Massive cramping in the incision area

haiku Member Posts: 1 *


Last Feb 2023, I had a nephrectomy (right kidney), cholecystectomy, and a colectomy, all in one go... right after the operation, it was excruciating to put weight on my right foot. I thought it was normal since the nephrectomy incision was on the right side. So many months after, I get camps (muscle knotting) on the right flank area. This means I need to stop whatever I'm doing and change position when I feel the muscle in that area will be used. It's not sharp pai, but very similar to a leg cramp except in the flank area….I tried to ignore but it turned out to be a big mistake. I felt waves of involuntary muscle knotting deep inside of me, similar to a baby kicking in my belly. Does this sound familiar to anyone?