced this? I’m told it’s due to dehydration but I’m constantly drinking water and go for hydration infusions. If anyone else has experienced this does it get better and any advice? It’s hard to be active when my heart rate is going a million so I spend a lot of time sitting/laying down after chemo.


  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member

    Sorry to hear this. Does your hematologist have any comment? It may be due to one of the drugs you are receiving, or the particular combination of drugs. If you know the drugs you are receiving, you can check online for those which produce a high heart rate (tachycardia). since this is your heart and your life, I would ask until I received a satisfactory answer. A second opinion would certainly not be out of the question.