Ovarian cancer worries with negative tests



  • AMB85
    AMB85 Member Posts: 12 Member

    I went in to see my PCP on Friday and she drew labs including the CA125. I got results over the weekend but she won't see it until probably today. It was only 10.5. She also ordered a CT with and without contrast hopefully for the first week in March. I'm terrified that the CT won't show anything... What then? How did they find yours? What's your story beyond the CA125?

    The discomfort has been consistently a 4/10 on the pain scale since about midweek last week and Saturday afternoon I became nauseated and the pain and bloating was bad enough I needed to just lay down. Same thing yesterday (Sunday) with the addition of committing three times.. not sure if that's a new symptom or just an upset stomach for another reason.

  • AMB85
    AMB85 Member Posts: 12 Member

    Thank you for your response Carolann. I went in to see my PCP on Friday and she drew labs including the CA125. I got results over the weekend but she won't see it until probably today. It was only 10.5. She also ordered a CT with and without contrast hopefully for the first week in March. I'm terrified that the CT won't show anything... What then? If you didn't have any masses how in the world did they find the cancer?? And it wasn't just ovarian but peritoneal cancer? They must have found masses or done exploratory surgery?

  • AMB85
    AMB85 Member Posts: 12 Member

    My doctor did order a CT with and without contrast. I didn't have to demand anything, she's concerned also. I'm scared to death they won't find anything on my CT... Then what? 😓

  • AMB85
    AMB85 Member Posts: 12 Member

    Hi Heritage07. I went in to see my PCP on Friday. She ordered the CA125, other blood work and a CT with and without contrast. I didn't have to press her at all. She's concerned also. I got my results back over the weekend and she will probably see them this morning. My CA125 was only 10.5. you're not the only one on here that has said that they have not had a elevated CA125 and have a diagnosis of ovarian cancer…

    Im not familiar with what a "prophylactic BSO" is. This is how they found yours? It wasn't found on the CT? I'm terrified they won't find anything on my CT... Then what? 😓

  • Heritage07
    Heritage07 Member Posts: 4 Member

    AMB85 - when I was diagnosed with breast cancer in late 2020, I found out I have a RAD51D mutation which increases my risk of breast and ovarian cancer. The genetic counselor recommended I consult a gynecological oncologist to determine if a prophylactic or preventive BSO (bilateral Salpingo oophorectomy - removal of ovaries and fallopian tubes) made sense for me. The GYN Onc agreed to do it and the pathology came back with cancer in both ovaries, both fallopian tubes and the pelvic washings. Basically, I got lucky it was at an early stage. The GYN Onc told me if I had waited another 3 months it would have spread significantly.

    If your CT is clear I’d push your doctor on what could be causing your pain and consider ongoing surveillance. I wish you the best.

  • AMB85
    AMB85 Member Posts: 12 Member
    edited February 24 #27

    I'm SO thankful they found it early! That truly is a blessing! Thank you for your information. I am well aware that there's a high probability that I don't have ovarian cancer but if they can't find any other reason for this I just hope they will keep looking until they do find a reason. My life has changed since December 😥 I want to feel normal and healthy again as I'm sure most on this forum feel. Thank you again, much appreciated 🩷