New to Reluctant Brotherhood

capecodder Member Posts: 13 Member

Thanks to this great forum as I am learning lots about things I wish I never had to learn. 65-yr old living with my wife on Cape Cod. I am recently diagnosed with 7 of 15 cores malignant, (6 cores 3+3 and one 4+3 at target lesion found on MRI, plus two cores list “High-grade PIN”), in left mid core “Perineural invasion is present.” PSA 1.97, digital rectal exam found small nodule, which led to MRI and biopsy. I have long history of BPH. Father had PCa late 60 years old, treated with the “seeds”, died of metastatic cancer at 89, so not so sure about seed treatment. Decipher test ordered but no results yet.

With Dana Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI- a top Center of Excellence) 90 minutes away in Boston, I have scheduled appointments there with an oncologist, radiation doctor, and a surgeon over next 45+ days. DFCI just did a second reading of biopsy slides and came back with same six 3+3 scores and the following at target area: “TARGET LT POST LAT:PROSTATIC ADENOCARCINOMA, focus too small for precise Gleason grading, see NOTE. No perineural invasion. NOTE: The focus is too small for precise Gleason grading. No definitive component of pattern 4 identified.”

In an initial discussion with Dana Farber oncologist, he said he feels I am between Grade Group 1 and 3, but basically low risk at this point.

Am reading Dr. Patrick Walsh’s book as recommended- very helpful. Starting to learn about possible treatments and want to consider all, including focal (watching swl1956’s posts) ablation, and proton radiation.

Have not told my son or daughter yet, or any other family members (other than my wife who was with me for biopsy results). I am a Christian who tries to trust God’s plan, and would welcome prayers from others so want to share with other Christians and friends, but not sure if I want my PCa to be public knowledge yet. I think I will wait until all 3 meetings with the Dana Farber doctors are complete and I have a better idea of treatment plan before sharing with family and close friends. Any advice from this group on how and when to tell family members is welcome. Also, any thoughts on how many others to let know is appreciated.

Thankful for this forum!


  • Clevelandguy
    Clevelandguy Member Posts: 1,290 Member


    Sounds like you are going down the right path meeting with your team of doctors. In my humble non medical opinion the PNI is nothing to mess with. Once the cancer leaves the Prostate its a different ball game. It’s totally up to you and your family to inform who ever you wish. I just told a limited number of close family and friends. Good luck in the next few weeks, study and decide whats makes sense to you. I have included a link for you to study.

    Dave 3+4

  • capecodder
    capecodder Member Posts: 13 Member

    thanks @Clevelandguy!

  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,732 Member


    Welcome to the board.

    I also think that you are doing well in consulting various PCa specialists to reach to a decision in a therapy of your choice. In any case, you shouldn't discard brachytherapy just because it didn't well in father's case. PCa cases maybe similar but never equal.

    Thought you had BPH, your PSA seems lower at 1.97 ng/ml to have it into consideration/significance in the cancer issue. Gleason rate 3 is the lowest but 7 positive cores (out of 15) clarify the case as voluminous.

    In your shoes I would do a 68Ga-PSMA PET exam before meeting all those doctors.

    Best wishes in this journey.


  • capecodder
    capecodder Member Posts: 13 Member

    Thank you @VascodaGama. What is the 68Ga-PSMA PET exam?

  • Marlon
    Marlon Member Posts: 158 Member

    I didnt tell anyone other than my wife until I had the biopsy results and was making a decision. Then it was only trusted family members and a couple of friends who had dealt with it too. Even now post-surgery, only a few other friends know. What I found is that very few people know anything about prostate cancer, and so telling some people was making them uncomfortable.

    Your age is a factor in determining which treatment options are feasible. But mostly, it's the cancer itself that determines what will be needed.

  • capecodder
    capecodder Member Posts: 13 Member

    Thanks @Marlon!

  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,732 Member

    PSMA PET exams became essential imaginary tools after the positive diagnosis of PCa to add info on the extention of the illness. It helps in judging possible existance of extraprostatic extention or far metastases which would rule out treatments for contained cases.

    In USA, there are several types of PET exames being the 68Ga-PSMA and the F18 Pylarify PSMA the best in PCa detection.

    You can Google the terms for details.

