Recently diagnosed. What treatment?

Watercolor Member Posts: 46 Member

Nodule happened to show on an MRI doctor ordered. CT scan, PT scan, interventional radiology biopsy done = upper right lobe cancer. Not metastatic, 1.a - 1.b. I've seen oncologist, radiation oncologist, thoracic surgeon. Luckily I live near a big hospital complex which includes a cancer center. 'Bout time for me to decide — what treatment? I have good insurance — Medicare and BCBSIL supplemental Plan F. I didn't get Plan D / drugs. Should have. (I'm 78, NO family, never smoked.) 'Bout time for me to decide — what treatment? Chemo / systemic drugs ($$) and thoracic surgery scare me. Radiation is OK. (I had DCIS 22 years ago. Lumpectomy, radiation, tamoxifen. No problems with anything.) Has anyone had radiation only for lung cancer? Good results?