Gist Tumor and scared to death

Tanarra46 Member Posts: 1 Member

I was diagnose with a GIST tumor at the end of August of this year. I had sugrey to remove the tumor and was told that all the tumor was removed. I was in the hospital for almost 2 months to heal. I have never experience anything like this before. I'm so scared that the tumor will return and i can not really talk to my family about what i am feeling because i dont want to scare them. I'm already feeling like a burden because me and my husband had to move in with my sons and all of them are working to take care of me financially. I can't work because I'm healing and I'm scared if i work to much my insurance will not pay for my medicine and we cannot afford it at all.


  • MikeGui
    MikeGui Member Posts: 1 *

    Sorry to hear about your diagnosis, but if it was caught early the prognosis is good. Assuming they will put you on a specific medication for the strain of GIST you had. There is light at the end of the tunnel.

    My GIST was found a year ago after it was missed in a hospital stay a month prior. Mine burst, so there road is different. But if they got yours fully in the surgery, that bodes well.

    Stay strong. It is a treatable tumor type. Prayers for you!