Blogging about Cancer

dhelfrichvt Member Posts: 3 Member

When I was battling stage 3 breast cancer, talking about it was tough, but I still wanted people to understand what I was going through. Since I’m more of a writer than a talker, I started a blog to process everything and keep others in the loop when I didn’t feel like speaking. I also found comfort in reading others' stories, so I thought I'd share mine here in case it helps someone else.

If you have a blog you’d like to share, I’d love to read it too!

Here's my blog: Debby Does Chemo

(A Blog about Breast Cancer, but Funnier)

In early September 2016, I was diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer. I had plans—a growing dog-related business, a 20+-year career in proposal management, a passion for European travel, family and friends—and cancer took a big crappola on all of that. This blog captures my experience with cancer—doubt, diarrhea, dark days, and even delight (at times)—and into recovery. It's a front row seat to what it’s like to look cancer in the hairy eyeball.