Scans stress me out

Bossmg2000 Member Posts: 4 Member

Do any of you get scanziety. I get very anxious for days before. To make it worse I got one recently with one small thing on it. My doc got another radiologist to read it and he came back with a few areas of concern. To of the tests came out fine for me but Monday I have a triple MRI checking for possible diffused bone lesions. That Will be 90 mins in the MRI tube. It feels like every scan and every test is life or death. So overwhelming. Cancer takes in so many ways and it just keeps taking. Fingers crossed for good results.


  • scabledog
    scabledog Member Posts: 18 Member

    Yes absolutely. I know others that feel the same way so it is not just you. Hard to not feel anxious when the results determine your well being going forward. I've been doing these since 2018 for kidney cancer and I feel this way every time. You are feeling perfectly normal under the circumstances! Hope for your continued good results…

  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member

    I feel safe to say that anyone traveling on the cancer journey has some level of anxiety about upcoming scans. Finding a way to deal with the anxiety is the tricky part. Talking about this anxiety and understanding that you are not alone is comforting and empowering. Cancer does "take" a lot from us….if we let it. Cancer "took" a lot from me until I realized it "gave" a lot. I became a better husband, father, and friend because of the impact cancer had on me. This revelation took time to develop, and almost ten years after my diagnosis, I still have to focus on my blessings. If we let cancer take…it will. Don't let it.

    Wishing you only the best with your scan results!


  • Bossmg2000
    Bossmg2000 Member Posts: 4 Member

    Thank you both for your comments. Your comments helped a lot. With more than ten areas lit up on my last pet scan all came back as nothing. Just amazing between two totally different readings of the pet to all clear has been a ride. Thank you all

  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member

    Good news indeed!! Thanks for the update.


  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,051 Member

    I looked upon scans as the only way to find out if the Cancer had popped up in another part of my body. They became a routine for me for over 16 years; and because I only had 1 kidney, I had to have pre and post infusions of saline solution plus drink the barium sulfate.

    After the original surgery in 2006 removed: R kidney, L lobe of liver, set of nodes posterior to R. kidney w/ 2 of 11 positive, plus check my gall bladder and remove it and a duct due to a congenital defect….you get the picture. Wait a year and the difference between a winter and spring CT showed an enlarging node; surgery and removal in 2007. Repeat the same story for surgery in 2008.

    I wish I could say that it was smooth sailing, but the CT's, sometimes Chest-Xray with US of abdomen, or even an MRI found things in my R lobe of liver, thyroid gland, and even mammograms let to call-backs.

    Finally, a year ago, my ONC wrote a letter saying he was retiring and there had been nothing showing in the previous 5 years of tests, so he would leave me in the care of my internist and nephrologist. And what ever other docs have to monitor for people my age.

    As I whispered to my new baby granddaughter back in 2006, "I'm going to attend your wedding, but you can't get married until you're 50." She's at the University, now, and stressing over a CT is the least of my worries. It's just another appointment to me.

    All good luck in learning to tone down your stress levels and focus on living.