    Best wishes


  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,611 Member

    Trust Dana 😀

  • capecodder
    capecodder Member Posts: 13 Member

    @Old Salt, Dana is listed as a top Center of Excellence, so I will trust the docs there! Thanks

  • Khaffey
    Khaffey Member Posts: 16 Member

    I also gained much knowledge from this discussion board and Dr. Walsh's book. Also many hours of research. I'm going on 4 weeks post surgery and feeling good. As far as telling other people about your prostate cancer, mine was no secret. I talked about it with anyone who would listen, some guys didn't even know what a PSA blood test was. The way I look at it, if I make a difference for one person, it was worth it. Good Luck!

  • capecodder
    capecodder Member Posts: 13 Member

    @Khaffey Thanks. What has been the hardest part of your post-surgery experience?

  • Khaffey
    Khaffey Member Posts: 16 Member

    I'm a supervisor with the NYC Dept. of Buildings. Before I had surgery, I talked about it with all my guys. I returned to work yesterday and several of them told me that they had made appointments for PSA testing. That makes it all worth while. Getting to your question, everyone's tolerance is different. I found the most difficult part of my post surgery recovery was the first 4 or 5 days. It just was very difficult to move. From sitting to standing, finding a comfortable position in bed, ( we have one of those adjustable beds which made that easier), and dealing with the catheter. After a day or two, the catheter is not a problem, and each day saw improvement. Today I'm 4 weeks out and feel great. Slight incontinence is more of a nuisance than a problem for me. I'm finding out that life is going to be a little different, and from what others who have been there have said, just be patient, things continue to improve. The main thing for me is that the cancer is gone. Whatever treatments you decide, make sure that it is done where they deal with this all the time. Research is key.

  • Steve1961
    Steve1961 Member Posts: 677 Member
    edited March 12 #14

    incan tell you my story. The high-grade cancer they are talking about with you most likely it could be cribiform. I’m sure you’ll find out once you get the testing back ..after I got my testing back that’s what they told me. I had cribiform . I was 57. I was frightened to death of surgery and now I don’t know why i was … I reluctantly chose the radiation route, first of all the radiation after my third treatment, I could not urinate at all. I had to take Flomax in order to urinate not because I was urinating too much. I could not urinate at all without it and I was on for years. It Also has messed up my bowels and i have had loose stools ever since. And then I went in for a brakytherapy booster because it was high grade and that left me with bloody hemorrhoids for a week and leaking of the bowels for about six months. And after all that my PSA slowly dropped to 0.8 and I thought it was good , but back in 23 late 2023 it started to climb three straight positive test went up to 1.8 so another MRI and biopsy skowed the cancer was still there. It was not a new tumor. It was in the same spot but the only cancer that was there was the Gleason 4 Cribiform . Of course the radiologist denied that it was radiation resistant he wanted to do it again. I had two top notch surgeons one at UCLA and one at UCSF San Francisco. Tell me that as of late they are finding out that cribiform can be radiation resistant the tumor was right next to the gold marker. It was targeted right there. What does that tell you be careful, my friend if it comes back that you have cribiform I would not even give radiation a second thought , I was fortunate enough to have it still contained the prostate no invasion or anything. I found a miracle worker by the name of Dr. Robert Reiter down at UCLA who performed salvage surgery on me and did a fantastic job and April 1 will be my one year anniversary and hopefully I will still remain cancer free. Good luck to you , beware though if you have cribiform I would not take any chances with radiation …the surgery was really a piece of cake for me and also if you choose the surgery route you have a back up plan radiation which I don’t have because you can only do radiation once a I can’t do radiation twice. That’s just my opinion. Good luck with your decision.

  • NYguy99
    NYguy99 Member Posts: 12 Member

    My psa jumped early this year, normal routine mri, then biopsy, psma scan, chose sbrt in Oct with 5 doses rad done in two weeks in Dec. I am single, with a brother, sister and mom. I have only told 2 friends, and that was only because I needed a ride home from biopsy and marker placement. My reasoning ... I feel I should be in remission for at least 5 years. Why worry them? If it was terminal, I would have said something. Until then I will walk this path alone.

  • capecodder
    capecodder Member Posts: 13 Member

    Thanks @NYguy99!