Post AMS 800 recovery pain

DC10man Member Posts: 3 *

I had the AMS 800 implanted on January 14 and it is now January 31. My perineum incision healed well but my incision across my lower stomach, though it looks good on the surface, gives me shooting pains if I do anything other than lay on my back all day long. Is this to be expected? My surgeon said I should walk but that only aggravates the problem. Any idea how long this will go on? I only stayed on narcotics for a week. Should I ask for a refill?


  • jc5549
    jc5549 Member Posts: 71 Member

    You should not feel like you have to lay on your back all the time 17 days after the procedure.

    Does it hurt right over the incision or down in your testicles where the pump is? If you’re still swollen, you might have your look at make sure nothing is infected.


  • Josephg
    Josephg Member Posts: 485 Member

    IMO, at 17 days, you should not feel any acute pain associated with the surgery. Something is not right, and it should be looked at by the surgeon. I was up and walking around on the second day, following my AUS 800 surgery, and I've had 2 surgeries for this implant (first one failed after six years). I was off narcotics on the third day following surgery.

    I've seen instances (not on AUS800 surgeries) where a piece of stomach muscle got caught in the incision closure process, which caused acute pain, until it was repaired.

    I recommend demanding a visit and consult with the surgeon.

  • DC10man
    DC10man Member Posts: 3 *

    I am usually pain free when I first get up after laying flat all night but through the day sitting, bending, twisting etc. aggravates the subsurface of the incision. I see the doc on next Wednesday and will stress that this ‘recovery’ seems to be more than what others have experienced. Thanks for the response.

  • DC10man
    DC10man Member Posts: 3 *

    Though my scrotum is still sensitive I can tell it is lessening. The pain is gone when I get up in the morning but resumes through the day. I will advise my doc on next Wednesday that others have healed much faster. Thanks for the response.